Womanizing Mage

Chapter 57: Cold pool

After the leak*, the cold and faint squatting in the arms of Longyi, the strength of moving a toe is gone. For the first time, she was killed by the dragon and she was arrogant. After the war, the result was chased by Long Yixing, who had been venting for a long time. The leaking of several times did not make her faint. /www. Qb5, com//

"Long Yi, where is your little tiger?" Cold and quiet, lying in the arms of Long Yi, asked lazily.

"The little guy still didn't wake up, and I was thrown into the dark dimension space." Long Yi stroking the cold and faint pink back.

"Is it the **** color of your palm?" asked coldly.

The dragon nodded a little and proudly said: "This is the undead master of the undead, hundreds of years ago. The things that Xiu Ge refines, the eighteen super scorpions are also."

"Pitt. Shuge? It's no wonder, only he can refine this metamorphosis." Cold and faintly surprised, this undead mage is the **** of all dark magicians, who have in the dark church. Aloof status.

The two of them embraced the sea between the north and the south, and naturally said their own situation. Of course, Long Yi could not tell her that she came from another world, nor did he say that he was the madman of the mad dragon empire. Thief, he just said that he is a mad dragon empire, as for the rest of the mouth, the cold and secluded and interesting, did not ask, she believes that Long Yi will tell her one day.

The cold and secluded is to tell Long Yi that his identity has not been concealed. It turns out that she is also a mad dragon empire. She has been dead since her childhood, and her master is also known as Raphael, one of the two priests of the Dark Church. She adopted her natural dark constitution and adopted her, and later became the Netherful Virgin of the Dark Church. The position in the Dark Church is equal to the Bright Virgin of the Church of Light. This time, because the Pope forced her to marry his son, she had to slip away. The reason why the cold and secluded is the task of the lost city is because there is a dark magic jade in the city that is said to be lost, and the person who owns it will gain endless dark magic.

After the first hearing, Long Yi was very angry. The old **** of the dark pope dared to force his woman. He vowed to teach him one day, but it was because of him that he could meet with the cold and quiet. In this respect, it seems Thank you very much. For the dark magic jade of the lost city, the dragon has no interest. He does not believe that there are such treasures in the world, and what is the infinite magic. Is this not an egg?

Time is like a white pass, according to Long Yi’s calculation, he and the cold faint are probably in this ghost place for a month. In this month, they have crossed several mountains, and the number of dark warcraft killed is also countless. Both of the massacres are tired. Due to the special environment here, the cold faintness not only entered the realm of the great magician, but also had a faint breakthrough into the realm of the magician. The dragon's dark magic elements in the sea have become thicker and more mushy, but somehow, he can only cast 7 levels of magic. It is reasonable to say that such dark magic elements can go to the Dark Magister. The realm of it.

At this time, Long Yi and the cold and quiet are standing in front of a steep cliff like a cloud, the two face each other, and they have nowhere to go after a lot of hardships. Are they really trapped here? Eighteen super 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 十八 十八 十八 十八 十八 十八 十八 十八 十八 十八 十八 十八 十八 十八 十八 十八 十八 十八 十八 十八 十八 十八 十八

"Long Yi, what do we do now?" Cold and faintly looking at the sweetheart, staying in this place where the bird is not stunned for so long, her original rhetoric has long been left behind, if she can leave, she is a moment I don't want to stay here anymore. If there isn't a dragon around, I'm afraid she is crazy now.

The dragon shrugged and smiled: "Don't worry, we can definitely go out." Long Yi thought about leaning against the cliff, don't look at what he said is so confident, in fact, he has no bottom at all, maybe it is a dead space here. Can only enter and not go out.

Looking around in the cold and secluded, I suddenly found a small pool of water not far away, so I wanted to wash my hands in the past. She just reached into the water and screamed and pulled back her hand.

The dragon was shocked and thought she was in danger. A flash appeared in front of her and asked urgently: "What happened?"

"This water is good...good ice."

Long Yi had no choice but to smile, cold and secluded, so shocked, he thought that something happened, he pulled the cold and secluded hand, his face suddenly changed, her fingers were frostbitten, which shows that Water is not ordinary ice.

The dragon used to hold the cold and secluded hand, and the inner force of the proud heavenly operation dispelled the coldness on her finger, and a big question mark appeared in his heart. Look at the degree of cold and faint finger frostbite. The water in this small pool is at least minus one hundred degrees Celsius, but the water is not frozen, and it is not as cold as the ordinary cold pool, even if you stand next to it, you can’t feel a trace. Cool.

Long Yi picked up a branch and threw it at the waterhole. He saw that the branch quickly changed color and then sank. The dragon sank for a while, and the internal force was extended to the palm of the hand. Although there was internal force isolation, there was still a feeling of coldness coming up, but it was still within the tolerance of Longyi. Intuition tells Long Yi that this small waterhole is the key to whether they can go out.

"You are here, I am waiting for me, I will go down and see." Long Yi turned to the cold and secluded.

Cold and secluded immediately hugged Long Yi’s arm and opposed: “No, this pool is so strange, what if there is danger?”

"It's okay, this pool is just cold. For me, there is nothing. We can see it if we can find a way out." Long Yi's big hand stroking the cold and faint cheeks.


"Hey, can you still believe me? You are here waiting for me, I will come up soon." Long Yi interrupted the cold and faint words.

Cold and faint, watching the dragon face firmly, knowing that he will not change anyway, I believe that he is the only choice, so she put the little hand on the dragon's hand on the cheek, the small face rubbed two Next: "I believe in you, but you must be careful. If you have something, I will never live alone."

Long Yi knows that cold and secluded is said to be done. He is right: "As long as you don't see my corpse, don't believe that I am dead. Your husband is very big, know?"

"Yeah." Cold and quiet nodded hard, since then this sentence has been printed in her heart, as long as she did not see the body of Long Yi, she would not believe that he had been killed.

Ps: The next chapter is about 11 o'clock~

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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