- Surprised?

- Yeah, I didn't think you could lure in so many high ranking officials to join. Mayor of the city, District Party Vice Secretary, Chief of Police. It's not really that big but not small either.

Hua Shi Yin stared at him with wide eyes. What's not really big? Do they need to invite the president for it to qualify to be big? Yang Tian didn't say anything else and tossed the documents to the side:

- Let's go, it doesn't matter who they are. People that gets in my way only have one ending.

Seeing Yang Tian's domineering attitude, Hua Shi Yin was a bit captivated. She liked Yang Tian when he was like this.

The three drove to a pretty large company. Hua Shi Yin casually introduced it:

- This is a real estate company called Da An. It's one of the many businesses owned by the Yu Long Syndicate.

Yang Tian only nodded without saying anything. He knew that most criminal organizations have companies like this to do business and launder their money. Biao Zheng Long only have some KTV1 business in the beginning. Only after expanding his territory did he thought about opening his own company.

On their way up, they saw many employees in guard's uniform standing guard. When they reached the highest floor, they entered a conference room where a large table was set up. Surrounding the table were more than 20 security guards watching over. The table had 10 seats. The host seat was already occupied by a fairly young man. Without even need to guess, Yang Tian knew that this was Hua Shi Yin's elder brother and the first born son of Hua Qi - Hua Xiong.

Hua Xiong saw Hua Shi Yin and looked outwards pleased while waving to her:

- Shi Yin, come here and sit next to your elder brother.

Hua Shi Yin nodded and sat down next to him. This brother of hers didn't have any ulterior motives so she didn't hate him. Yang Tian and Chu Ci stood behind her like a bodyguard. They would occasionally let out a large yawn.

Close it 7 o'clock, everyone was assembled. Hua Shi Yin stood up and said:

- You all know what I called you here today for.

- Little Shi Yin, you don't need to be verbose. Tell us who killed Boss Hua and I will surely kill him.

Several people clamored their support. Yang Tian, who was in the back, sneered: "A bunch of hypocrites. Didn't all of them wish that he would die sooner?"

Hua Shi Yin motioned for everyone to be quiet and continued:

- This time I called you here for two main reasons. The first is about the person who killed my father. The second is about the succession in our Yu Long Syndicate.

- For the first matter, the person who killed my father is someone called Yang Tian.

The group of people started talking amongst themselves:

- Yang Tian? Who is that?

- I don't know, I've never heard of that name before.

Hua Shi Yin ignored them and continued:

- I've heard that Yang Tian is a person from a very large clan. His position is very high, even the Li Clan could do nothing to him. Because of this, getting vengeance will be very difficult. I hope that you'll lend me your strength.

As Hua Shi Yin said that, her voice cracked up and her eyes reddened as if she was about to cry. Yang Tian stood behind her with wide eyes. If he told them now that she was the one that killed Hua Qi, even he himself wouldn't believe it. This woman had superb acting skills. It was such a waste that she didn't pursue a career in acting.

Hua Xiong, who was next to her, quickly stood up and comfort Hua Shi Yin:

- Little sister, don't be too heartbroken. We will find a way to avenge father.

The other people also started to discuss amongst themselves. After a while, an elderly man stood up and said:

- Little Shi Yin, we all mourn Boss Hua's death. However as you know, the difference between us and the Li Clan is like heaven and earth. If they want to exterminate us, it would be a simple matter. Someone that even the Li Clan doesn't dare to touch, how could we do anything to him.

Hua Shi Yin was enraged, she only just sat down before standing up and pointed her finger at the elder:

- You mean to say that we should let him off? Have you already forgotten that when my father was alive, he single-mindedly recommended you for the position of mayor. Now that his killer is right in front of you, you want to retreat.

The elder looked ashamed:

- Little Shi Yin, you misunderstood my intention. I didn't say that we shouldn't seek vengeance. It's just that we can't do it now. We can't just be reckless and destroy Boss Hua's life work. This matter needs more discussion and planning.

Hearing this, Hua Shi Yin calmed down a bit and bowed to apologize:

- So it was like that. Shi Yin had mistakenly chastised you. I apologized.

The elder smiled:

- Think nothing of it. Boss Hua's death was a big shock to you. We all understand this. However we need to discuss the matter of succession. We need someone to take over the forces that Boss Hua left behind. For past couple of days, we have incurred heavy loss without a leader. This cannot continue.

Everyone was quick to voice their support. They were all here because of this matter. Who cares about the death of Hua Qi. A criminal organization was not a place for sentimentality.

Yang Tian deeply sighed, it was time for the main event. If he had to sit here and continue to listen to these people theatrics, he might throw up his breakfast.

Someone suddenly stood up and said:

- I feel that this matter merits serious discussion. According to tradition, the position of Boss is passed down from father to son. So I propose that Hua Xiong becomes the next Boss.

As if on cue, everyone started to chime in their support:

- That's right, I feel that young master Hua Xiong is the perfect candidate.

- Young master Hua Xiong is young and talented. If he couldn't do it then nobody could.

- Here here, I feel the same.

At this moment, the elder from before stood up:

- Wait a moment, I think that this position is better suited to young miss Shi Yin. Over the years, miss Shi Yin's talent is something that you've all witnessed. I believe that she will do a fine job.

Immediately there were oppositions:

- That won't do. Young miss Shi Yin is only a woman. Her husband might hold the true power.

- That's right, there have never been a precedent for a woman in the leadership position.

- We will not agree to this.


Hua Shi Yin's face was solemn and her hands have soon curled up into fists. Sure enough, these people were ganging up to eliminate her. Don't think that elder was speaking up to support her. In truth, he was just trying to preempt her and stop her from ever speaking. This guy was an old fox and his strategy was executed perfectly. Hua Shi Yin had nothing left to say.

The elder looked at Hua Shi Yin helplessly:

- Little Shi Yin, I tried my best. Although I looked upon you favorably, what they said are not wrong. Women are best suited to staying at home and taking care of their husband and children.

- That's right, you should go home and take care of you husband. I've heard that you have an excellent relationship.

Hua Xiong finally stepped up:

- I think this position is best left to Shi Yin. I've never been involved in any of this before. I'm afraid I won't be good fit.

This was his true feelings. However no one here cared whether or not he could actually do the job.

- Young master Hua Xiong is being modest. How could we not know about your skills and qualifications. There's no one more suitable than you. You shouldn't refuse it further, the Yu Long Syndicate needs a leader to grow. Boss Hua looking down from above will surely give you his blessings.

Hua Xiong was a bit ambivalent:

- That won't do, I feel...

- No need for more words, we all support you. If there are no more objections, we can begin the ceremony.

As he said that, someone already brought in an altar and various tools from the outside. Hua Shi Yin was already exasperated by this point, why had Yang Tian not make a move it. She couldn't help but turn to him.

Yang Tian had been watching the theatrics all along. It was even better than a movie.  Although the beginning was a bit boring, the subsequent act was very entertaining. It couldn't be said that they didn't plan perfectly. The only flaw in their plan was the appearance of Yang Tian and Chu Ci.

Seeing Hua Shi Yin's pleading eyes, Yang Tian knew that it was time for them to appear and wrap up the play. Yang Tian lightly coughed to get everyone's attention and then said:

- Who said that there are no objections left. I object.


1. Had to look this up, apparently is abbreviation for karaoke.

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