If it was a normal person, they'd be ecstatic upon hearing that. However Yang Tian wasn't a normal person. It wasn't that he did want to marry Qin Xue but it needed to wait until everything was complete. If he married her now then his relationship with all the other women would be in danger of severing half way. His dreams of building a harem would be shattered at the same time.

The elder saw that Yang Tian didn't say anything and though that he was still deep in thought:

- You don't have to think too much on this. I've picked some good dates. Just look through them and pick a good one. From what I see...

Yang Tian widen his eyes and quickly stopped the elder before he was caught up in the entire atmosphere:

- Wait a minute, I sill haven't said my piece. I'm not oppose to this wedding but you must know that Qin Xue and I are still only college sophomore. I'm sure that she has many things she wants to do. Aren't we rushing it a bit with the marriage?

The elder was taken aback, he didn't think that Yang Tian would refuse the wedding.

- It's not that big of a rush. According to the law, you can marry as long as you are more than 18 years of age. After the marriage, you can do whatever you want. When I was your age, I already have three women.

Seeing the elder being smug, Yang Tian just wanted to give him a punch. Was he trying to boast in front of him. Yang Tian was still adamant:

- No need, we can just confirm the engagement today. As for the wedding, we can wait until we graduate.

- But...

Seeing that the old man was still a bit unwilling, Yang Tian decisively spoke out his thoughts:

- I know that you want to take this chance to borrow my strength. Rest assured, just by my current relationship with Xue-er, I won't abandon the Qin Clan.

Hearing Yang Tian said that, the knot in the elder's stomach unwounded. Ever since they annulled the engagement with the Li Clan, the relationship between the two clans had become very tenses. They were lucky that the Li Clan was still afraid of Yang Tian and never openly made a move. However after being quiet for so long, the Li Clan was getting restless. This was the true reason why the elder wanted to rush Qin Xue's and Yang Tian's marriage.

Although Yang Tian didn't know the man's thought, he could somewhat guess. Seeing the that the old man had nothing left to say, Yang Tian stood up and said his goodbye:

- So let's just settle it like that. I have something else to tend to. Goodbye.

The elder didn't keep Yang Tian and happily saw him off. As he returned to the Dark Society's base, Yang Tian was stopped by a man in black. The man didn't say a word and left after giving Yang Tian a jade box.

After his spiritual sense swept through the box, Yang Tian was a bit happy:

- Didn't think that "Blood God" was so generous. I just wanted a bottle to slowly enjoy. Now he brings me 27 bottle.

As he said that, Yang Tian looked towards the Dark Society's base:

- You guys can't blame me for this. I'm a corrupted official. I'll help whoever bribes me the most.

Stowing away the jade box, Yang Tian merrily stepped inside. Ye Wen Tian was already waiting for him:

- Back so soon? The conference isn't done yet but the President have some words to pass along to you.

Ye Wen Tian then produced a Voice Transmission Talisman and gave it to Yang Tian. It contained a short message:

- This meeting will probably go on for a while so I won't delay you any longer. Before you leave, I'd like to ask you about something. My cultivation have reached peak Golden Core and with the help of your mantra, I've stepped a step further. I see signs that I should be breaking through to Nascent Soul but I just don't feel it...

Yang Tian shook his head, he has the answer to this question but it was too cruel. This was a man that spent his entire life trying to reach a higher cultivation with the hope of living longer. When he was on the cusp of reaching that, someone came along to tell him that it was still only a dream. How cruel would that be. Yang Tian only left a short message:

- I you haven't feel that you are about to breakthrough then it means that the time isn't right. Breaking through to Nascent Soul is an important step on the cultivation path. It's not as simple as you think.

It was a lie but it was a well-intentioned lie. Yang Tian then gave the Voice Transmission Talisman to Ye Wen Tian and then left.

The next couple of days for Yang Tian was quite peaceful. His relationship with Qin Xue and Mu Wu Han were heading to the right direction. Although they never explicitly spelled out their relationship with him, it was understood by all party. Li Pan called this a great breakthrough. He said that as long as Yang Tian completed this step splendidly, his future road would be very smooth.

Yang Tian had soon lost faith in Li Pan's words. After many experience himself, he had some sense of what to do. After many failures, Li Xiang showed signs of giving up. Yang Tian didn't care much about this. He never thought that he would lose to Li Xiang. This was an arrogance born from deep within his bones.

There were many enjoyments to be had in the world and one of them was talking to a good friend. At this moment, Yang Tian and Li Pan was facing a head-scratching problem: "How to get the women around Yang Tian to accept each other".

This was the firt time Li Pan faced this problem. Up until now, he only had one woman in his heard and that was Li Wu. Yang Tian was even more at a loss. He had been pushing this aside for a long time. Now Yang Tian must face a stark reality:

- This customs of this world is not like the Cultivation World.

In the Cultivation World, as long as a Cultivator reached a certain cultivation, having many wives and concubines was a natural thing. After all, the higher your cultivation, the longer the Cultivator would live. With so much time, having many spouses by your sides would be much better. Women within the Cultivation world have always been accustomed to that point of view. Many young women would even be willing to be a concubine for powerful Cultivators in hope of advancing their own cultivation.

Yang Tian brought those lines of thinking back to Earth. He had thought about this once before but at the time he had no women by his side so he just tossed the thought aside for later. Now however, even only counting the successes, there were quite a few: Qin Xue, Mu Wu Han, Bai Jie, Ting Ting and counting Hua Shi Yin. That's already 5 people. Yang Tian couldn't not thinking about this seriously.

Seeing Yang Tian depressed, Li Pan stirred his coffee and said:

- I mean there are harems in the world. I've heard that some countries allow you to marry many wives. I've even saw an article about someone with more than 20 wives and hundreds of children. Such vigorous man.

Yang Tian looked at Li Pan disdainfully:

- Panzi, I've said once and I'll say it again: You are useless in critical moments, saying such idiotic things. First of all, this is here and not abroad. The biggest barrier is customs and not laws.

- Secondly, you think that Qin Xue or Mu Wu Han are like those women?

Li Pan heard Yang Tian said that and could only smiled in embarrassment. He stirred his coffee even quicker:

- You'll have to excuse me, this is the first time I've face such situation. It's perfectly normal to not come up with anything immediately.

- If I have to wait for your solution, I'll probably already been beaten black and blue by them.

Li Pan decided to be silent this time. He was afraid that Yang Tian would be even more stressed and decide to take it out on him. Who would mourn for him then? Luckily for Li Pan, Yang Tian wasn't still that stressed:

- That's right, Panzi. Tell me, do you think I can use the solution in those urban webnovels?

- Tell me about then then. I rarely read those kind of stuff. However those webnovels are mostly not based in reality so you shouldn't get your hopes up.

- At least they are more useful than you are right now.

Li pan didn't retort. Yang Tian immediately opened up his phone and load up a website to showed Li Pan the webnovels that he had read.

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