Womanizing Mage

Chapter 96: Quietly missing

Under the strong pressure of the fire, gently help the cold and secluded to the robes of the belt, watching this beautiful body slowly covered by the clothes, his eyes showed helpless regret.

Cold and faintly looking at the expression of Long Yi, he is like a child who wants to eat sugar but can't eat it.

Ok, let's wait for you at night. I sneak into the front floor and live on the neck of Long Yi. He kissed him on his lips.

The dragon looked bright and smiled: This is what you said, whatever I want!

I know, you go see the unparalleled, I changed clothes. The cold faint stunned on the waist of Long Yi.

It’s faint, or let me go, it’s cold outside, what do you do with it? Dragons.

No, the unparalleled has been sleeping for two days, and then I will wake up when I wait. She must open her eyes and most want to see you. It’s cold and smirk, and takes a deep breath and pushes the dragon into the unparalleled room. To say that she does not care about Ken is actually fake, but she is learning to accept, the reason is very simple, because she loves him.

Long Yi sat at the unparalleled bed, caressing her pale cheeks, whispering: unparalleled, faint, she is a very good girl, isn't she? She changed a lot for me, she also sacrificed a lot, she can have her. I know how many virtues I have accumulated in my life, I will love him and you...you.

The night soon shrouded the earth, and the pedestrians on the street gradually became scarce. They were frozen in the cold, and no one wanted to stay outside for this sin.

For so long, the faintness has not come back. The dragon looked out of the window and thought, suddenly there was some anxiety in his heart.

Hey, hey, suddenly there was a strong wind blowing outside. The dragon was walking around in the house with uncertainty. It is reasonable to say that I have to buy anything at this time. Did she have an accident, but with the strength of the faint magician The armor on the body, even if you encounter a big magician or Juggernaut, you can't be silently put down, how can you make a little movement.

Long Yi stood at the entrance of the hotel and suddenly found that the snow fluttered in the air. In a short time, he became a goose and snow, and the whole world was painted with silver makeup.

Looking at the street where I am already empty. Long Yi’s heart has been raised, and the cold and secluded things have always been rational, and they are very measured. There is no reason not to come back so late for no reason. \\www, qb5, com/ Even if something happens, I will definitely come back and say something to him.

Yan Feng hit the window, leaning gently on it, staring out at the snow that had been swayed by the wind, and the cold wind came in through the window. She didn't know it.

"It's snowing, time flies so fast." Yan Feng muttered, and there seemed to be a man's handsome face in the snow. She remembered that he met him in a spring flower season, the demon The man in the wolves rescued his man, the man who looked at her body to make her first tempted, the man who ignored her identity and beauty and resolutely refused to marry her. But despite this, she still thinks about him. No day does not want to.

Inadvertently, the eyes of the eyes of the phoenix phoenix went down, and the whole body trembled like a lightning strike. Looking at the tall figure below, unbelievably, is he? Is that really him?

Yan Feng turned his head. Asked: "The man just stood here waiting for you to see no, just just still. Wearing a white silk shirt."

The treasurer looked at the phoenix in amazement, and his heart was clear. He said: "Yes, he is the guest who wants the luxury suite today. It is just here, but it will disappear after a blink of an eye."

"He said that he lives here, then, then he will definitely come back?" asked Feng Feng.

"I will definitely be back. He has an injured companion in the house and will definitely come back." The shopkeeper replied.

Yan Feng nodded a sigh of relief, turned and walked back, did not settle in two steps, asked: "Is his injured companion male or female?"

"Female, it seems that the relationship is not shallow." The treasurer said, Missy's emotional problems are not his one can participate in the next person, he can volt is to answer questions, tell the truth.

When Feng Feng was shocked, he sighed and went upstairs.

And Long Yi is flying with the flying snow in the snowy and windy, circled in Kaifeng City, looking for a cold and faint trace, but the cold and secluded but disappeared like a void.

Long Yi forced himself to calm down, he was already anxious to go crazy, in the end who has such a large ability to silently take away the cold and faint. He found a place to fall down, next to this is a street selling groceries, cold and secluded to buy the words will definitely come to this street.

