Womanizing Mage

Chapter 462: Her Majesty

Degree **, Nalan is so soft and soft in the dragon's arms, the body is shining with pink light under the illumination of the light, blending with an extremely attractive style. \www.qΒ5. Com\

"Smelly husband, you are so good, let me see how dreams before." Nalan's pretty face is still smeared with a layer of red blush, while on the thick chest of the dragon to ponder the side of the delicate.

"Oh, I am embarrassed that the little girl is right, our husband and wife are the best of the world, but the little girl is between us, it is time for her to understand." Long Yi smiled With the snowy skin in the arms of the jade, it is silky and soft, and it is not tired.

Nalan supported her body like a month, and her white and tender ** was even more thrilling. She was white and looked at her eyes. She didn’t have the air. "Don't think that I don't know what you are doing, you don't want the sisters to eat."

The dragon smiled and said that it is absolutely impossible to say that there is no such thing. The little Loli is also very human. How can a man who is physically and mentally normal not be tempted?

"French, you are going to say, is this idea to be played?" Nalan was pressed to the body of Long Yi.

"How is it possible? Am I kind of person?" The dragon looked innocent and killed him. He could not admit it in front of Nalan.

"What do you mean by saying that you should not be like a dream? If the dream is almost fifteen years old, these days you hold her to sleep every day, but now you say that you should not be like a dream, you ... the beginning of chaos and abandon." He sat down and turned and left the dragon with a white and beautiful jade back.

Hey... Long Yi’s brain is on the spot, is this woman pinching like this?

Nalan saw her in the back half a month and didn't move. She turned her head and looked. I saw that Long Yi looked dull and did not know what he was thinking. He couldn’t help but laugh out.

"Laughter. The **** is itching again." The dragon returned to God and said, "I’m looking up."

Nalan smiled and sneaked into the dragon's arms. It seems that she has already thoroughly understood the character of the dragon.

"Frather, don't be angry, such as the dream of the beginning of the sin. Her idiots can also see that you can follow the mainland's universal calendar, the women's fifteen parties can be a pro-family, as if the dream is still half a year to fifteen, before this. She is not allowed to eat her." Nalan muttered in the arms of the dragon.

"That other place..." The dragon smirked.

"Others, you still ask me. Do you have to do all the things you should not do? Anyway, the last step is less than the dream of fifteen." Nalan said in a bite on the chest of a dragon.

"No problem, no problem." Long Yixiao smiled, although the little Loli is pleasing but still very young, the mainland stipulates that the woman's fifteen party can be broken into a pro-independence, it is not too early to hurt.


** The sun shines on the sea, and the smoke rises from the deep blue sea. At first glance, the smoke is lingering, thinking that it has soared to the fairyland. It was only the hot air that made people awake to realize that they were like buns on the stove at this time, and they were swelling and zooming.

Since the last typhoon, Cangyu City has been exposed to the sun for many days. The abnormal weather of overheating caused many people with weak constitutions to die, and people in the city were bleak for a time. Thousands of beggars seek for the heavens to drop the nectar, and spend the 100-year-old hot summer in peace.

It was the afternoon time, the highest temperature in the day, the streets were cold and clear, and there were only a few shops on the sides, and the open shop owners squatted in the chairs one by one. The magic fan twitched and turned around, but the wind that was blown out was also hot, and it could not bring coolness.

Suddenly, the sky thundered. The wind is raging, and the sun is covered by dark clouds in an instant, and the wind whispers through the wall. Countless flags cracked. The heat was blown away.

"It's raining, it's going to rain, God bless my Naran empire." No hundreds of surnames rushed from the house to the streets, all in tears, and the gods of light did not abandon his people.

Nourish, bang. Several silver-violet lightnings tore up the sky. Then the thunder rumbling. The darker the darker the pressure, the finer the raindrops have fallen. The entire Cangyue City is full of joy, no more rain, I am afraid that many people will be crazy.

The rain grew bigger and bigger, and in a short time it became a pouring rain, scouring the hot roof and pavement, and hundreds of surnames screamed and screamed in the heavy rain, grateful for a heavy rain.

The dragon was surrounded by bath towels, and stood naked on the balcony of Nalan’s palace, looking at the pouring rain outside, and a strange smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"French, what are you laughing at?" Nalan asked in a silk gown to hug the waist of Longyi from behind.

