Yang Tian's answer made then all feel like they were punching cotton. It's annoying and no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't do a thing.  Elder Chang Mi was trying to suppressed his fury:

- You are the Shrouded Continent's Dharmic Guardian. Under such dire circumstances, why would not intervene?

- Did you ever see us appear in the war a thousand years ago? The Guardians only appears under the most dire of circumstances, i.e. when you don't have any fighting chance left. You also seem to forget something, I am no longer the Guardian.

Seeing that he couldn't go against Yang Tian's arguments, Chang Mi angrily stood up and slammed on the table. The table made of Deathwood immediately had an extra hole in it. The slam was pure muscle strength with no magic in it. Everyone knew how furious he had become.

Bai Ye quickly stopped him:

- Chang Mi, calm yourself. The situation is as Yang Tian said. We aren't on our last leg yet. We shouldn't depend too much on him.

Chang Mi roared:

- What do you mean "not on our last leg"? If that devil recovers then his cultivation would reach late Nascent Soul. When that time comes, even if HE tries to come in, it would just be throwing away his life.  If that happens then all living creatures in this world would be food for the Blood Devil's taking. With such dangers looking over us yet he said he was too busy.

Knowing that this Chang Mi only spoke like that because he was worried about the situation, Yang Tian didn't stoop to his level:

- This is something that I've decided so don't waste your words. When has the Shrouded Continent became so weak. You've yet to lift a finger and already you want to ask outside help.

When Yang Tian said that, everyone was a bit ashamed. Chang Mi looked stifled and his face was bright red. He gritted his teeth and sat down. Bai Ye let out a long sigh and then said:

- So out best bet is to quickly locate the Blood Devil. We also need to increase the number of cultivators guarding dense population center to stop them from doing their Blood Sacrifice. I propose that every power here join in to create a group of cultivators knowledgeable in spell formations. Their mission would be to find and destroy the Blood Formation that was erected by the Devil Sect.

The other three nodded:

- We understand.

Bai Ye continued:

- Not only that, you can also discuss with the other powers about gathering everyone with Golden Core cultivation and above in one place. As soon as we discover Blood Devil's whereabouts, we will immediately attack. We must not let him have enough time to escape.

The three saw the logic in that argument and nodded in agreement. Only now did Yang Tian spoke up:

- Doing that would be the dumbest thing ever. Let's think of it from your enemy's point of view. If they found out where you are gathering your cultivators, couldn't they just swoop in and take care of all you at once? With so many Golden Core Cultivators, I'm positive that his cultivation would recover faster than I anticipated.

- Didn't you say that his injuries aren't yet healed? If so many of us are gathered in once place, would we need to fear him?

Yang Tian looked at Bai Ye as if he was an idiot?

- Did living so long addled your brain? If he finds you then not only him but many Devil Sect's Cultivators would join in the attack. Not only that, they could prepare spell formation in advance. You should remember who his main body was. I'm sure that he possesses plenty of spell formations that could kill you all in one fell swoop.

The four elders' forehead were drenched in sweat. Luckily Yang Tian was there to remind them. If not, chances are they'd all been killed just like that. After all, they were in the light while the Blood Devil was hidden in the shadow. It was no-brainer who could be more easily found.

The four went into solemn contemplation. Bai Ye could help but turn to ask Yang Tian:

- But if we only gather once we found him, he would definitely be long gone by the time we get to him. What would we do then?

- Can't you think for yourself for once? Alright I'll give you a hint. I've heard that the Heavenly Mountain Sacred Peak still has a living Nascent Soul.

As Yang Tian said that, he turned to Chang Mi, waiting for his answer. Chang Mi reluctantly nodded:

- That's right, Martial Uncle Ci is a surviving Nascent Soul Grand Cultivator from that great war. However his injuries are much more severe than the Blood Devil. At the moment, he could only stay in the spell formation of our Heavenly Mountain Sacred Peak to suppress the devilish qi in his wounds and cannot leave.

The other three couldn't hide their disappointment. They had all heard about this Nascent Soul Grand Cultivator of the Heavenly Mountain Sacred Peak. If there was another Nascent Soul joining the battle, their chances would just double, it could change the entire outset of the situation.

Yang Tian shook his head and out of nowhere threw a pitch black medicinal pill to elder Chang Mi:

- Give him this pill and the devilish qi would be completely dispel. After that you can call him here to join the hunt for the Blood Devil. With that I've fulfilled any obligations I might have had.

Chang Mi heard that and quickly took out a jade box and carefully put the pill inside. Everyone finally let out a sigh of relief. It seemed that Yang Tian wasn't actually going to abandon them.

After that they started to discuss specific planning. Yang Tian felt that it was too boring and didn't participate. If not for what Ye Wen Tian told him before, Yang Tian would have soon left. 

He didn't know how long the conference would last so Yang Tian stood up and went outside. He decided to go find Bai Jie and when the conference ended, Ye Wen Tian would call him.

After calling Bai Jie, she very happily agreed to meet even though it was pass 6 pm. When Yang Tian arrived, Bai Jie was already a white dress, with light make up on and light pink lipstick. She looked like a lovely angel and Yang Tian enjoyed her current appearance.

- You look very lovely today.

Hearing Yang Tian's complement, Bai Jie smiled and blushed. She said shyly:

- Thank you.

Yang Tian didn't know that Bai Jie had already prepared these clothes a long time ago. She was only waiting for Yang Tian to ask her out. All that work for a single complement from Yang Tian. Women can be strange but they are still lovely creatures.

The two decided on having a meal first. Yang Tian didn't know any good restaurants in the capital so Bai Jie was the one leading them. She took Yang Tian to a small restaurant at the corner of the street. The decor inside the restaurant was fair simple with only few sets of tables. The owner was an elderly man. He face was full of wrinkles but his smile was always bright. The restaurant wasn't too crowded with only three people dining at that moment.

Bai Jie led Yang Tian inside and after sitting down and ordering food, she turned to Yang Tian:

- You can't judge a book by its cover with this restaurant. It has a very long and rich history. The owner was a chef from a very famous restaurant. No one knows the reason he quit and opened this small shop here. Although the decors are nothing to look at, the food is very good.

Yang Tian smiled:

- Do you always do such in depth research on a restaurant before coming to eat?

- Not at all. I only knew all of that because I've been here many times.

Bai Jie did do a lot of research but of course she wouldn't tell Yang Tian that. The food was brought up and after sampling a couple of dishes, Yang Tian nodded:

- You are right, the dishes are very simple but the flavor leaves one wanting more. It's delicious.

The elder heard Yang Tian said that and smiled:

- This brother is very kind, if you like it then eat some more.

- Then I won't be a stranger.

Bai Jie only ate a little bit and then stopped. She was still a schoolgirl at the end of the day and she dreaded becoming fat. Yang Tian didn't have such concerns and he continuously plow through all the dishes on the table under the surprised gaze of everyone in the restaurant. At this time, a middle aged man came in and  after looking around for a moment, walked towards Yang Tian:

- Mind if I sit here?

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