Long Yiyi, a shop, asked, through the description of the people, but only two neighboring shop owners said that they had seen it, that is to say, after the cold and quiet visit to these two stores, they disappeared. Long Yi asked if there was any abnormality at the time. One of the store's owners said that there was a cold faintness. After selecting the necessary items, they suddenly said no, and then hurriedly ran out.

"Dark Church" Dragon King dazzled his eyes and immediately thought of it. According to the store owner's description, the cold and secluded should recognize the identity of the other party and rushed out. Long Yi suspected the dark church in the first time.

Perhaps she is willing, and I suddenly have such an idea in my heart. If you don't want to be self-willing, it's impossible to have a little bit of movement with a cold and faint strength. The person may be the person she knows.

Long Yi did not look for it again. Several of the ups and downs went to the Phoenix Hotel. He thought, maybe she might have gone back now.

Entering the hotel lobby, Long Yi was disappointed. He could feel the unparalleled breath in the suite, but he didn't feel the cold and faint atmosphere. She didn't come back yet.

When Long Yi went upstairs, he just wanted a door. Suddenly there was a trembling call behind him: "Dragon One, is that you?"

As soon as the dragon turned back, he saw the phoenix phoenix standing behind him, licking the mist, and the pink lips twitched with excitement.

"虞凤, I haven't seen you for a long time, how can you be here?" The color of the dragon was amazed, and the tone was like a friend who had known each other for many years, but close to each other.

"This is my family's industry. You said why and can't be here? I heard that you went to the ridiculous grassland, you are fine." Yan Fengdao, took a deep breath and stabilized his excitement. At first she planned to go to find him the next day, but she didn't want to be told that he had left early in the morning. When he asked about it, he knew that he had done a task with the other team's ridiculous grassland. At that time, she had a whole heart. They are all picked up, and they can’t sleep for days.

"You can't ask for it in this way. Can I still stand here if there is something?" Long smiled.

Yan Feng’s face turned red and her head was shy. At this time, she was shy and looked like a little girl who was full of arrogance.

Don't you wear me in the coordinates? "Yu Feng raised his head.

When the dragon opened the door, he made a gesture of asking.

"You sit down, I go in and see my friend." Long Yi said and walked into the bedroom.

"Unparalleled, why don't you still wake up? We are going to have an ice field right away, you must insist on it." Long Yi whispered on the unparalleled face, now his heart is really irritating, unparalleled in Did not wake up, cold and faint but suddenly disappeared.

Yu Feng looked through the gap, and the unparalleled face was blocked by the dragon. She didn't see it, but when she saw the intimate look of the girl in the dragon, she couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart. The last glimmer of holding is completely shattered.

When the dragon came out, he sat down on the sofa and poured two glasses of wine to suppress the irritability in his heart.

"What happened to her?" asked Feng Feng, her eyes looking at the unparalleled bedroom.

"She had a very evil curse, and later she became like this to save us. Every day, she fell asleep, didn't eat or drink." Long sighed and hoared.

"Curse? Isn't this the evil technique that is only in the legend? Then where are you going?" Feng Feng said, she is also well-informed, and she has seen this record in the book, but It is said that this evil technique has long been annihilated in the long river of history.

"Ice, as long as I find the blood of the wishful ice silkworm, she will be saved." Long Yi replied.

"What? You want to go to the ice sheet of the ice silkworm? Do you know where the ice field is? Where is the temperature that humans can't bear at all, and the wishful ice silkworm is the ss super super World of Warcraft, are you going to die?" Yan Feng was shocked and she must let Long Yi dispel his stupid thoughts.

"I know all of this, but I have to go." Long Yi firmly.

"Even if you die, it doesn't matter? You love her so much." Yan Feng stood up, and Feng looked directly at the dragon with tears.

"Yes, you will not understand these." Long Yi turned the glass in his hand.

At this moment, Long Yi suddenly felt a familiar atmosphere appeared in his own perception, his brow was not loose.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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