The elderly woman smiled bitterly. The Venom Clan’s laws have existed for more than a thousand years and Yang Tian just changed them on a whim. He even said that he would change them further once he thought of something. He was truly looking down on the Venom Clan. However she only thought of that in her head and didn’t say it out loud.

After Yang Tian changed the laws, he was satisfied:

- Alright, now you go and tell everyone the changes. I don’t want another Venomancer come and look for trouble with me.

- Everything will be as you say.

After everything was done, Yang Tian didn’t stay any longer. He was here to slash and burn so he should leave quickly after the deed was done. He retrace his steps through the tunnels before using the flying artifacts to return home. It was now only 10pm. When he was at the Venom Clan, it was around 7am so the Venom Clan was half a world away from here.

The length of this trip was as Yang Tian expected. He was now thinking about how to explain Wang Bao’s disappearance to Qin Xue. He had just asked for Wang Bao’s phone number and the man went missing couple of days later. Qin Xue would surely suspect foul play.

After thinking of a reasonable explanation, Yang Tian was at eased as he went to bed. However it  seemed that he was worried for nothing as for the following days, Qin Xue didn’t even mention this at all. Maybe the news that Wang Bao was missing had reached her yet.

Today was the day of the field trip. Qin Xue already went to the capital since yesterday so Yang Tian felt comfortable attending this trip. He felt like he was going behind his wife back for some side action. However not only did he not feel guilty, he even felt that this was very interesting.

Yang Tian looked around and Li Pan still wasn’t here. However he didn’t need to wait long as Li Pan arrive with his oversized luggage, the kind you used to travel abroad. Yang Tian looked at Li Pan who was out of breath carrying the suitcase and mocked:

- Li Pan, are you moving your entire house?

Li Pan put his suitcase down and wiped off his sweat. He looked at Yang Tian with a roguish look:

- You know nothing. Personal items are only secondary. I’m bringing along many treasures this time. If I manage to get into contact with the juniors, I can make a killing.

Hearing Li Pan’s dishonest merchant talk, Yang Tian was intrigued:

- Panzi, we are good brothers, you should share with me a bit.

Li Pan quickly shook his head:

- Not a chance. Leaking information when doing business is a big no no. If you leak this anyone else, I could be affected.

Yang Tian looked at the distance and said some seemingly innocuous words:

- I think the Li Clan invited me to come over the other day for a chat. I was going to put in a good word for you. It seems that I have to change my plans now.

Li Pan eyes went wide with anger. This guy Yang Tian always brought up the Li Clan to bully him. If Li Pan was a dishonest merchant then Yang Tian would be the corrupted official that always take bribes. After pulling Yang Tian to a secluded place, Li Pan opened the suitcase and took out several different items. There were detailed descriptions of each item attached:

- Statuette of Qin Xue made from special material. Caressing it yields a 60 - 70% feeling of the real thing. Suitable for any brother that has been fantasizing about her for a long.

- Pictures of Mu Wu Han exercising in the field. Good angles, many poses, worthy of being called a masterpiece.

- A replica of Ling Ya Qi’s clothes from her performance last night. Comes with a signed autograph from her. You only need to look at the picture and the hug this dress… The feeling is magnificent.

- A hat that instructor Zhao Wu Xin used to wear. This is the real deal. Still has her scent on it. Because the dangers and difficulties involved in obtaining this item, this will be up for auction.

These were only few of the eye-catching ones. There were still many other miscellaneous items inside. Li Pan saw Yang Tian’s focus on those items and a sense of unease washed over him.

- Yang Tian, you shouldn’t think about this too much. I only want to make a quick buck, I mean no harm.

Yang Tian smiled:

- Li Pan, you are something else. You dare sell items relating to my target.

Seeing Yang Tian’s evil smile, Li Pan quickly turned and ran. Could he have escaped? This answer was a resounding no. After a few moment, Yang Tian and Li Pan walked out. Li Pan’s face had some few additional bumps and bruises. Yang Tian said as he walked:

- Panzi, I’m warning you. You can’t sell these types of items from now on.

Li Pan was already in tears:

- This is my main source of income. You must know that Qin Xue and the likes are women within the dreams of the majority of men in this university. Ling Ya Qi is a superstar so there’s no need to say anything about that…

- Stop, don’t try to talk your way out of this. You can just find items of other beauties in the future. However the people around me are off limits. I’ll confiscate these items as a warning.

Li Pan was silent. Yang Tian was the typical exploitative bourgeoisie. If he wanted to take them, he should have just said so. No need for all of that bullshit about warning. Such a hateful man. Of course Yang Tian didn’t know what Li Pan was thinking else he’d been in for another beating.

- Store the other stuff carefully, I’ll take them when we get back. For now give me Mu Wu Han’s pictures.

- What do you want her pictures for?

- That’s a secret.

Seeing Yang Tian’s perverted smile. Li Pan knew that this guy was up to no good. Did he want to use Mu Wu Han’s pictures to pleasure himself? Receiving a stack of pictures from Li Pan, Yang Tian stowed them away and was satisfied:

- Ah right, Panzi. Do you know which bus Mu Wu Han’s class will be on?

Since the field trip that the university organized this time was free of charge, the number of people participating was staggering. Each class had their own bus so of course Yang Tian’s main goal was to sit in the bus as Mu Wu Han. Li Pan looked at Yang Tian cautiously:

- What are you up to this time? I’ll have you know, the school has dictated that each student must sit in their respective class’ car. 

- You think those rules have any effects on me?

Li Pan shook his head. Yang Tian wasn’t wrong. If he wanted to do something, who could stop him. Li Pan quickly pointed Yang Tian towards Mu Wu Han’s bus.

- I'll leave everything else to you.

- Alright.

What Yang Tian asked of him wasn’t a big deal. It was just calling his name out during the roll call. Yang Tian hopped on the bus and quickly found Mu Wu Han. She was sitting alone in the center of the bus near the window. She had her hand on it and looking outside.

Yang Tian ignored the strange looks he got from the people on the bus and sat down next to Mu Wu Han. Startled by the sudden sound, Mu Wu Han turned around and after seeing Yang Tian, was a bit surprised and elated:

- Why are you here?

- My bus is full so I’m getting on another one. It’s lucky that this was your bus.

Although she knew that Yang Tian was lying, Mu Wu Han happily accept that explanation without asking anything else. Yang Tian looked around and then asked Mu Wu Han:

- Why do I get the feeling that they are all deathly afraid of me. I don’t recall doing anything to them.

- Is it not because of all the ruckus you caused at the News Department the other day? I’ve heard that guy was beaten black and blue by you. The police were even called and you still came out unscathed. After that the entire News Department didn’t dare to breath one word about the incident. However there were passerby when that happened so it spread all over school. You now even have a nickname - Young Tyrant, and no one dares to mess with you. Oh, right, what did they do that made you so angry?

Yang Tian couldn’t answer this question truthfully. His mind was working overtime to come up with an answer:

- It’s like this, I don’t know how that guy got a picture of me but he did. He photoshopped it so that I was in the women’s bathroom then posted it in the comedy section. Think about it, how could a standup guy like myself do something so lowly. Of course I have to give him a lesson.

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