After Yang Tian and Ye Ling got off, they were greeted with claps and cheers. The owner had a cheerful face and approached them:

- Congratulation little brother, you actually succeeded. Come and get your reward.

After that, he walked to the table and took the bear into Yang Tian's hands.

- Give it to her, she'll surely be touched.

Yang Tian was at a lost, that guy just lost a bear worth 10 thousand, why is he so cheerful? Yang Tian didn't know that because of him, the couples around gained more courage and thought that this game wasn't that hard to win. If someone did it, why couldn't they? Many people immediately signed up. The owner couldn't stop himself from smiling.

Yang Tian took the bear and turned to Ye Ling, who was beet red at this point. The crowd was cheering:

- Give it to her.

Yang Tian just went with the flow and gave her the bear. The crowd then said:

- Hurry and kiss him, he went to all that trouble for you. He should get rewarded.

- That's right, kiss, kiss,...

Looking at Ye Ling's embarassed face, Yang Tian decided to bail her out:

- Please forgive her, my girlfriend is very shy in front of a crowd.

He then grabbed her hand and escaped the crowd. Ye Ling immediately understood his intention and ran with him. It's not that he didn't want to kiss her but while they've known each other a long, the only met today so how could they get straight to kissing.

After running several feet, Ye Ling stopped and looked at Yang Tian:

- Why are you running so fast? Don't you want to kiss me?

Yang Tian was taken aback, what's with this situation? Could it be that she was so touched that she already fell in love with him? Yang Tian was fantasizing and said:

- Isn't that for you? If you want, we could do it right here.

Ye Ling pursed her lips:

- Hah, who would want to kiss you, I don't even have a boyfriend yet. If anyone's allowed to kiss me, it'll be my boyfriend.

Putting that aside, Yang Tian ran after Ye Ling. After the two had lunch. Ye Ling wanted to try a lot of games and Yang Tian obliged her.

Seeing that it's almost dark and that they should probably leave, Ye Ling pointed to a large Ferris wheel:

- Yang Tian, I want to ride that. It's so tall, watching to scenery from there must be nice.

Yang Tian looked at the Ferris wheel with an ominous feeling. This was instinct forged from countless battles. However he brushed it off because with his strength, how could he not handle this tiny problem.

There were relatively few people as Yang Tian and Ye Ling got into a compartment. The ride started and Ye Ling cheered excitedly:

- Yang Tian, come look, it's so pretty. The view from here is excellent.

Yang Tian also feigned excitement as he watched. He thought to himself: " When we get a chance, I'll let you see the view from beyond the clouds". Ye Ling continued to cheered and pranced around like a little kid. Yang Tian didn't stop her as he felt danger approaching. He used his spiritual sense to sweep around the entire amusement park but found nothing. After some observation, he still didn't find anything and muttered:

- Am I overthinking this? Not possible, my intuitions have always been right.

While he was lost in thought, the Ferris wheel stopped. Everyone in the ride was stuck where they are and someone used a megaphone from below:

- Everyone remain calm, nothing is wrong. The engine is stalling a bit and will be restored momentarily. Everyone on the ground please step away from the Ferris wheel so our technician can work.

Ye Ling was now sitting next to Yang Tian, waiting for the problem to be resolved. Yang Tian didn't think it would be so simple as he sensed 3-4 police cars approaching the amusement park. Focusing on the car in front of the pack:

- Captain, what do you think their goals are? We  received a tip off that many bombs have been planted all over town and at places with high concentration of people.

- I'm not too sure but we should focus on checking and disarming these bombs. Someone else is on the case. The closest one is in the center of the Ferris wheel. We have to hurry.

"There's a bomb", these words startled Yang Tian. He didn't know about high tech equipment so when his spiritual sense swept through, he thought it was a part of the Ferris wheel. He double checked again and found an explosive cleverly disguised in the center of the wheel. He turned to Ye Ling:

- We are in a bit of danger.

Ye Ling was surprised:

- Danger? Isn't it just a technical difficulty?

Yang Tian explained:

- You'll have to trust me, I've found out that this Ferris wheel is rigged with a very dangerous bomb.

- No way, who could've done such a thing.

Under normal circumstances, if someone else had told her that, Ye Ling would have thought that person was crazy or trying to tease her. But for some reason, Yang Tian gave her a trustworthy feeling so she didn't doubt this words. Yang Tian continued:

- There's not time to explain, just follow what I say from now on.

- You remember the game we played earlier?

Ye Ling thought back to it and blushed, thinking: "Don't tell me he wants a kiss for courage. How could I give away my first kiss like that. But it's dangerous, what if he doesn't succeed?". Yang Tian didn't think that she would overthink like that:

- Just do what you did and hold on to me. Don't let go under any circumstance.

Ye Ling snapped out of it, so it was like that. She felt a bit loss inside without knowing why. "Do I really want to kiss him? No way" She thought.

She turned to Yang Tian and nodded:

- Alright.

Without another word, Yang Tian turned his back and signal for her to grab on. Ye Ling blushed and Yang Tian once again felt the softness on his back, a great feeling for him. He didn't waste any time and said "hold on" before opening the compartment door and climbed out.

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