Womanizing Mage

Chapter 492: Jingjing

Long Yiqiang resisted the surprise in his heart and felt that the woody smoke had entered the room of the wind magician next door. //www. Qb5.com//

"Day, this girl is not going to give Laozi a green hat." The dragon frowned, got up and went back to the small hole and looked around, but he saw the magician and the girl dressed in clothes, and the wood contained The smoke stood there coldly.

The girl’s clothes rushed out of the box in a messy way. There were only two people in the wood and the wind magician. The wood smoked open, but the dragon didn’t hear anything because she was going out there. At that time, a layer of soundproof enchantment was set up. In order not to stun the snake, the dragon did not dare to break the sound enchantment.

However, if the dragon looks at the old man's face and respects, it should be a subordinate of woody cigarettes. This makes the amy of the mysterious woody cigarettes once again add a halo.

What is the identity of woody smoke? Why is there a wind and a big magician looking for a person who should not exist in this world? The dragon can't understand it.

At this moment, the beautiful woman who had just come up with the dragon had come over and saw that Long was drinking tea with ease and leisurely. He couldn’t help but smile: "You are leisurely. In the past, those men who wanted to see the Jingjing girl were not Wait until the fire is hot."

The dragon smiled and said: "Look at your expression, the Jingjing girl seems to agree."

"You can see it is true, but there are two guests in the Jingjing girl, but you are not alone." The beautiful woman chuckled.

"I just want to see if this Jingjing girl is a real name. In fact, I am respectful of this kind of woman who is tall. The most intimate thing is to find a beautiful person like you." Stepping forward, the claws are gently stroked on the buttocks of the beautiful woman.

"You can really laugh. I can see you in the eyes of this ruined flower, although I was also a famous leader in the Baiyun Lake, but it is not the same as before, the beauty is late." The beautiful woman waved slightly Flashing the dragon's wolf claws. The mouth is delicate and said.

It’s just that Long Yi is also step by step. The wolf claws always eat tofu on her hips when she walks. This makes the beautiful woman’s eyes look surprised, but she is no longer trying to dodge.

"The guests are really hidden, the little woman admire." The beautiful woman smiled slyly and smiled. The pace of going forward was slower. It seemed that she deliberately wanted to make the dragon look like some oil.

"That is that, I have few opponents in this flower. The beauty of the sky in the mainland can be a lot of good, but after my training. No two days are obedient, sticking to the ground, oh. Master lonely. Ah.” Long Yi shook his head and said, but let the beautiful woman laugh and laugh out. This smile is a real smile, not just a professional smile on the face.

"You are quite bragging. If you have the ability, let the Jingjing girl fall in love with you." The beautiful woman said with a smile.

"The Jingjing girl is really not challenging. This kind of boring woman is not going to rush to go. I think it is most challenging for a beauty like you, how can I make you fall in love with me?" Long Yizhen smirked and patted the beautiful woman's hips.

The beautiful woman did not look good at the white dragon, saying: "Oh, you are doing the real thing to let the little girl fall in love with you."

As they spoke, the two climbed up to the third floor. The dragon looked around and saw that the third floor was fresh and elegant. The aisles and wooden wall panels were cleverly placed with flowers and flowers. In the air, people are refreshed.

At the end of the aisle, Long Yi saw two beautiful maids standing around the door. They saw the dragon and respectfully bowed. And push the door open to let the dragon go in.

"Guest, you go in, the Jingjing girl is inside." The beautiful woman smiled.

Dragon one stepped forward and suddenly turned around and smirked in the ear of the beautiful woman: "Beauty, I bet you will fall in love with me in the near future, you don't feel that you just appeared in front of me. Is the feeling of being exposed true?"

When Long Yi finished, he stepped into the room, and the door was gently closed by the two maids, but the beautiful woman biting her lower lip looked uncertain.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?" The two maids looked at the beautiful woman, so I asked the exit.

"Nothing, thank you." The beautiful woman returned to God and re-attached her professional smile on her face.

Into the room, there is a maid in the lead and walked forward with the dragon. The head is quite spacious, just like the outside. It is also covered with flowers and plants of various colors. I want to come to the girl who loves flowers.

The pleasing sound of the piano came from a distance. It was the Jingjing girl who was playing the piano. Listening to the sound of the piano also made a difference, but it was a lot worse than the music played by the lyrics.

