Yang Tian decided not to explore further and returned to the camp. This was Li Xiang’s last play, he should let him perform it until the end. Yang Tian had never seen Li Xiang as an opponent in the first place. He was at best a sideshow amusement.

Continuing his walk in the forest, Yang Tian didn’t return until it was dark outside. At this time, all the tents had been set up and there was a large campfire ready to be lit. Li Pan saw Yang Tian returning and waved to him:

- Yang Tian, over here.

Yang Tian approached and sat down. Li Pan looked left and right carefully before saying:

- I was just at the teacher’s tent and I overheard a secret.

Hearing Li Pan’s secretive voice, Yang Tian felt that it was probably not anything good. He was a bit excited by this.

- Well, spill it out.

- I’ve heard that there will be a big game organized tonight. We will be gathered at the main tent to dine and sing and dance. Then students will be divided into pair to go into the forest along designated path.

Yang Tian’s enthusiasm was immediately extinguished. This was just some child’s play, what’s so interesting about it? Li Pan saw Yang Tian’s disinterest and then added:

- I’ve heard that the sponsor of this trip, meaning Li Xiang, would also be attending.

- You mean to say that he has intention on Mu Wu Han?

- Not at all. With his position, he’ll probably pair up with another teacher. I’m guessing that his target is Instructor Zhao Wu Xin.

If Li Xiang actually did something like that then Yang Tian had no clue what he was up to.

- Panzi, take a guess at what this Li Xiang’s scheme is.

- Maybe he feels that he has no hope with Mu Wu Han so he’s switching his target to instructor Zhao Wu Xin.

Yang Tian shook his head:

- Everything isn’t so simple. Li Xiang came to me before the trip to announce that he will confess to Mu Wu Han during this trip. That was why I let him live a bit longer.

This time, it was Li Pan’s turn to be confuse:

- If he has intention on Mu Wu Han, why did you spare him?

- You really are a bit dull. Since he didn’t something like that, he’s obviously aiming at me. If an ant is dancing in your palm, would you kill it immediately or would you let it keep dancing?

Li Pan finally understood that from the beginning, Yang Tian only saw Li Xiang as entertainment. The feeling of a higher being looking down on the masses was not something Li Pan was familiar with but it was something he could understand.

- If it’s like that then let us watch his performance.

- At the end of the day, you are the only one who gets me.

The two continued to chat for while until a teacher spoke loudly through a loudspeaker:

- Listen up students, quickly light up your campfire and then assemble at the main camp area. We will have dinner and then play a little game.

Everyone heard the announcement and subsequently poured gas over their campfires and lit them up. Afterwards they headed to the main campsite to join in on the party. Li Pan tried to find Yang Tian afterwards but he was no where to be seen. Throwing the stick in his hand down on the ground, Li Pan angrily said:

- That damn skirt-chaser, valuing women over friends. He must've gone off to find Mu Wu Han.

Li Pan wasn't wrong. At this moment, Yang Tian was in front of Mu Wu Han's campsite speaking to a female student:

- Can you call Mu Wu Han out here for me? Just tell her that Yang Tian is looking for her.

The student was a bit afraid of Yang Tian and quickly nodded her head before rushing inside. Yang Tian was taken aback:

- Do I look that frightening? That's not possible, I am the definition of handsome and gallant. Misunderstanding, it must be some sort of misunderstanding.

When Yang Tian was stroking his own ego, Mu Wu Han was already out:

- What are you doing here?

Upon seeing Mu Wu Han, Yang Tian immediately thew all that happened away:

- I want to invite you for dinner at the main camp.

Mu Wu Han nodded:

- Alright, let's go.

The two walked towards the main came with each other. Because of the large number of students participating, the school didn't manage to prepare enough seat. Many students knew this and deliberately cane early to get a seat. Yang Tian turned to Mu Wu Han:

- Wait here for me.

As he said that, Yang Tian rush into the crowd. Since there were so many people, no one noticed as Yang Tian disappeared. He appeared moments later with a stack of chairs in hand. Yang Tian didn't plan on getting so many chairs but they were all in large stacks so he just grabbed a stack without thinking.

Bringing the stack in front of Mu Wu Han, she couldn't help but be wide eyes:

- Why did you get so man chairs? Are you getting chairs for the entire class?

- Nothing like that, it was there in a stack so I grabbed it. We can take two and the dump the rest wherever.

At this moment, a voice rang out from behind Mu Wu Han:

- Wu Han, you are here already? No wonder we couldn't find you anywhere.

Hearing the voice, Mu Wu Han turned around and saw a group of female students approaching. Yang Tian also approached and asked:

- They are?

- They are my classmates.

Yang Tian turned around with a friendly smile:

- Hello everyone, I am Yang Tian, pleasure to meet you all. Oh right, I already chairs for everyone so come and sit down.

When they saw Yang Tian, the female students were a bit worried. But after seeing him so friendly, everyone calmed down. After all, the stuff about him were only rumors. Yang Tian subsequently distributed the chairs to everyone. As they sat down, a brave student asked Yang Tian:

- Yang Tian, are you Wu Han's secret boyfriend?

- Secret boyfriend?

- That's right. If you don't know, Wu Han and I went to high school with each other and she refused to get close to any man. We all guessed that she had someone in her heart and that she was keeping it a secret.

Yang Tian shook his head:

- Well that's not me then. Wu Han and I only just met each other this year.

- Met each other?

Meeting someone could be understood in many ways. It could be that two person actually just met or it could be they are officially together. In this instance, everyone chose to go with the second meaning. Mu Wu Han's face was bright red and she lightly twisted Yang Tian's hip:

- What nonsense are you saying.

- I'm not saying any nonsense. We really just met each other this year.

Yang Tian didn't have any hidden intent. To be more precises, he didn't understand the double meaning of the phrase. The surrounding female students laughed out and someone grabbed Mu Wu Han's arm:

- Wu Han, how long are you planning to hide it from us. Tell us everything.

Another student grabbed Mu Wu Han's other arm:

- That's right, spill it. Our Madonna finally have someone. Who knows how many men in our school will silently cry out.

Mu Wu Han's face was now beet red and she was at a loss for words. Yang Tian also felt that they misunderstood his words and tried to explain:

- You misunderstood me, I meant...

Without waiting for him to finish, the girls stopped him:

- This is between us women, men shouldn't be involve.

- That's right. The dinner is starting, be a good man and go get some food.


Yang Tian was at a loss for words. What's with the sudden change in attitude? Weren't they so welcoming to him before? Now they made an 180 turn. Women are indecipherable creatures indeed.

Even though that was his thoughts, Yang Tian still stood up to get some food. He was planning to get food for Mu Wu Han anyways so it wasn't a big deal to grab some more portions.

Li Xiang was very thorough in sponsoring this trup. He invited a chef from a bug restaurant to cater for the school. Large tables filled with delicious food were set up. The most eye catching thing was a large roasted boar served on a platter.

It's go big or go home, Yang Tian quickly grabbed all the best dishes. After getting all the eating utensils and different dishes into his storage space, he eyed the boar:

- Now it's your turn.

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