Womanizing Mage

Chapter 471: Really a bright god?

Fang Kexin and the sacred sacrifice of Kailin and his party back to the Guangming General Assembly, wanting to come is only a guest appearance, and now restored the dress of the saint. \\\\www.qΒ5. Com//

Kailin did not make more stops, and with the words of Dongfang Kexin, she hurried away with the remaining three red dresses.

"Can be sweet, you wait a minute." Long Yi called him to be the air of the oriental can.

The oriental singer's footsteps were slightly stagnation. After all, she stopped. She turned and looked at the dragon one indifferently. "What?"

The dragon sighed in the heart, although the oriental can not be very careless, but the trace of panic in her eyes was concealed too much. He took Nalan’s dream and went over and said: “I went to Charles to discuss A little bit, these two little girls will take care of me first."

"Sister-in-law..." Nalan replied unwillingly, but she succumbed to the majestic eyes of the dragon, and a small mouth was high.

Dongfang Kexin wanted to reject it, but found that he had nowhere to nod. He had to hold out his hands to hold the little girl into his arms, and the little girl went back strangely without protest.

Inadvertently, Dongfang Kexin gently rubbed with Longyi’s big hand while holding the girl, and a subtle current flashed at the moment, and she was so eager to jump, the feeling of crispness and numbness spread all over the body. Those sweet, painful memories swept through, making her almost impossible to make.

When the East was able to return to the gods, Long Yi had stepped into the church. The straight spine was as tough as a mountain, and it seemed that it could lift the whole world.

"I am thinking about this." Dongfang Kexin shook his head suddenly, and the figure of Long Yi had disappeared in front of his eyes, and his heart seemed to be somewhat lost.

"Don't watch, my brother-in-law has already left. I like it, I like it, but also cover it up, and make it!" Nalan dreamed of the oriental heart, and snorted.

The eastern side was white and white, and turned back to look at Nalan’s dream with a sly look. He said sharply: "Who likes him? I will like him if I blink."

Nalan was shocked by her dreams and couldn't help but step back two steps. She didn't expect the reaction of Dongfang Xinxin to be so big. When she slowed down and felt that she didn't have to be afraid of her, she couldn't help but stretch her neck and squinted her head: "You have blinded your eyes. You lied to yourself, really lost our woman's face, I was too lazy to care about you, girl. Child, go with my sister."

Nalan dreamed of going forward and took the girl back. She rushed to the east and turned to leave the Guangming Cathedral.

The oriental can change her mind and bite her teeth. In any case, she promised that Long Yi would do it.


"The Pope is inside, the young master of the West Gate invites you." The priest said that he took the dragon to a room on the top floor of the Guangming Church and said that he would retreat after a slight bow.

This is a closed stone gate. The stone gate is engraved with some pictures of the church legend. The gods and devils are vivid, and Long knows that each of the top floors of the cathedral will basically build such a stone room. It is the place where the pope lived, and it is not known why it is built.

Long Yi looked at the door for a long while, reaching out and holding the stone door and slowly pushing it away, and a soft circle of light came out through it.

When the stone door that was squeaking was completely opened, Charles saw the float floating in the air, and the halo of the circle was radiated from his body, with extremely bright magical elements.

The dragon stepped slowly and the stone door behind it closed automatically. At this time, Charles also opened his eyes and slowly fell. His expression was calm and his eyes were soft. If he didn't know his hypocritical mask, I am afraid that Long Yi would have been fooled by him.

"The Pope is looking for me and I don't know what's going on? I can't really do anything about the inheritance of the gods." Long said as he looked at the spacious stone room.

"Of course you have something to look for. Have you found out that this stone room is different?" Charles took two steps. I looked at the dragon and asked.

"Do you want the field?" The dragon shrugged and looked casually.

"Not a field. It is a **** domain." Charles said with a smile. The finger gently bounced the lace between the waist.

"Divine? How about that?" Long listened to Charles's words and looked at his movements. I always feel that there is a weird feeling that I can't tell.

