Currently Su Yue Er was very angry. She had went into the kitchen to make food for someone else for the first time yet the person in question was late. He didn't even have the decency to call in advance. Liao Mei was still in her room since they agreed beforehand on a schedule and today was Su Yue Er's turn to cook.

They were rivals for a long time and knew each other fairly well. Liao Mei wasn't so foolish as to be Su Yue Er's guinea pig. Cultivators that have reached Foundation Establishment can already fast for a long period of time and Golden Core cultivator can abandon food altogether and just need to absorb the heaven and earth qi. Of course, they could still enjoy food if it was good.

Yang Tian just stepped into the house and immediately sensed Su Yue Er's murderous stare. He felt awkward and said:

- No need to look at me like that, other people might think you have fallen for me.

Su Yue Er couldn't hold it in and yelled:

- Why are you home so late and why didn't you call to warn me?

Yang Tiam smiled:

- Look at you, you looked like a housewife getting mad and questioning her husband.

- Don't try to distract me. Explain yourself, if you don't I'm not going to let you get away with it.

Yang Tian tried to be mysterious:

- It's a secret, let's eat first then we'll talk.

Su Yue Er was interested when Yang Tian said it was a secret. She was beginning to be more and more curious about Yang Tian. He was younger than her yet his cultivation has reached frightening level. She wanted to know the reason behind this and maybe take advantage of it herself.

- Alright, go and eat. But you must tell me the secret.

Yang Tian changed his clothes and came to the table:

- Where's Liao Mei? She's not having any dinner?

Su Yue Er stared at him:

- Is having me eating with you not enough?

Su Yue Er felt that this person had always had designs on Liao Mei. Yesterday he wanted to see her face and today he immediately asked for her after sitting down. She was also a beauty, a supreme beauty to boot and he was not paying her any attention. At this moment, Su Yue Er was starting to doubt her personal charms.

If Yang Tian new what she thought he would yelled foul. He already saw her face and she was sitting right in front of her, was he to act brainless and ask for her whereabouts?

Yang Tian frowned:

- It's nothing, we should eat before the food gets cold.

He then used his chopstick to grab a piece of fish. As it touched his tongue, Yang Tian immediately spat out. He looked at Su Yue Er, confused:

- Did you mix up salt and sugar?

Su Yue Er shook her head:

- I didn't. I just felt that sweet food are always better.

- You mean to tell me that you put sugar in every single dish here?

She nodded and Yang Tian was speechless. He dropped his chopstick:

- It's getting pretty late and I ate before coming home so I think I'm good for now.

- Oh no you don't, I've spent a lot of effort cooking these and you'll have to eat all of it. If not I'm never going to cook for you ever again.

Yang Tian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, if the woman never enters the kitchen again it would be his supreme luck. Of course he couldn't say any of this out loud.

When they made this deal, he had forgotten that Su Yue Er was of high stature and never needed to learn how to cook. He scolded himself: "Stupid plan, I forgot about this very crucial detail. I'm guessing Liao Mei's cooking would be the same". 

- It just hit me but I think you would be better off focusing on you cultivation. There's no need to cook for me from now on.

Su Yue Er was overjoyed, she didn't want to cook in the firt place. The only reason she did it was because Yang Tian used his authority as the house owner to force her. Yang Tian saw her happy face and breath a sigh of relief. Passing this calamity, he hoped there would be blessing in the horizon.

However, before he could celebrate Su Yue Er continued:

- It's good that you've understand it. Our cultivation can last for days if not months at a time and we can't cook for you everyday.

- However I've cooked all of this already so you better finish it all.

Seeing no way out of this, Yang Tian gave a long sighed and accepted his fate. He gritted his teeth and started eating. Seeing Yang Tian's pale face as he take big bites of his food - often swallowing whole without chewing, Su Yue Er couldn't help but chuckle. She had been at a disadvantage ever since they met and now she got her payback.

After eating the last dish, Yang Tian rushed to the fridge and downed a large bottle of watter. Su Yue Er laughed out loud. Yang Tian saw her smiling face and was taken aback by her beauty. She usually put up a cold demeanor but this was her true personality.

After Yang Tian came back to the table, Su Yue Er said:

- Good, now that you've finished everything, I'll forgive you for coming back late and not telling me.

Now you should tell me the reason for your tardiness.

She wouldn't forget about this matter. Yang Tian was about to tell her until he sensed Liao Mei listening with her spiritual sense. It's seems this lady was also curious.

- Liao Mei, if want to know then come out, no need to listen in. 

Liao Mei jolted and remebered that Yang Tian's cultivation was much higher than her's. Using her spiritual sense would bound to get caught. However she really wanted to know this secret so he gritted her teeth and stepped out.

Su Yue Er seized on the opportunity and mocked her:

- I've said it before, you Devil Sect people are nothing but trouble, always skulking in the shadow like that.

- This doesn't concern you.

These two were a pair of cat and dog and would immediately clashed upon seeing each other. Feeling a bit tensed, Yang Tian said:

- Alright, sit down so I can tell my story. Consider this a reward for staying here.

Seeing that the two were very focused, Yang Tian said:

- I went to a meeting with some Dark Society members present in this are.

- Dark Society?

The two were astonished, how could they not know of the Dark Society. This was the only power that rivaled the four great powers of the Shrouded Continent. They had many members and controlled many nations. Even Cultivators that have reached Golden Core were no match for modern weapons.

Of course, the outside world didn't dare attack the Shrouded Continent. It was surrounded by the vast formation that the supreme Cultivator had erected. Even a nuclear strike would not scratch it. Because of how that supreme cultivator set it up, only Cultivators and cultivation resources can pass through the formation. Modern weapons cannot be transported through.

Even if there was a war, the Shrouded Continent only need to hide its expert amongst the populace and assassinate the higher ups of the mortals. This wasn't something that the Dark Society wanted to happen. From there emerge a balance between the two sides and the Dark Society's true purpose was to monitor the Shrouded Continent's Cultivator should they try to blend in.

Yang Tian was not surprised by their reaction. It would be more of a surprised if they didn't know about the Dark Society. Liao Mei frowned:

- You are a member of the Dark Society?

Su Yue Er was also curious. She knew the severity of this situation. After all, the Dark Society and the four great powers have always been on the opposite side.

- It's nothing like that, I'm a temporary member and only just joined since couple of days ago. Yesterday I told you that I can't go with you guys was for this reason.

- The Dark Society wanted me to represent them in the Resource Competition next year.

Su Yue Er and Liao Mei both exclaimed:

- The Resource Competition?

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