Qin Xue heard Yang Tian's call and her cheeks brightened. However she still hurriedly approached him.

- Why are you here?

Yang Tian didn't want her to know that he was the boss of an underworld gang so made something up:

- I was invited by a friend and I had nothing to do so I came to get a change of scenery. I didn't think I'd see you here, it seems that we are fated.

- Humph, who wants to be fated with you.

Qin Xue tried to look angry but her happy face betrayed her. Yang Tian was overjoyed, it seemed that his success was near. He only needed the right occasion to seal the deal.

When the people around Yang Tian and Qin Xue saw that they were very familiar with each other, they were surprised. They were all people of high society and although they didn't know who Yang Tian was, they all knew that Qin Xue was the Qin Clan's young miss.

They way they talked were similar to that of young lovers. Some people couldn't help but gossip:

- Could it be that he's miss Qin's boyfriend?

- It might be so, didn't you here he called her Xue-er. They must be very close.

- That's impossible, she was my target. How could she become an owned flower.

- If nothing else, the fact the he's miss Qin's boyfriend is enough for me to get acquainted with him.

The surrounding chatter made Qin Xue redder and redder. Yang Tian understood and pulled her to a quiet corner. The other people got the cue and didn't continue to bother them.

Although Qin Xue was dragged around by Yang Tian, she didn't resist and let him pulled her along. The two arrived at the table and sat down to talk. As the Yang Tian was entertaining her, a voice sounded from behind him:

Qin Xue turned around and was cheerful upon seeing the face of the person:

- Brother Wang, when did you return? Why didn't you call me?

- I just got back and have to attend this banquet in the place of my father. It's been such a long time since I've seen you Xue-er, you look even more beautiful than before.

Qin Xue was smiling and turning to look at Yang Tian:

- This is brother Wang Bao, a childhood friend of mine.

- Brother Wang, this is Yang Tian, a friend of mine.

Wang Bao extended his hand to Yang Tian and greeted him:

- Hello, I am Wang Bao.

Yang Tian also extended his hand and nodded:

- Yang Tian.

As the two retracted their hands, Yang Tian felt a small movement coming out of Wang Bao's body as though something was living inside him. Yang Tian thought: "I wonder what could it be? I've never seen something like this before"

The three chatted cheerfully and after a while, Wang Bao stood up:

- I've just returned so it's time to go back home to my parents. Xue-er, do you want to come and visit?

Qin Xue looked at Yang Tian and saw him nodded:

- You go on ahead, I have business to take care of here. See you later.

Qin Xue saw that Yang Tian didn't want her to stay and felt a bit loss. She remembered that last time Yang Tian said that he was only her friend and couldn't help to question herself: "Does he only think of me as a friend?"

Wang Bao was not pleased when he saw Qin Xue asking Yang Tian's opinion but he put up a smiling face:

- Then we'll excuse ourself. See you later.

Yang Tian looking at Wang Bao and Qin Xue leaving and thought that this Wang Bao was somehow very strange but he couldn't put his finger on it. Yang Tian didn't really want Qin Xue to leave but he really did have some business to attend to. Since he arrived, there was a beauty that has been constantly sneaking glances at him.

Yang Tian recognized her in an instant. She was the host of this banquet - Hong Nian Zi. As to why she was paying attention to him, Yang Tian was not so sure. 

He also wanted to meet her, if not for anything else the fact he detected that she was still a virgin. She had been married for a year now and she was still a virgin, something must be wrong with this marriage. Yang Tian muttered:

- She's still a virgin, it seems I have break the pot and steal the flower. I haven't done this before so this is quite exciting to think about.

Yang Tian sat alone for a while and on cue, Hong Nian Zi approached him:

- Hello, may I sit?

Yang Tian smiled:

- It's your banquet, I'm sure you can seat wherever you want.

Hong Nian Zi heard that and sat down with a smile. Yang Tian asked:

- Should I call you Hua Shi Yin or Hong Nian Zi?

- You can call me Shi Yin.

Hua Shi Yin hated her surname and people who knew her all called her Shi Yin or Hong Nian Zi but few know the reason why. She let Yang Tian called her by her name to bolster their relationship. Yang Tian didn't miss this fact and nodded:

- I'll call you Shi Yin then. Now why are you coming to me? I know you've been paying attention to me ever since I got here. I'm sure it's not something as simple as getting to know me is it?

Hua Shi Yin wasn't surprised. The person behind Biao Zheng Long had to be at least this sharp so she nodded:

- You are right, I have a proposition for you and if you agree, we can meet after the banquet is over.

Yang Tian felt very intrigued:

- A date with a beauty, how could I say no to that?

Hua Shi Yin didn't betray any thoughts:

- Then please excuse me and I'll see you later. I hope you enjoy the rest of the party.

After that she immediately left. Yang Tian continued to sit and enjoy his drinks. A lot of people soon gathered around him hopping to make his acquaintance. Yang Tian knew that this was all because of Qin Xue and he cordially made conversation with them. After a while he was chatting with a group of young men, everyone was calling each other brothers as though they've known each others for a long time. A youth said:

- Brother Yang Tian, do you have any free time after this banquet? If you do, I want to invite you to a drift. (T/N: This is kinda weird as the author used a slang for car racing which the closest I've found in English is drifting)

- Drift? You mean car racing?

The youth nodded:

- That's right. If you haven't drift before, the feeling on the car is like flying. It's very relaxing. Sitting behind the wheel is...

As the youth go on about car racing, it made Yang Tian want to try a bit. The car he bought was only a regular care so he had never used it to race. However, he remembered his appointment with Hua Shi Yin and declined:

- I have an appointment later, when you are out for a drift call me.

The youth cheerfully nodded:

- Alright, I'll call you the next time I'm out.

The group chatted for a while and soon the banquet came to a close. Yang Tian bade them farewell and remained in his seat. Biao Zheng Long arrived next to him and asked:

- Young master, did you make an arrangement with Hong Nian Zi?

- You knew?

- She occasionally asked me about you in our conversation. I think she has some designs on you.

Yang Tian complimented:

- Very astute. She does have some designs on me. Bring the care back home for me, I'll be back later.

Biao Zheng Long didn't have any worries. With Yang Tian's strength, what dangers could there be. He obeyed Yang Tian and brought his men back.

Yang Tian grabbed a bottle of wine and poured himself a glass, waiting for Hua Shi Yin.

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