"Nothing, I want to see how much you have passed to Raytheon." As soon as Charles finished, suddenly his hands waved, the space settled at this moment, and the four corners of the stone room suddenly flashed four huge light blades, flashing The glaring white mans attacked Dragon One from four different directions.

The dragon was horrified and found that he could not move at all. Even his Raytheon field could not be cast, only like the meat on the cutting board.

Cut. He knew very well that if he was hit by these four super-light blades, he would not be able to break it.

The four huge light blades blinked in front of me. The dragon was tight and clenched, and he never thought that the Pope would have such strength.

At this moment, the dragon's consciousness of the thunder in the sea was violently rotated, and a golden lightning bolt appeared from the eye of the dragon. The whole person was surrounded by silver-violet rays in an instant, and at that time the four light blades had The attack with the split of the sky was hit.

The shape of the dragon suddenly trembled. Only the whole body was pulsed, and the internal organs seemed to be twisted together. The throat was sweet and the corner of the mouth was hung. But then a warm breath of the body, countless silver-purple Thunder magic elves cheered in the body, as if the whole person is composed of Thunder magic elements.

The strength of the earth began to fill the whole body, and the lightning mark of the dragon's eyebrows became more and more awkward. It was a kind of palm-handed feeling, and the dragon always wanted to roar.

Waiting for the dragon's silver-violet light to converge, he was surprised to find that his body had a silver-purple breastplate, the heavy texture, the mysterious runes, the energy of the power of violent lightning, all of which explained It’s the dragon’s dream that the dragon’s armor can be put on. Although it’s just a breastplate, it’s enough to make the dragon ecstasy unspeakable.

Charles looked at the thunder breastplate of the dragon, but the scorpion suddenly flashed a sad feeling, seemingly reminiscing about the past.

"Don't be too early, your qualifications are excellent, but your ability at this time is not enough to control the thunder, this breastplate is only at the crisis to save your life." Charles saw the dragon from the end In the excitement, I can't help but pour cold water.

It seems that Charles's words were tested, and the lightning mark of the dragon's eyebrows began to fade, and the thunder of the dragon was retracted into the body.

When Long Yi felt that the power brought by Raytheon also passed away, his heart could not help but fall. When he had such a strong force, how could he be willing to let it be a flash in the pan? That is the power of God. He thought he had seen the strongest power in the world. He was like a sword god, and the **** of law had three dragons, but those who were too small in front of this power.

"One day, I will definitely wear the Raytheon suit completely." Long Yi vowed in the loss, and since then, his goal has gone one step further.

After a short time, Longyi gathered his mood and looked up at Charles. He flashed a glimpse of light. He smiled and asked: "You are not Charles, who are you?"

"You only find out now? Is it a bit slow?" Charles laughed.

"Let me guess your identity, will it not be the legendary light god?" Long Yi went to Charles and asked, although not 100% sure, but at least 80% may be the **** of light.

"What do you say?" Charles laughed, perhaps at this time should be called the **** of light.

"It’s hard to find a word that can be said. The dark **** of Raytheon said that I was confused. You will tell me everything." Long said two steps, he really wants to know the gods. where is it? What is the composition of this world? What happened to the Seven Lords of God?

The eyes of Guangming God flashed and shook their heads and smiled: "Don't let you know that you don't want to know your truth. You will understand later, my **** power will not last long. I will not be able to return this body for a long time. Charles, I have already moved a little in his consciousness, and he will not appear in front of the world for ten years. You can do it yourself."

"Hey, you don't tell me how to help me, if you don't say I will quit, too lazy to control the broken things in your gods." Long Yi threatened.

"You are already in the game, and some things can't be transferred by your will." Charles smiled and reached for the hair behind his ears.

The dragon was stunned and magnified, and the action was too feminine. Could it be that this bright **** is broken down? Or the light **** is a woman.

When Charles saw the expression of Long Yi, he also noticed that his movements were not right and he hurriedly put his hands.

At this moment, Long Yi’s sea of ​​consciousness suddenly jumped, and the milky white vortex suddenly began to tremble. This shock seemed to mean that the air in the entire stone room began to fluctuate, and a milky white light flew out of Charles’s body. I immediately got into the eyebrow of Long Yi.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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