Not letting Yang Tian wait too long, Wang Bao led a raggedly old man inside. If not Wang Bao escorting him in, Yang Tian was sure that the man would have been stopped outside by security.

Yang Tian had never been a fan of this type of Venomacer. They proclaimed themselves to be one with nature, living with bugs and insects so they dressed raggedy and dirty. That was only an excuse though since the most powerful Venomancer that Yang Tian had ever met cared a lot about his outward appearance. The insects and Gu Poison that he used were all very flashy and eye-catching.

Waiting for the two to come in, Yang Tian said:

- Hello Wang Bao. Would you mind introducing us?

Wang Bao nodded:

- Master, this Yang Tian.

- Yang Tian, this is my master.

Hearing Wang Bao’s introduction, Yang Tian was at a loss for words. He told him to introduce the two of them, not telling them something that they both already know. The old man also felt that way and added:

- I am called Ci La. I heard from Wang Bao that you have business with me?

- That’s right. You must be a Venomancer from the Venom Clan. I want you to take me to the Venom Clan.

The elderly man pretended to be deep in thought before saying:

- You must know that bringing an outsider to the clan’s territory is violation its laws. The punishment is severe. If you want me to lead you there then you have to pay an appropriate price.

Yang Tian chuckled. He agreed far too quickly. If they wanted to fool him, they should’ve put on a more convincing act.

Wang Bao also felt that Ci La agreed too quickly and cursed him for being an idiot. He tried to correct the mistake:

- I’ve told master about this beforehand. He has agreed to take you but you must pay an appropriate price.

- Is that so?

Producing a pill from his body, Yang Tian gave it to Ci La:

- Your cultivation have stalled at early Foundation Establishment for sometime. As long as you fully absorb this pill, you can breakthrough to mid Foundation Establishment. Is that enough?

Ci La heard that and his eyes lit up. He quickly grabbed the pill and looked at it as if looking at a great beauty. He almost swallowed the pill right then and there. Seeing that the man didn’t inspect the pill before instantly believing that it was real, Yang Tian shook his head. This moron, the fact that he managed to live this long is miracle in of itself.

The elder caressed the pill before storing it in his body. He looked as if he was afraid Yang Tian would take it back. He gave Yang Tian a sordid look:

- That’s enough, whenever you want to head to the Venom Clan, I’ll guide you there.

Yang Tian looked at the time and it was around 7pm:

- It’s getting late, let’s get going.

- What?

The two simultaneously shouted out. Yang Tian’s words surprised them immensely. Wang Bao stuttered:

- Yang Tian, are you sure that you want to go right now?

- Is there a problem?

Ci La immediately shook his head:

- No problem at all, we’ll depart immediately.

Yang Tian’s previous action had made Ci La greedy. Casually taking out such a high grade pill, Yang Tian must have even more valuable stuff on his body. However that meant his cultivation was very high indeed. With so many resources, even a cripple could become an expert. Right now, all he wanted to do was to bring Yang Tian to the Venom Clan, kill him and rob him of all his treasures.

From the outside looking, it seemed that he was eager to bring Yang Tian to the Venom as a guest. But for someone that had lived as long as Yang Tian, how could he not see through someone as idiotic as Ci La.

The three left the bar and Yang Tian led them to a secluded place before producing a small boat the size of a palm. Ci La and Wang Bao looked at each other. They didn’t understand what Yang Tian wanted to do.

Yang Tian threw the boat out into the air and it immediately enlarged and floated in the air. He turned around to the duo:

- Let’s get in.

Yang Tian flew up onto the boat as Ci La held Wang Bao and also flew up. The inside of the boat was very elegant. While Ci La wasn’t sure about everything in the boat, just from the spiritual qi leaking out, they were definitely not mortal objects.

- Is this the legendary flying transportation treasure?

Wang Bao didn’t understand a word of it. A flying transport treasure, this was such a strange word to him. Seeing Yang Tian’s silence, Ci la was even more sure of his guess. The greed in his eyes deepened. Right now, in his eyes, Yang Tian was fat goat waiting to be slaughtered.

Yang Tian pointed to the formation in the bow of the ship:

- Sit over there and thinking of the direction that you want to go. It’ll take you directly there. This thing’s speed is 10 times faster than that of those airplanes you have.

This was Yang Tian underselling the artifact. This flying boat was something that he frequently used to cross over different planes. Even if he said something like that, no one would believe him.

Ci La excitedly sat down inside the formation and as his thoughts materialized, the ship took off. The flying ship was fully decked out with all sort of formation from Defensive to Stealth so they didn’t worry about being seen.

Although the speed had been reduced, Ci La still failed to keep up and he got lost several times before finally getting them to the destination. At last, the ship landed on an empty plot of land surrounded by a desolate landscape. The three stepped down and Yang Tian retrieved the ship under the sorrowful eyes of Ci La.

- Where to next?

- Wait a moment.

From Ci La’s body, a small swarm of ants flew out. The ants dispersed into the air. Ci La closed his eyes to feel something and after a while, pointed towards a particular direction:

- It’s this way, follow me.

The two followed Ci La towards where he was pointing. Yang Tian disseminated his spiritual sense to observe the surrounding. He muttered:

- An rudimentary Eight Trigram Formation. It seems to be used to change the entrance daily. With the lacking formation skills of the Venom Clan, setting up something like this was already not bad.

Ci La didn’t know that Yang Tian had figured out one of the biggest secret of the Venom Clan and he was also looking down on it. After they reached a certain spot, Ci La strike down with his palm. The dirt was scattered all over the place, revealing a stone door on the ground.

Behind the door was a small tunnel leading deep underground. Surprisingly, when they walked through the tunnel, there was no danger. When they reached the end, before them was a cave entrance covered in leaves and vines. Ci Lan carefully threw a small flame forward and scores of green insects scattered, revealing a door. Yang Tian looked at Ci La:

- Your Venom Clan sure is careful.

Ci La smiled:

- We just did what needed to be done.

Going through the door, what greeted them was a large village in the distance. There were many colorful bugs and insects flying around everywhere. They arranged into weird shapes and formations. There were also many people using bugs to duel, producing a constant buzzing sound. Yang Tian could help but think:

- Such a quaint little place, it’ll be a shame to destroy it all.

Ci La guided Yang Tian and Wang Bao further inside, eventually reaching the gate of the village. He then released a communication bug inside. After a while, a group of people came out. Ci La quickly grabbed Wang Bao and jumped into the crowd of people:

- He’s an outsider. He forced me to guide him here.

The group of people heard that and quickly surrounded Yang Tian, ready to strike at any moment. The sudden development didn’t surprise Yang Tian in the slightest. He simple chuckled:

- Man you flip easier than a book. Didn’t you receive goods from me before bringing me here?

Ci La lied without blinking his eyes:

- He lies, how could I betray the Venom Clan. Kill him, quickly.

The leader of the group stepped up to examine Yang Tian before saying:

- No need to rush, we’ll bring him to the Clan Head and let him decides.

After that he turned to Ci La:

- As for you, you dared violate the Clan’s laws. You’ll also go before the Clan Head to await your punishment. The boy that you brought, although he has signs of Gu cultivation, he’s not of the Venom Clan. Bring him along too.

The group of people immediately split into three to escort Yang Tian as well as Wang Bao and his teach inside. Yang Tian didn’t resist. His main goal here was to meet that Clan Head anyways.

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