Turning over a screen, Long Yi saw the shadow of the top of a translucent white curtain. The hands are dancing and playing the piano. At the bottom of the two rectangular places, there were two men sitting in front of the table, a head of oily face, a male son dressed in gorgeous clothes, another middle-aged man full of suffocating, full of hustle and bustle, no magical energy fluctuations, but Long Yi I noticed that the air around him was slightly distorted. This person is definitely a master. The dragon looks at it as soon as he looks.

The dragon waved the road to the lady who left the road, and he swayed over the big thorns, and sat down on the table next to the hustle and bustle, specially prepared for him, and there was a wine snack on the table.

As soon as he sat down, Long Yi took a few mouthfuls of the hip flask cow on the table and threw a delicate snack into his mouth. The sitting position was also skewed and looked like a rough person.

The son of the son snorted and looked at Long Yi’s eyes full of contempt. If the person who is not the favorite is still playing the piano, he is not worried, can such a person come up to see the Jingjing girl? I don't know how to take him to the land.

"This one is oh... Oh, Jingjing is, Grandpa spends money but looks at what you look like. You hang this white cloth and let me see a fart." Jingjing girl has not finished the piano, Long Yi I was interrupted with impatience.

The sound of the piano stopped, and the Jingjing girl was still talking. The son of the boy jumped like a cat who stepped on his tail. He put out his body and decorated it with a sword. He pointed to the dragon: "What are you, you are, If the wilderness can sit here, even if it is a blessing in the last generation, I want to see the Jingjing girl, and let me go to the next generation. Now, don’t blame the young master.”


The dragon sneered at the nose and chewed the snacks vaguely: "Where the dog is smashing here, I am shooting a urinary urinary death."

"You...you are a rough guy, I killed you." The son of the son was too angry, and the children were rampant, bullying the male and female, but the monks apparently lacked the fire.

The tip of the sword spurred toward the dragon's eyebrows. Of course, the word lightning was in the eyes of this son. In the eyes of the dragon, this speed is no different from that of the turtle.

The dragon did not care to move, and still chewed the snacks with gusto. Don't look at the wine. This dessert is beautiful.

The sword and the eyebrows were less than one centimeter. The **** suddenly appeared in the sword tip of the son of the son. They gently applied a force, and only heard the sound of the sword.

The dragon looked up slightly and saw that the cockroach did not know when he appeared next to him. When he saw the dragon, he nodded slightly to him. The two are very close, and the dragon can smell the rich **** smell of this body.

"You...you are waiting for the young master. I am going to come up with you to smash the corpse." The son of the son was horrified and said with anger.

"Wei Gongzi, have you forgotten our red-sleeved rules? There are complaints and external solutions. You can know the consequences of using force on the raft." The crisp sound came from behind the white yarn, such as the jade bowl, which is very pleasant. .

The son of the son was white and white, and he slammed the handle and threw it away.

The dragon smiled and raised his head and looked at the scorpion, and found that they had a look in their eyes. The two strangers showed some tacit understanding at this time.

Long Yi knows that this Jingjing girl said this is not just to listen to this son, but also to remind the other two people not to mess, the consequences are very serious drops, so it seems that the background of this red sleeve is not simple. Thinking of the background, Long Yi remembered the woody smoke that he saw on the second floor. This red sleeve is not for her.

"Jingjing girl, there is a limit to the height of the dress. Don't think about doing the scorpion and want to set up the archway. How can you still install a niece? This white cloth is still withdrawn." Long stroking the eight-character on the lips, talking about The words are harsh and mean, and the rough characters are very well represented.

The Jingjing after the white gauze was silent. I don’t know if it was Long Yi’s words that hurt her or something else.

"If you don't withdraw, I have to help you withdraw." Long stood up and ran to the top.

It was just at this moment that the four maids of the swords were flying in front of the white gauze, and there was a cold murder in the shackles.

"I also want to see what the famous Jingjing looks like, this Xiongtai, these four little girls handed it to me." The gangsters just exported, and a strange smell appeared on the body to the four swordsmen. Attacked the past. It’s not vindictive, it’s not magic or internal force, but it’s the four women who are rolled up and can’t get away.

The dragon smashed the machine toward the white gauze, and the son and the scorpion smashed together at the same time, and exclaimed with Long Yi.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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