Womanizing Mage

Chapter 594: Reappearing purple gold soul stone

The dragon stunned and shrugged. They were brothers and sisters or husband and wife. Anyway, he had nothing to think about. The only thing he wanted to get from these two brothers and sisters was the position of the city under the sea.

The storm on the sea came fast but went slowly. After a full day and night, it gradually subsided. The thick black clouds dispersed, revealing the stars of the sky, twinkling and connecting to the end of the sea.

Long Yi had a bonfire outside the tent, and a hexagonal antelope was baked on it, but Long Yi hunted from Long Island to put a space ring as a reserve food.

The glaze doesn't like meat. It just eats some fruit and a delicious seaweed taken under the sea. Then I sit on the side and watch the dragon flip over the grill on the bonfire, watching him condense the meat, and swallow it from time to time. A mouthful of water and licking his lips, he unconsciously reveals a warm smile, feeling that as long as he can see his existence in his eyes, it is a kind of long-lasting happiness.

"It's finally good." The dragon smeared the sauce, flipped it twice, and tore a sheep leg and slammed it. He didn't have a good meal these days.

"Little Mermaid, do you want to come up a bit, see you are only thin and bare." Long smiled.

The glass is pretty and white, and the dragon looks at it. "I hate it, I don't want it."

Long Yi was waiting to laugh, but his eyes flashed. He changed his mind and said: "Wake up, let's go in and see." After that, put down the leg of the leg and wipe out the hand with a piece of silk, together with the glass. Into the tent.

The Yi teenager was sitting on the big bed and looking at the still-closed sister. His face was sorrowful and sorrowful, and his voice suddenly raised his head, watching the incoming dragon and glass with vigilance.

"Don't be nervous, your life is saved by us, but we are afraid that we will not be able to harm you?" Long smiled.

The Yi teenager saw the smile of Long Yi, and he believed him if he did not know why. When the mind is relaxing, I will relax with some tight voices: "Thank you for saving me and my sister. I will repay in the coming days." He said that his eyes stayed on the glass, and there was a trace of doubt in the eyebrows. : "The mermaid?"

The glass nodded. Suddenly said: "Yes, it is the mermaid who was exiled from the sea."

The Yi youth suddenly realized that "it was originally a mermaid royal family who was exiled for hundreds of years. What about him? He has no smell of our sea people."

"I am human, from the distant continent of the sky." Long smiled.

"Human!" The Yi teenager was surprised and looked at the dragon one up and down.

"Hey, is it strange? Do you want to touch it? Generally, I can only let beautiful women touch the ground." Long smiled and reached out.

The Yi teenagers hesitated and extended their cold hands.

Long Yi shook his hand and smiled. "My name is Long Yi. I am very glad to meet you, it is glass, my woman."

"My name is Scarlett, this is my sister Ami." Ska features nodded, looking at the still-closed sister, a flash of pain in her eyes.

"You can rest assured, your sister is fine. I should wake up tomorrow morning." Long Yi comforted.

Scarlett got out of bed and came to the tent with Long Yi and Liu Li. For Longyi's grilled antelope meat, he just hesitated to taste it, and then he swallowed it up, but he didn't know the goods like the glass.

After drinking a few mouthfuls of dragons and handing him the wine, Scarlett felt that the soul had just floated up, and the emotions gradually got out of control under the guidance of Longyi, and the tears were full and screaming and telling the story of the Yi people. Killing the family.

There are countless different races among the sea people, and the Yi people are among the sea people who like peace and peace. It is not aggressive in itself. It has always lived in the corner of the city under the sea. It is not going to provoke other seas. Generally, other sea people will not come to provoke them. Because the Yi people are good at digging treasures, they tribute each year to the entire sea. Haihuang, the sea emperor has always been served by the deep sea dragons. Although this deep sea dragon is a dragon, it is very different from the dragon dragon, just because it lives on the seabed. And the first born dragon horn, so called the deep sea dragon, good at water magic, living in the Dragon Palace in the center of the sea. The place where the sea emperor and the dragons are most connected is probably the one who likes the shiny treasures very much, because of the special ability of the Dai people. Haihuang is also very popular with them. This is why other Hai people dare not bully them.

It is only these centuries that the emperor’s rule over the sea has begun to be weakened. The sharks, the giant whales and other highly aggressive seas began to unite to eat the power of the sea emperor, and the sea emperor became almost a display.

Not long ago, the king did not know where to get a purple gold soul stone, this energy stone has been extinct in the surrounding Wanli waters for hundreds of years, the king of the shark kings in the name of the sea emperor to ask for the king, the king does not, but from this The tens of thousands of Yi people living in the city of the seabed were not only killed but also all the ethnic groups living outside the city under the seabed suffered a catastrophe.

When the prince of the Yi nationality uttered tears and said it, he fell back and was completely drunk. Only Long Yi and Liu Li face each other, and their eyes are full of worry.

"Purple Soulstone? It won't be the one on Biffy's hand." Long smiled twice, remembering that for a piece of purple gold soul stone, Liuli and Grucia had also shot a big shot, then Buffy and Xiaomi went. Also took the purple gold soul stone away.

"Beifei Auntie and Xiaomi will not have an accident?" asked the ambiguous heart of the glass. On the one hand, because of the fear of the safety of Biffy and Xiaomi, on the other hand, it was also because of guilt, if the purple gold soul stone in the hands of the king is really From the hands of Bifei, the genocide of the Yi people was not caused indirectly by them.

"Don't worry, you are so cautious of Aunt Bifei, there will be no accidents, that piece of purple gold soul stone is not necessarily that piece." Dragon together.

"Hopefully." The glass sighed.

The dragon looked at the twinkling stars in the sky, and the brow wrinkled. If the purple gold soul stone is the one in the hands of Biffy, then why is it in the hands of the king? If it wasn’t for the king’s arrogance, how did it get? If it is Biffy's intention, why?

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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