July 09, 2018

Early morning, Yang Tian got a call from Old Wang.

- Yang Tian, my granddaughter have returned from abroad. When you are free come by and see her.

Yang Tian remembered that Old Wang did mention about a granddaughter with a congenital disease. He didn't hesitate to accept the request since Old Wang had helped him a lot:

- I'll be there tomorrow evening.

Old Wang was elated:

- I'll tell her to be ready for you.

Since he still had some time, Yang Tian went to Mu Wu Han's restaurant for breakfast. It was a day off today so he was sure that she would be helping her mother. Their relationship have improved tremendously but they were still only friends.

When he got to the place, he saw an expensive car in front of the house. Sensing some trouble, Yang Tian quickly went in. While there were no patrons inside the restaurant, there was a middle aged man in an expensive suit sitting in front of the Mu mother and daughter. Mu Wu Han looked progressively more furious  as they talked while her mother was holding her back from doing something dangerous.

The middle aged man looked at Mu Wu Han and sighed:

- Wu Han, I know that you despise me and I have wronged both of you but he's your brother. You can't just leave him for dead.

Mu Wu Han - who was still restrained by her mother, eventually sat down and yelled at the middle aged man:

- My brother? When have you ever seen me as your daughter? You left us both since I was born and have you ever thought of me as your daughter since then?

The middle aged man was still patient:

- It's all my fault and I will make it up to you, but I hope that you can put that aside. After all, saving a life is more important. Her mother also chimed in:

- Wu Han, he's still your half-brother, you can't just watch him die. If not for him then save your brother for me.

The middle aged man happily added:

- Wu Han, your mother is right.

Mu Wu Han ignored the middle aged man and looked at her mother:

- Have you forgotten how he treated us in the past? Now you are even helping him.

Mama Mu sighed:

- I've let it all behind me. If you help him just this once, we will cut off all our ties. We would be complete strangers from now on.

The middle aged man quickly produced a wad of cash:

- That's right, if you can help me, I would never bother you two from now on. This is 2 million, more than enough for you two to open a bigger restaurant and not worry about the future.

Mama Mu's eyes were filled with sorrow, she traded her entire youth and all she got was 2 million. Is she only worth that much in his eyes? Looking straight at the middle aged man's eyes:

- Take your money back, we are saving a life not for your money. Not only that, we aren't lacking in money. Wu Han has a boyfriend and he's as wealthy as you are.

The middle aged man was taken aback, but looking at Mu Wu Han he had to admit that she was even more beautiful than her mother. Having one or two rich young masters chasing after her is very normal. He smiled:

- Just take it, I'm still your father and I still want to give you some advice. All those young masters are unreliable and you must be careful. Just take the money for a rainy day.

His implication was clear, Mu Wu Han would soon be tossed away once the other person got bored of her. Mama Wu face was white with fury, and Mu Wu Han yelled:

- Don't think that everyone is the same as you are. He's a far better man then you will ever be.

Looking at the angry Mu mother and daughter, the middle aged man was pleased. He was always the one people bowed and try to curry favors with but now he had to come here and beg for help. Not only that, enduring all sort of angry curses from his own daughter had made him furious inside. He looked at the pair and smiled:

- If that's so then bring him to see me. I want to see my future son-in-law.

- You are not my father so why should I call him.

While middle aged man got even more smug, he heard a person behind him:

- I heard that you wanted to see me.

Yang Tian was on the sidelines listening in on the conversation to understand the situation. After getting the key points and hearing Mu Wu Han talking about her supposed boyfriend, he eagerly jumped in. This was a good chance to bail Mu Wu Han out and get her closer to her. If he played his cards right, he can even bring the beauty home. The Mu mother and daughter were stunned and the middle aged man looked at Yang Tian with suspicion:

- Who are you?

- Didn't you say you want to see me? I'm Wu Han's boyfriend.

Mu Wu Han was about to say something until her mother stopped her. How could she not see that Yang Tian was trying to help them. Not only that, she adored Yang Tian - he was respectful and didn't looked down on anyone. If possible she wanted to play matchmaker for the both of them and now is a good chance.

The middle aged man was surprised but immediately reacted:

- I'm her father and I wanted to ask where do you work?

He wanted to get a feel for Yang Tian's family situation. Mu Wu Han once again tried to say something but was stopped by her mother once more. She wanted to see how Yang Tian would react. Yang Tian smiled and bowed:

- So it's uncle, my apologies. I'm still a student and without work.

- So how's your parent, are they well?

Yang Tian sneered inside, he was very clear on Wu Han's father intention and he wanted to use this opportunity to rile him up and get revenge for Mu Wu Huan:

- My parents passed away when I was young so now I live by myself.

The middle aged man looked at the Mu Wu Han mockingly. He thought Mu Wu Han had found herself a rich boyfriend but it turned out to be a jobless, parent-less guy. Mu Wu Han was taken aback, she had always thought Yang Tian was a rich young master. She never imagined that he's not only a student but was even in a sadder situation than her, at least she still has her mother. Mama Mu didn't say anything as she felt that Yang Tian was not as simple as he said. Yang Tian continued:

- I wonder what uncle wanted to tell me?

- Nothing much, I heard that my daughter has a boyfriend so I wanted to meet you. However I must let you know, you are not her match and should give up.

He thinks that with Yang Tian being a money-less and powerless student, Mu Wu Han was better off as a second wife to some rich guy. Mu Wu Han couldn't hold it in any longer:

- Who I go out with is none of your concern. I will give my blood to your son so now you can leave.

Hearing that Mu Wu Han has consented, the middle aged man rejoiced and left before she changed her mind. Yang Tian was taken aback, he hadn't even able to execute his plan before that person was kicked out. Feeling that his efforts were in vain, he called out:

- Uncle, when we see each other again I'll be sure to "treat" you "well".

The middle aged man sneered and thought: "What do you even have to offer?". Without another word he left. Yang Tian begrudgingly looked at Mu Wu Han think of his plans for next time.

Mu Wu Han approached Yang Tian:

- Were all that you said true?

- Of course, how could I lie to to uncle and aunty.

Mu Wu Han was annoyed and said:

- He's not my father and who said that you call my mother aunty.

She didn't notice that her tones have changed a bit. After knowing that Yang Tian was not a rich young master, she no longer felt disdained for him. In fact, she felt very pleasant around him. Yang Tian had no clue about any of this and still thought that she was angry so he turned to Mama Mu:

- I want some breakfast now, are you still serving?

She was surprised and said:

- Sure, coming right up.

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