Yang Tian examined the patient and turned to look at Yao Nan:

- Do you have any acupuncture needle?

Yao Nan was taken aback:

- You want to treat her with acupuncture? Impossible, her condition must be operated on. We have done exhaustive test so I'm sure of this.

- Just bring me what I need and I'll handle everything.

Yao Nan had no choice and went to the Eastern medicine department to borrow a full set of acupuncture needle for Yang Tian. Yang Tian opened the box and saw no less than 100 needles large and small. He thought: "Why so many needles? Do you want to make a porcupine man?".

Yang Tian only need 2-3 needles to aid the process of transfering qi into her body. After picking out 3 needles of appropriate size, Yang Tian stuck them randomly near the place that needed operation. Yao Nan, who was standing besides him, dropped his jaws.

Is this even possible? Is this person joking? Who the heck would use such a large needle to poke directly into the heart. If he didn't fear for the condition of the patient, he would have rushed over and pulled the needle out.

Yang Tian assumed the air of a superior and lectured Yao Nan:

- You medical skill is not bad but medicine have been developing for a long time and there are still elements beyond your comprehension. I'll let you witness some of that today.

After that, Yang Tian started his treatment. He used the 3 needles as medium to transmit the spiritual qi to destroy the cells that were causing the illness. The qi also helped the body rejuvenate new cells. During that time, Yang Tian also administered 10 more needles in different areas.

After 15 minutes, he removed all the needles and put his hand on her. He injected a bit more spiritual qi to help recover her constitution. After all, she had been sick for a long time and her constitution suffered as a result.

He then looked at Yao Nan:

- The illness is cured, you can go ahead and examine her.

Yao Nan looked like he couldn't take it anymore and went on to examine her. He did a bunch of test including X-ray and a Electrocardiogram test on her. Yang Tian was observing the background the whole time and could help but praise him. A person that can operate all these modern equipment must have some talent.

As Yao Nan proceed further and further with the examination, his face became more and more astonished. After a while, he looked at Yang Tian worshippingly:

- She is completely cured, not only that her body is in excellent condition. We still need to run more test to be sure but she is by all account, fine.

Yang Tian nodded as they couldn't do exhaustive examination in such a short time. As he was about to go outside and look for Zhao Wu Xin, Yao Nan rushed before him:

- Yang Tian, can you teach me your medical skills?

- It's nothing too fancy, just master your Western medicine and you could do the same thing.

Yao Nan shook his head:

- As advance as Western medicine is, we would still need to operate on her and we wouldn't be able to get her to recover nearly as much as you have in that short amount of time. I've seen your miraculous Eastern medical skills and I cannot just let that pass by.

Yang Tian face darkened. What Eastern medicine or Western medicine, he was a complete novice in terms of medical skills. He can't even differentiate the different types of acupuncture needles. However he had something to rely on - spiritual qi. A mortal body doesn't have have nearly as much power as a Cultivator and one only needed to use a relatively weak spiritual qi to cure many mortal ailments.

Seeing Yao Nan's pleading face, Yang Tian thought for a bit then adopt an wise man's posture:

- Eastern medicine and Western medicine have their own merits. You've studied Western medicine for a long time and should continue down that path. Switching to Eastern medicine would not do you any good. The medical arts is deep and unfathomable but every path leads to saving lives. As long as you have this in your heart, you can develop your medical arts to its limits.

Yao Nan heard that and was taken aback, he looked like he was trying to comprehend something. Yang Tian saw that Yao Nan didn't say anything else and bolted out of the room.

Even he himself didn't know what he was talking about. It sounded profound but in reality it's just meaningless platitude in the end. However it was the only way to trick someone like Yao Nan. If he still insisted on learning, Yang Tian didn't know what to teach him. He can't possibly teach him how to cultivate.

Yang Tian sighed:

- Being too studious is not a good thing. Life is too short to not enjoy.

Yang Tian went outside and saw Zhao Wu Xin fiddling with her shirt and pacing back and forth. Seeing Yang Tian walking out, she rushed to him:

Yang Tian put up a grave look and turned around, seemingly unable to face her:

- Instructor Zhao, I...

Zhao Wu Xin face paled:

- Did my mother not make it?

Yang Tian saw her like that and felt that he went a bit too far. He turned to her and smiled:

- I'm not finished, she's cured. The doctor just need to do some final examination before she can go home. 

- Really?

- Of course, how could I lie to you.

Zhao Wu Xin then rushed into the room. When she reached the doorway and saw her mother, she turned back to Yang Tian:

Seeing Zhao Wu Xin trying to scare him and then entering, Yang Tian was surprised. He didn't know Instructor Zhao can make such an adorable face. He cursed Li Pan's investigative abilities. How could he left out such crucial details.

If Li Pan was here then he would yell foul. Zhao Wu Xin hadn't made a face like that in a long time so how could he have known.

Yang Tian knew that Zhao Wu Xin didn't have any more time for him so he headed home. His appointment with Mu Wu Han was in the afternoon and it wasn't even noon yet. So he wanted to go home, relax and help his comrades with some sieges.

Yang Tian was only able to walk a couple of steps before seeing a beauty running towards him. She was holding a lunch box so it seemed that she was delivering lunch to someone.

How could Yang Tian meet so many beauties in such a short amount of time? Didn't he always say that beauties are hard to find?

The answer is simple, Yang Tian felt that finding beauties was too hard so tweaked his fate just a little bit. Although True Immortal are not bound by fate but upping his luck with women a bit is still possible. Of course, this is just making the chances of meeting beautiful women higher. He would still have to court them himself. After all, he can't dabble too much in fate, especially for powerful beings such as True Immortal. Their path are undefined and fate cannot interfere too much with them.

Could this woman be delivering lunch to Yao Nan. An idiot that only focused on medicine like can get a girl like that? Life is too unfair. Yang Tian cursed his fate, how could someone as handsome and talented as himself still be without a woman.

Qin Xue, Ye Ling, Mu Wu Han are still only in the undefined relationship stage. He had still gotten nowhere with Su Yue Er, Liao Mei, Zhao Wu Xin and Hua Shi Yin. The only woman that had slept with - Wang Yun, must hate his guts by now. Although it was to save her life, it was still technically rape.

While Yang Tian was lamenting the fact that he was a failure of a True Immortal, he saw the beauty hand in hand with Yao Nan. Yang Tian's heart broke:

- So it was like that after all. I'm heartbroken.

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