Yang Tian chatted with them for a while before leaving. As he came home, he saw Biao Zheng Long waiting at the door. As Yang Tian approached him, Biao Zheng Long said:

- Young master, everything has been taken care off.

Yang Tian nodded:

- Good work, you've handle things nicely. I'll help you advance to Earth stage Martial Artist.

Biao Zheng Long was overjoyed and bowed respectfully:

- Thank you young master.

- Let's go to somewhere quiet. The advancement process must not be disturbed.

Biao Zheng Long heard that and turned to his men:

- You guys go back first, I have some business to take care of with the young master.

Yang Tian let Biao Zheng Long drove and he took them to the outskirt of the city. They stopped at a normal looking house in a small village. Yang Tian stepped and breath in the fresh air:

- Not bad, the air is very fresh. Is this your retirement home?

Biao Zheng Long's face darkened, he was only 38 so how could he have thought about something like that.

- Young Master, this is a secret base that I've built to be a safe-house in case of emergency.

- Not bad, you've think quiet far ahead. Let's go in.

Biao Zheng Long led the way and knocked twice at the door. A voice can be heard:

- Honored guess from afar, what business do you have?

As if planned before, Biao Zheng Long answered:

- Travelled far and made a wrong turn, asking for a drink to refresh.

The door opened and a youth with gigantic figure walked out. The person didn't cultivate any Martial arts or Dharmic arts but Yang Tian can sensed a massive force emanating from his body. Just from this alone, his power is no less than a late Earth stage Martial Artist.

After Yang Tian and Biao Zheng Long sat down, the youth asked:

- Boss, what's the occassion?

Biao Zheng Long looked at Yang Tian:

- Xiao Ci, let me introduce you to the young master. I'm currently his subordinate.

The youth was taken aback, Since when did boss Biao willingly serve someone else?

Not waiting for the youth's response, Yang Tian asked:

- Xiao Ci, the energy inside your body, is it from training or birth?

Xiao Ci couldn't hold in his surprise, this was the first time they had met and the man already knew of his power. Even boss Biao didn't know anything about it. Biao Zheng Long was also surprised and Yang Tian noticed:

- You don't know about this?

Biao Zheng Long was at a loss:

- I saved him on one of my trip. He was heavily wounded and was this close to death. I had to put in a lot of effort to save him so he followed me ever since. I never asked about his background.

- I didn't know you were such a magnanimous person.

Biao Zheng Long smiled and didn't say anything. Yang Tian looked at Xiao Ci:

- So can you give us some clarification?

Xiao Ci was silent and then solemnly asked:

- It's not impossible to tell you but you must promised that this won't get leaked, bad things would happen if you do.

Xiao Ci then said:

- I was a member of the Dark Society and was heavily injured on a mission. Boss Biao saved my life so I decided to stay and help him for 3 years. The time is almost up so I'm just about to leave.

Biao Zheng Long was surprised:

- Dark Society.

- You know of it?

Biao Zheng Long responded:

- I heard of it before. It's a massive organization that spans the globe. Not only that, every member has astonishing strength. Any single one of them could wipe out an underworld gang.

Yang Tian nodded:

- They are not that powerful, but very close. I can even tell you that they are that strong because most of them are Cultivators.

This time, it was Xiao Ci's turn to be surprised:

- You also know about the Dark Society?

Yang TIan didn't say anything and produced his identification. He threw it to Xiao Ci. Meanwhile Biao Zheng Long was in the dark, this was the first time he had heard of the word Cultivator. Yang Tian saw that and explained:

- Cultivators are those born with special constitution that differs from normal people. They can practice special Dharmic technique and mantras. It's quite similar to Martial Artists but much much more powerful.

Biao Zheng Long quickly asked:

- Can I cultivate these arts?

Yang Tian shook his head:

- You don't have a spirit root and cannot cultivate.

- No need to feel bitter, as long as you breakthrough to Heaven stage, your strength would not be inferior to the majority of Cultivator.

Heaven stage expert was the equivalent of Foundation Establishment Cultivator. As for Golden Core expert, they were the apex of this world and Biao Zheng Long would not have the opportunity to be in contact with them. Biao Zheng Long turned joyful, what Yang Tian implied was that he would help him breakthrough to Heaven stage.

- I can breakthrough to Heaven stage?

Yang Tian nodded:

- That's right, as long as you continue to do good work for me, I'll help you become a Heaven stage expert.

Meanwhile, Xiao Ci was lost in thought. He was surprised that Yang Tian was already a Core member at such a young age. Now he also promised to help an ordinary Martial Artist to breakthrough to Heaven stage, this was the equivalent to helping someone breakthrough to Foundation Establishment.

Yang Tian looked at Xiao Ci:

- What's wrong? Is there something wrong with my id card?

Xiao Ci quickly responded:

- Nothing, Elementary-grade member Xiao Ci reporting in.

Yang Tian shook his head:

- No need to for such frivolous formalities, just call me Yang Tian. You still haven't answered my question, where did your power comes from?

Yang Tian nodded:

- I was an orphan and I was born with this great force and it kept growing as I got older. Although I can't cultivate, a member from the Dark Society discovered my special constitution and recruited me.

After Yang Tian heard that, he used his spiritual sense to surround Xiao Ci. He sensed an overwhelming amount force contained in the young man and said:

- It's the Berserker Spiritual Body. I've just met someone with the Frigid Ice Spiritual Body and now this. These constitution are extremely rare even in the Cultivation World, yet I've seen two in just a couple of days.

Xiao Ci was at a loss, this was the first time he had heard of the Berserker Spiritual Body. Yang Tian explained:

- You have the Berserker Spiritual Body, it's blessed with divine force. The power in your body is massive and would continue to grow in the future. As long as you can find a suitable mantra, you can become a Cultivator. Within the same cultivation, you will be unbeatable.

Berserker Force is one of the high grade spiritual qi but Yang Tian didn't mention because even if he did, Xiao Ci wouldn't understand. Berserk Force doesn't just provide massive force but it also has body augmentation effects. It also doesn't overload the body like in Wang Yun's case so Xiao wouldn't just explode. Thinking about the beautiful but cold woman, Yang Tian didn't want to bother her as she needed time to think.

Xiao Ci heard that he can cultivate and rejoiced:

- Since you said that, does that mean you have a suitable mantra for me?

- I have the mantra but you have to agree to something.

- What?

- Become my subordinate, you and Biao Zheng Long would serve directly under me.

Biao Zheng Long's abilities weren't bad but his strength was far too weak. Xiao Ci fitted the bill and with him, Yang Tian would save a lot of effort. Xiao Ci had a troubled look:

- I'm a member of the Dark Society and cannot join another organization.

Yang Tian crossed his hands:

- Don't worry about it, I'll tell Biao Zheng Long here to make you another identity, let's call you Chu Ci. I'll handle the Dark Society.

Xiao Ci mocked himself, he forgot that Yang Tian was a Core member and it would be a cakewalk for him. Thinking about cultivating and gaining immense power, Xiao Ci gritted his teeth:

- Alright, I'll be your subordinate.

Yang Tian was satisfied and turned to Biao Zheng Long:

- You can take care of his new identity.

Biao Zheng Long nodded:

- Not a problem.

- Good, from now on, I'll call you Chu Ci.

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