Yang Tian played games until late into the night before going to bed. He woke up in the morning and went to school. He had skipped a couple of days so he didn't know if anything occurred. Yang Tian felt that giving the two mantras to Su Yue Er and Liao Mei was a big mistake. The two didn't even bother leaving their rooms anymore. This put many of his plans into chaos.

Qin Xue saw Yang Tian skipping school constantly and came to ask him about it. Yang Tian would never tell her the truth of course. He made up some excuse about personal matters and Qin Xue didn't want to intrude. The two were chatting happily in the corner of the room and Li Pan gave Yang Tian a thumb up.

Zhou Xue Min was still very afraid of Yang Tian after the incident from before and have never dared to bother him since. With a beauty keeping him company, the class went by smoothly. Yang Tian was about to ask her out for lunch but Qin Xue said she had an appointment with Wang Bao's family. This made Yang Tian felt a hidden danger rising.

Yang Tian didn't have anything left to do so he went home to play video games. When it was sunset, he got a call from Biao Zheng Long:

- Young master, I've finished the arrangement and I'll send some people to come and pick you up.

- Alright.

After more than 10 minutes, Biao Zheng Long brought his car and Yang Tian pointed to the Rolls Royce:

- You think I should use this car to go and pick a superstar like her?

Biao Zheng Long looked at the car with suspicious looks. He felt that it was very familiar but he couldn't quite remember where from.

- This is?

Yang Tian laughed:

- This is the new Rolls Royce, the limited version. There are only 10 like it in the world.

- What?

Biao Zheng Long face went from surprised to frightened. He had seen this car on the news. He heard that it was made with a very eye catching design and the best technology had to offered. This is car was made to celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the company. A lot of presidents, prime ministers from many countries tried to buy it with no avail. It's not only because of its exorbitant price but also there were only 10 available. Only the most powerful people in the world can buy it.

How powerful were the powers behind this young master? Biao Zheng Long swallowed his saliva and looked at Yang Tian:

- Young master, is this car a replica of that Rolls Royce?

Yang Tian gave a cold grunt, this guy dared to think that he was using a fake. He took out a set of documents and threw it to Biao Zheng Long:

- Take a good look, this is an apology gift from the Li Clan. Can it be fake?

Biao Zheng Long heard of the Li Clan and his entire body shook. How could he not know about the Li Clan. As long as one have some position in society, one must know of the three great clans. These clans where behind only the central government and the Li Clan is the leading clan amongst the three clan. He smiled at Yang Tian dryly:

- Of course not, how could I doubt young master. It's just that this was too sudden and I didn't have enough time to process it.

- So tell me, should I drive it to meet Ling Ya Qi? I've heard that her family is very wealthy, this car would be very appropriate for the occasion.

Biao Zheng Long cursed under his breath: "What do you mean appropriate, do you want to scare everyone to death?". He was still smiling however:

- I don't think it's necessary, my car would do just fine.

Yang Tian was adamant:

- But I haven't drove it once ever since I got it. Now that we have a chance to see a beauty, it's best to use it.

Biao Zheng Long was quiet, this car was used for international meetings and he wanted to use it to pick up women. The world was truly unfair.

Yang Tian saw that Biao Zheng Long didn't reject this and thought that he agreed with him:

- Good, let's do it like that. Bring your car in and let's drive this one.

Biao Zheng Long nodded and signaled the driver to come in. The car stopped and the person that stepped out was Chu Ci. Yang Tian was surprised:

- You're not cultivating?

Chu Ci said:

- My cultivation have reached Foundation Establishment so I wanted to relax a bit. This event happened at the right time.

Yang Tian nodded and threw the keys to Chu Ci and he drove them to Tian Hai Restaurant. Chu Ci got to drive a super car for the first time and he was very happy and drove very fast. The three were close so they chatted very intimately. When they were almost there, they were stopped by traffic police.

- Please step out of your vehicle. This is inside city limit and you have passed the speed limit.

Biao Zheng Long was about to step out and say something before Yang Tian stopped him:

- This place is very close to Tian Hai Restaurant, you go on ahead. I'll work with this officer a bit.

- Young master...

Biao Zheng Long was perplexed, he could've handle a small matter like this easily so why did Yang Tian want to go through all that trouble. He was about to say something before being stopped by Chu Ci, who pulled him out of the car.

Biao Zheng Long was dragged along for a while before stopping to ask Chu Ci:

- Why did you stop me?

Chu Ci shook his head and pointed to a person sitting on a motorcycle far away. The eyesight of Martial Artists and Cultivators are very good so Biao Zheng Long immediately understood and smiled:

- I didn't notice that at all and almost ruined young master's business. How did you know of his hobby?

Chu Ci said humbly:

- It's nothing much, in the documents you gave me on young master, there was a sentence highlighted with a red pen: "Especially likes beauty". I saw her and understood what he wanted to do.

Yang Tian wanted to meet Ling Ya Qi, this much was true. But when another beauty came along, he decided to delay for a bit. After all, Ling Ya Qi would still be there and being a bit late wouldn't affect things too much.

Yang Tian had already guessed who this beauty was, it was the madonna of the police department - Liu Li. This name was bit odd to him, her parents really had a strange sense of naming. They missed each other yesterday bit they're going to meet now, his womanizing fate was going really strong.

Yang Tian stepped off the vehicles and answered a few questions. The policeman saw that he was cooperating so he intended to give him a small fine and let him off. However, Liu Li stopped him:

- That won't do, his reckless driving endangered other people on the road. I recommend we impound his car for a couple of days.

Yang Tian chuckled, this beauty was really heavy handed.

- What are you laughing about?

- I felt a bit strange, my infraction would normally only be fined a bit so why did you want to impound my car. Did we have any prior grudge that I didn't know about?

- Who has a grudge with you. I am a police officer, however I want to settle this is at my discretion. If you don't like it, you can go and complain at the police department.

Yang Tian shook his head, if this meeting didn't go well, it will impact future attempts. He pulled out his phone and called Chu Ah:

- Yang Tian? Why did you call me?

- I just need a little help. I'm on a mission and your traffic police stopped me and wanted to impound my car. Can you talk to her for me?

- Understood, just give the phone to her.

Chu Ah act hastily, if this delayed Yang Tian's mission, he feared he couldn't handle the


Liu Li saw Yang Tian giving his phone to her and looked at him warily:

- What is it?

- Someone wants to talk to you.

Liu Li took the phone:

- Hello, this is Liu Li.

- I am Chu Ah, weren't you part of the criminal investigation unit? Why are you doing traffic work?

Liu Li was taken aback. She should've guessed that from his expensive car, Yang Tian was some bigwig.

- There are no active cases so I'm on support for the other units.

- No need, return to the station at once. You also need to immediately let that person go.

- But he...

- No buts, I'll take responsibilities for anything that would happen.

Liu Li turned off the phone and looked annoyed at Yang Tian:

- It seems your family is very influential.

- Ha ha, you'll know soon enough. See you around beautiful.

Yang Tian then took off on his car. He didn't want to be late for their first meeting to avoid leaving a bad impression with Ling Ya Qi.

Liu Li looked at Yang Tian leaving, gritted her teeth and returned to the station. It was an order from the director so she couldn't delay.

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