The two then chatted for a bit with Hua Shi Yin trying to probe to powers behind Yang Tian and him doing his best to avoid the topic. Yang Tian secretly praised her, the woman was a very good talker. If not for him having no backing power, he would have been coerced by her to spill everything.

After 10pm, Yang Tian said his goodbyes with Hua Shi Yin feeling a bit regretful. She was very interested in the powers behind Yang Tian. He went home and went straight to bed, it has been a long day.

The next week went well, Qin Xue was back in class and she was welcomed back by everyone. Yang Tian sat next to her daily in a corner and chatted about a wide variety of topic. Zhou Xue Min had been very afraid of Yang Tian ever since the incident at the bar so he never once tried to get involve with Qin Xue.

Yang Tian occasionally visited Mu Wu Han's restaurant. Her attitude towards Yang Tian have changed completely, even he himself felt closer to her. If nothing changes, Yang Tian felt that with a little more time and effort, he would succeed.

Li Pan also delivered to Yang Tian some information about Ling Ya Qi and the Huang Clan. The information was lacking though, Ling Ya Qi didn't have any scandal since she debuted and most of this information was on her success and personality. The information on the Huang Clan was even more lacking, but Li Pan did manage to dig up the address in the Qing Lin District. Yang Tian planned on giving them a visit in the coming days.

That afternoon, Yang Tian had plans with Zhao Wu Xin to study at a nearby cafe. Although his true goals was to get to know her more. After a short wait, Zhao Wu Xin showed up in a normal outfit, her hair was tied in a horsetail style made her looked very young,

She entered and after a quick look around, saw Yang Tian and approached him:

- Have you been here long?

- I just got here actually. Instructor Zhao, I must say that you stunning today.

Zhao Wu Xin smiled, she had heard this a lot and didn't pay attention to it.

- Alright take out your notes and we'll get to it. I have an appointment after this so let's not waste time.

Yang Tian knew that she was very busy so he tooked out his books and notes. Zhao Wu Xin was a very passionate teacher and Yang Tian was a very fast student. He had tackled formation much more complicated than this so a bit of knowledge on economics wasn't going to stifile him.

But Yang Tian felt that the monetary system, especially the credit system of this world was very intriguing. If he could implement this in the Cultivation World, he would make a fortune.

Yang Tian had finished all 5 subjects that Zhao Wu Xin was currently teaching. She was very surprised and shook her head saying:

- I don't have anything left to teach you. You have a natural gift for studying and if you decide to go into research, I'm sure you'll be famous one day.

- Instructor Zhao, you don't need to flatter me. Besides, academia is not my thing.

Zhao Wu Xin shook her head, feeling it was a shame:

- Since I'm only teaching you for this one class, I'll return the money for the rest.

Yang Tian denied her:

- No need, what you taught me is worth more than 20 thousands so don't worry about it.

After a bit of back and forth, Zhao Wu Xin conceded but deep down she still felt a bit guilty. She was in dire need of money and didn't have any money to pay Yang Tian back. She also felt that with Yang Tian's abilities, there was no way that he couldn't keep up in class. He was definitely trying to help her.

- You don't have to worry about this too much Instructor Zhao. If you still want to repay me, just cook me a meal sometime and we'll call it even.

Zhao Wu Xin nodded since she had nothing better to repay Yang Tian with. Seeing that it's already 11am, Zhao Wu Xin stood up and left:

- Yang Tian, I have to go. See you later.

- See you later.

His guess is that she was going to visit her mother in the hospital. Yang Tian wanted to follow but after a second thought, he felt it was inappropriate and waited for another opportunity.

Yang Tian then took out his laptop and ordered some more food for lunch. After that he logged in to his game. There was a new server vs server pvp that came out and as the top player in his server, he had to participate to carry the other people.

In the middle of his game, Yang Tian received a call from Old Wang and thought: "Did they made a decision already?". He picked up the phone and before he could say anything, Old Wang panicked voice was heard:

- Yang Tian, you must come quickly. Yun-er can't hold on anymore.

Yang Tian was taken aback, it couldn't be that her condition flared up prematurely. Without a second thought, he raced to Old Wang's house.

Old Wang at this time held a phone in his hand and had a worried face. The frigid qi emanating from the room was so much that he can't even approach it. He only prayed that Yang Tian would show up soon.

As if answering his prayers, Yang Tian suddenly appeared right in front of him. Old Wang was taken aback, they were just on the phone 10 seconds ago, how did he get here so fast?

Yang Tian looked at Old Wang:

- I must cure her now, it might take a couple of days. In that time, no one can bother us. Don't worry, she'll definitely be fine.

Old Wang nodded:

- Alright, I understand.

Old Wang saw how powerful Yang Tian was and felt at eased. By now, he had an inkling the person that cultivated in Pure Yang mantra that Yang Tian said before was. Yang Tian saw that Old Wang understood and entered the room, shutting the door behind him.

Wang Yun's body frozen solid by the frigid qi, her face betrayed unimaginable pain. Yang Tian felt very sorry for her, who knows how much pain she had to endure.

Yang Tian approached her and a scorching qi emanated from his body to push back the surrounding frigid qi back. He let out a long sighed, his inside was a mess. He had always thought that his first would be either Qin Xue or Ye Ling, maybe even Mu Wu Han. He didn't think it would be Wang Yun. After all he had only met her once.

Although Yang Tian was a womanizer, he wanted to build a solid relationship with his women. However, there was no choice in this situation. He couldn't have let her die and trapped her soul to build another body for her, that was ridiculous.

Looking at the beauty in front of him, Yang Tian approached and undressed her. After everything was off, it revealed a white as pearl body with curves and well endowed bosom.


Old Wang was very impatient as Yang Tian has been in there 3 days and he hadn't heard a single sound. This is because Yang Tian was afraid of any sound leaking so he set up a noise cancelling formation.

Yang Tian didn't know that at this time, in his mansion, a beautiful woman was tied to the pillar of the house. Liao Mei's face was solemn:

- This person tried to poisoned me and you. Why didn't you let me kill her.

Su Yue Er shook her head:

- I'm guessing she's here for Yang Tian so leave her. He'll handle it.

Liao Mei nodded:

- Fine, do what you want.

After that, she returned to her room. Su Yue Er looked at the bounded woman. Her acupuncture point was sealed so she couldn't say anything. Su Yue Er didn't want to waste any words on her and also returned to her room, muttering to herself on her way back:

- Where did that bastard go when we were in closed door cultivation? He couldn't possibly be chasing skirt could he?

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