When the two was still trying to console Zhao Wu Xin, Yang Tian was already far away. In front of him was a sign with many different pearls attached to it. One of the pearls was lit up:

- It's Bai Jie. Ever since I met her, she's always in danger.

As he said that Yang Tian immediately vanished. Bai Jie was also very surprised at the moment. She was on a shopping trip before being stopped by several strange men. They insisted that she followed them. Bai Jie adamantly refused and the strangers were about to attacked her before a bright light flung them all backwards. This scene was very similar to what happened before. If that's so then Yang Tian was about to appear.

Since a beauty was longing for him, Yang Tian wouldn't disappoint. About 10 minutes after, he appeared before her:

- Bai Jie, how come you are always in trouble.

Bai Jie seemingly didn't care what he said and rushed over and grabbed his arms:

- I knew it, as long as I'm in trouble, you'll come to save me.

- Doon't tell me you deliberately got into trouble just to see me.

Bai Jie immediately denied:

- Of course not, I'm not that stupid.

Yang Tian nodded, he also didn't think that she would play that game.

- Alright, let me see who's behind all this.

Yang Tian approached the comatose men and woke one up:

- Who sent you here?

This person suddenly saw Yang Tian before him and had a panicked expression:

- Nobody, we saw that she was pretty so we wanted tease her a bit. No one sent us here.

- You dare lie to me?

- That's the truth. Even if you beat me to death my answer won't change.

- Someone with professional integrity. However I must tell you that sometimes one must throw away that integrity.

- What do you by that? I don't understand.

- You'll understand soon enough.

Yang Tian pointed his hand and a wisp of blue qi flew into the man's body. This person was now on the ground and laughing uncontrollably. After the fit of laughter he was in tears and after that, he was screaming in pain. Each type of expression - pain, sorrow, happiness, continuous appeared in his face.

Bai Jie knew that Yang Tian's methods weren't ordinary so she had already closed her eyes and blocked her ears. She was trying not the see the horrific sight before her. After that guy screamed for a good while, Yang Tian stepped forward and poked his head:

- So, do you still believe in professional integrity?

- I'll talk, I'll tell you everything. Please spare me.

Yang Tian nodded in satisfaction. This was the first time he had used this kind of torture and the result wasn't bad.

- Say it, who sent you here?

- We were sent by the ruling council of the Yu Long Syndicate.

- Yu Long Gang?

This was the first time he had heard of this syndicate. How did Bai Jie ran afoul of them?

The other person was astonished and looked at Yang Tian as if he was some sort of alien:

- You don't know of our Yu Long Syndicate?

- Are you famous or something?

- Yu Long Syndicate is the largest organized crime association in the country. It was created by Boss Hua. Even in the capital, there's still a saying that you might not know who the provincial president was or who the ministers of the country were but you can't not know of Boss Hua and the Yu Long Syndicate.

So it was Hua Qi. As to the organization that he was running, Yang Tian had never cared for it so it was natural that he never learned its name. He said with disdain:

- Just a group of petty criminals, what's so special about it. Tell me, why did you come after her.

The person was a bit at a loss:

- I'm not really sure.

- It seemed you need another round to be more truthful.

Seeing Yang Tian bringing his hand up, the person quickly yelled:

- I'm telling the truth, this was an order from the higher ups. How could a mere soldier like me know about it. I only know that this concerned Boss Hua.

Yang Tian stopped, wasn't Hua Qi dead? It seemed that this was because of his death. Bai Jie was the last person that saw Hua Qi alive so them trying to find her wasn't something strange.

He still felt that this was very odd. Hua Qi had been dead for so long so why did only only look for Bai Jie now? What Yang Tian didn't know was that Hua Shi Yin intentionally delayed the discovery of Hua Qi's body so she had more of a window for an alibi.

If all of this was because of himself then Yang Tian would definitely resolve it.

- Bring me to them.

- This brother, no, venerated ancestor, please spare me. Betraying the Yu Long Syndicate means death. Not only that, they would go after my family and friends.

So it was that serious. No wonder this person was so tight lipped in the beginning. Since this was only a foot soldier, Yang Tian wasn't interested in dealing with him.

- So tell me who gave you the order and where does he live. I'll go there myself.

- It was Hua Shi Yin, the daughter of Boss Hua. I don't know her address. You must believe me, I'm telling the truth.

This person was very afraid of Yang Tian. The torture he endured was even worst than death.

Yang Tian was taken aback. Why was it her? She clearly knew that he saved Bai Jie so how could she go and make trouble for her? There was definitely something wrong in this situation. Hua Shi Yin was a very devious woman, this Yang Tian had experienced first hand.

- Alright, I understand. I'll find her myself. Bring your men and leave.

The person stuttered a but:

- You won't tell Hua Shi Yin about us wold you?

- You talk too much, get lost. If not don't blame me for being heavy handed.

Hearing Yang Tian's threat, the man hauled his companions to a nearby car and immediately left. Only know did Yang Tian turned to look at Bai Jie. Seeing both her eyes closed and her hands on her ears, he couldn't help but laugh and shook her shoulder:

- What are you doing?

Bai Jie opened her eyes and looked around. After seeing that no one else was around, she stroke her chest in relieve:

- It's your fault. How could I not be scared of such violent scene.

- If you don't like it then I'll be more gentle next time.

Seeing Yang Tian taking her feelings into consideration, Bai Jie was happy. She once again grabbed his arms. Yang Tian stroke her head:

- It's getting late, let me bring you home.

- No, meeting you is so difficult. Let's find some place to hang out.

An invitation from a beauty, of course Yang Tian wanted to accept. However this wasn't the right time. He still had Hua Shi Yin to deal with and he couldn't just let them bother Bai Jie anymore.

- I am still a bit busy, maybe later.

Seeing Yang Tian's refusal, Bai Jie said dejectedly:

- But meeting you is so difficult.

- Don't worry, I'll visit your more often from now on. 

- Really?

- Of course.

- Pinky promise? If anyone goes against it then they are a turtle hiding in its shell.

Yang Tian chuckled and pinky swore with her. She was in high school and still so childish. After he promised, Bai Jie jumped up in excitement. Yang Tian brought her home and said his farewell before leaving.

After Yang Tian left, Bai Jie asked herself:

- When he patted my head earlier, why did I get the feeling that he was treating me as a sister more than a woman. Are my breasts too small? This won't do, I can't be lazy from now on. I must work out more and drink more milk.

Bai Jie made a fighting gesture to herself. Yang Tian didn't know that his actions had caused such thinking in her.

After separating from Bai Jie, Yang Tian went to look for Hua Shi Yin. At this moment, she was sitting in her living room and sipping on some wine. She looked towards the door:

- That's odd, he should've been here by now.

As she said that, the door swung open. A dark shadow appeared and then vanished in a flash. Hua Shi Yin felt a light breeze blowing towards her and a person appeared in the chair in front of her. Her mouth curled into smile, Yang Tian was finally here.

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