For the next couple of days, Yang Tian's life was peaceful. He went to class in the morning and chatted with Li Pan about women. With Zhao Wu Xin returning to the university, she could potentially be their teacher for a couple of subjects. This was good news for Yang Tian. In the afternoon he would visit Qin Xue once every 2-3 days. Yang Tian had learned from the Internet that if they see each other too often, it could get boring.  While he didn't know if it was true or not, for someone so new at this he would not take any chances.

Yang Tian also frequent Mu Wu Han's restaurant so that he could get close to her and enjoy a good meal. Of course Mu Wu Han's mom refuse to take any money, saying that she would deduct it into the debt. Yang Tian didn't care, after all he's not short on cash. Mu Wu Han was initially annoyed with Yang Tian's frequent visit but she soon got used to it. After all, Yang Tian only came to eat and occasionally chat, nothing to out of place.

It's been a month since he started school and he came to enjoy his current life, without all the death and bloodshed like in the Cultivation World.

On a particular night, as Yang Tian was gaming with Jingshen Beauty, he received a call from Biao Zheng Long:

- Young master, we have ran into some difficulties and are in need of your assistance.

- What seems to be the problem?

Biao Zheng Long was overjoyed when he heard that:

- Young master, we are in conflict with a very powerful mafia group called the Dark Wolf gang. They have 3 Earth stage and many Human stage Martial Artists. We are totally not their match. Not only that, I've announced that you are the true boss and many of my brothers are not convinced. You can use this opportunity to strengthen your position.

Seemingly afraid that Yang Tian wouldn't help, Biao Zheng Long added:

- If we manage to absorb that group, our forces would skyrocket and we would be in control of the 3 provinces to the south.

Yang Tian thought about it for a moment then decided to intervene. After all they were his subordinate and with a large force, there would be less trouble in the future. He immediately replied:

- Alright, set up a meeting with them and come pick me up.

Biao Zheng Long was startled:

- Right now? Young master, is this a bit too fast?

- It's fine, we should quickly handle small matters like this as soon as possible.

Biao Zheng Long wiped off his sweat. He has suffered massive lost battling his opponent and yet they are still fine. But this seemed to be child's play in front of Yang Tian. However it made sense once Biao Zheng Long remembered that Yang Tian is a Heaven stage expert. Destroying a bunch of Earth and Human stage should be a piece of cake. He then got on with the preparation.

Yang Tian turned off his cellphone and sent some messages to Jingshen Beauty.

- I have an emergency, logging off.

She quickly responded:

- Wait, Di Wang, I'm coming to Qing Lin district tomorrow, you better come and get me.

- What? You are arriving tomorrow? Why didn't you tell me earlier?

- Am I not telling you now?

- Fine, are you coming alone?

- Nope, my parents are with me. I'll call you when we are at the hotel. You better be thinking about interesting places for me to visit.

- Not a problem.

For the past month, Yang Tian had been to a decent number of places, some of them would be excellent date spot. Of course, he only went alone because Qin Xue still couldn't walk and her clan's cultivator haven't been able to cure her. There was no need to even mention Mu Wu Han since he didn't have the guts to ask her out.

After chatting a bit with Jingshen beauty, he heard his doorbell so he logged off and went out.

Biao Zheng Long  was waiting outside and bowed when he saw Yang Tian:

- Young master.

- Let's go, I want to go to sleep early tonight.

Biao Zheng Long didn't say anything further and entered the car with Yang Tian. After 30 minutes, the car stopped in front of a fancy restaurant. Yang Tian once again saw: "Tian Hai Restaurant" and shook his head: "Why is it that whenever someone wants to fight, they would choose this restaurant?". Last time it was Qin Zheng bringing him here to intimidate him. This time Biao Zheng Long brought him here for a fight.

Biao Zheng Long stepped in and right up to the reception desk:

- Take me to the conference hall.

The receptionist seemingly recognized Biao Zheng Long, said with a respectful tone:

- Big Brother Biao, this way please.

Yang Tian and Biao Zheng Long followed the receptionist to the conference hall. Inside the hall there were 30 people in black suits waiting. They have roughly the same number as Biao Zheng Long's group but their quality was much higher. Aside from Yang Tian, Biao Zheng Long also brought 30 people but only one of them was at initial Earth stage, 2 at late Human stage and 1 initial Human stage. Biao Zheng Long himself was only at late Human stage. On the other side, all 30 people were Martial Artist, the lowest are all initial Human stage.

Yang Tian was displeased and looked at Biao Zheng Long:

- Didn't you say your gang was the largest in Bei Jiang province? Why is there such difference in strength?

Biao Zheng Long was slightly embarassed:

- Young master, initially we weren't down by much but they have 3 Earth stage and we only have one. After constant fighting, all our best men were injured and this is all that is left.

Yang Tian was at a lost for words, was this Biao Zheng Long dumb? With that strength disparity and he only waited until he beaten black and blue to call Yang Tian for aid. It's just that all the cursing in the world wouldn't change anything. Yang Tian spoke up:

- In the future, if you find something that you couldn't handle then come straight to me. Alright let's finish those people, I want to go to bed early.

- Big Brother Biao, you asked us to come this late for a declaration of surrender, no? You should've known from the beginning that you stood no chance.

Biao Zheng Long was looking confident:

- I'm here to offer you one last chace, piss off from Bei Jiang province and I'll forget all that has happened. Otherwise we'll not only destroy all of you out but also wipe the Black Wolf gang from all the 3 southern province.

The youth was taken aback, when did Biao Zheng Long get so gutsy? Unless he found some back up. However he was not too concerned, their backer was very large so what if Biao Zheng Long found backup.

He looked at Biao Zheng Long with disdain:

- It seems like our previous lessons weren't clear. Let me teach you who's the boss of this place once again.

Immediately 30 shadows launched forward towards Biao Zheng Long's group. Biao Zheng Long's subordinate were deathly afraid as they have clashed in the past but always ended up on the losing end. Biao Zheng Long was confident as he looked at Yang Tian. The person in question yawned and then disappeared. Immediately the people charging forward was launched back in all direction and was screaming their lungs out.

The sudden change in situation left the boss of the Black Wolf gang and Biao Zheng Long's subordinate bewildered. Yang Tian reappeared and dusted his hands. Biao Zheng Long turned to his subordinates:

- Are you all not going to greet young master?

The group of people was taken aback and seemingly remembered something, bowed and spoke in unison:

- Young master.

Yang Tian waved:

- It's fine.

- Your Black Wolf gang wants to invade my territory?

The youth calmed himself and hatefully looked at Biao Zheng Long:

- Is this your backer? Very powerful. But do you think this is all the men I have?

Yang Tian turned and looked at the door in the corner of the room and casually said:

- Is your backing him then? Trying to scare me with just a middle stage Foundation Establishment?

The young man immediately panicked. While he didn't even know the old man's cultivation and even less about middle stage Foundation Establishment, Yang Tian correct guess of the old man's position frightened him.

The door opened and an elderly man walked out:

- It seems that you are also a cultivator, with a very high cultivation at that. Which clan or organization do you belong to?

Yang Tian then looked at the ceiling, seemingly not noticing the old man:

- You've been there a while, why not show your face a little bit.

The old man was taken aback and looked at Yang Tian strangely. Suddenly a figure appeared in front of Yang Tian:

- I'm surprised you noticed me.

The old man saw the figure and screamed:

- Dark Society.

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