"Last night I watched the stars at night, it seems that there is no sign of rain." The dragon's big hand said in Nalan's small hand around his waist.

"The husband said as he said, last night you have been constantly making bad, how can you see what?

. "Nalan is so blushing in her face."

Long Yixiao laughed twice. He knew some fur for the astrology. At least the phenomenon of moon hail and rain was still known, but the others were far worse.

"Moon, do you have to explore the skills of your husband? Now I remind you, you should put on your body, the emperor's costume is ready to be crowned." Long looked at the outside and the rain was deep. Test the road.

Nalan loosened the dragon's waist like a moon, stood on the side of his side and looked at him doubtfully. He asked, "Why? Is it true that the Pope is coming? According to intelligence, he should arrive tomorrow."

"Do you believe me?" You feel carefully, have you found anything wrong?" Long said with a smile.

Nalan heard the words closed her eyes, and the mental power spread out in all directions, searching for what was wrong. Suddenly, she opened her eyes. She thought she knew that something was wrong. Generally, natural phenomena such as wind and rain would have magical fluctuations, but it was never as strong as it is now. The signs of fluctuation are like casting. What happens when magic occurs, not naturally.

"French, do you mean that this heavy rain is caused by man?" Nalan looked up like a month, although it is doubtful, but the tone is very confident.

"Yes, it is not difficult to cover the rainfall of such a big city in Cangyuecheng. The curse can be achieved, but this obviously has no violent amount of cursing. It can only be the magic that many people unite to cast, if I guess Yes, this rain stopped, the bright Pope Charles is coming." Long said with a smile, the heart is admiring Charles's set, this heavy rain will undoubtedly be attributed to the power of the Light God, naturally he is Charles The role of the believers in the Church of Light will be more loyal to Charles and the God of Light because of this timely rain, and it will be more loyal.


Long Yi said that Nalan has no doubts, and a notice makes the entire palace busy. At this time, the emperor’s coronation is not a fixed day. When will the Pope come to be crowned, even if it is night The time is also divided into lights.

The rain gradually stopped, the clouds in the air dispersed, and the water vapor in the sky formed a thick white cloud in the air, blocking the heat of the sun. The entire Cangyu City was cool and windy, and the sea breeze blew.

The north gate of Cangyue City is full of excitement. All the sacrificial rituals and the light warriors in the Guangming Cathedral have been dispatched. They stand on both sides of the official road outside the city gate. The sacred sacrifices of Kailin and the oriental can be Column.

Such a battle has made everyone guess the arrival of the bright Pope Charles, and the whole city is rejoicing, because it indicates that the Nalan Empire is no longer in a situation where there is no leader, and they have a new spiritual pillar.

Nalan was put on the newly designed Queen's costumes in the play of the ladies, wearing a splendid crown, and the majesty and momentum that deliberately dissipated, the faint chill and sharp eyes, let When someone in the place looked at the eye, it seems that Nalan was born as a queen, and she should be the natural country to dominate the country.

"Sister, my sister is so beautiful now, but it seems to make people feel scared." Nalan said as she held the arm of Longyi.

The dragon smiled and looked at Nalan’s gaze as if looking at the peerless art created from his own hands. That kind of smugness can be expressed in words. Yes, Nalan will become the mainland of the sky. A generation of empresses. This feeling is like the birth of Beitang Yu, who looked at her, and the name is shocking, it is an unspeakable satisfaction.

With a bang, Nalan sat on the hem of the gorgeous emperor's robe, sitting straight on the wide chair above the hips, the imposing manner that all the people underneath were shocked and left, subconsciously awe. Looking at her eyes, she kneels down and salutes.

Nalan looked at the palace guards squatting down like a month, and her heart was still a little embarrassed. She looked up and looked at the dragon that was looking at her with appreciation. The bottom of her heart was not enough.

"Anxious, princess... Her Majesty the Queen, the bright Pope Charles will soon arrive at the North Gate." The rushing incoming commander saw the Nalan as if wearing a gorgeous empress costume on the majesty, sitting neatly below. A few rows of palace guards were on the floor, and the name of the princess was immediately changed to Her Majesty.

"So, then set off." Nalan stood up like a month, faintly said.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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