Stepping out of the hospital, Yang Tian glanced at the time:

- It's past 1pm, I should go home and get some lunch.

At his cultivation, it didn't matter whether he ate or not but he still wanted to enjoy his life as a normal person. After visiting a restaurant near his house for a quick lunch, he went home to play an MMO. He had been playing this game for a while and met a friend with a very feminine name: "Jingshen Beauty". The person in question also admitted to being a lady and a great beauty to boot. Yang Tian was skeptical, after all there are many people claiming to be female for special treatment in the game. The chances that the other person was actually a great beauty was so small that it might as well be zero. But since the other side have claim that she was female, Yang Tian also treated her as female.

Yang Tian was planning to participate in a boss event with her this afternoon. But because of Qin Xue's situation, he had put this plan in the back of his mind and only remembered it right now. Signing onto the game, a slew of messages bombarded him.

- Di Wang, where are you? The even is starting.

- Di Wang, come quickly, there's only 5 minutes to go.

- Di Wang, if you are late you won't get this boss kill.

- Di Wang you bastard, you dare stood up is lady. If I can't kill this boss I'll never forgive you.

Wiping the sweat of his brows, he thought: "Wasn't this only an event boss?". But he was the one in the wrong he quickly message back:

- I'm here, there was an emergency, invite me to party, there's still time.

He immediately receive a party invite.

- You're finally here, come quick I'm about to die.

After 10 minutes.

- Ha ha, Di Wang, you are great, we still got the boss in the end. However all the boss item must go to me as punishment for being late.

Yang Tian was sweating bullets as he thought to himself: "This person is actually really feminine, makes one feels like a girlfrend mad at her boyfriend who was late". Yang Tian quickly replied:

- You can have all of it, think of it as atonement.

After all he has put a lot of money into this game. All his equipment and items are the best of the best so he didn't need to compete with her. Jingshen Beauty only spent a little on the game, her equipment was relatively weak. He only partied with her because she said she was female. Although he didn't put much weight behind such claims, all gamers want a female gamer as a companion.

- Di Wang, you are the best. Where do you live? After my exams my parents permitted me to travel. If it's convenient I'll visit you.

- Good, I'm at Qing Lin district, Bei Jiang province. When you arrive call me, I'll pick you up. My number is...

After chatting with Jingshen Beauty, Yang Tian went to bed. Close to 6pm, Yang Tian took a shower, put on some new clothes and went to Hai Nan Bar. After parking his car, he called Li Pan:

- Panzi, I'm here, where are you guys?

- Yang Tian, don't come in. There's trouble inside.

- What happened? Do you need help?

- It's fine, I'll come and take a look.

He immediately hung up. Yang Tian didn't want to manage a few drunk young masters messing around, but he was worried that Li Pan and his friends might be caught in the crossfire. Li Pan was not a bad person and could potentially be a good friend in the future.  His friends' matters are his matters. Not only that, his classmates are also involve and he can't just turn a blind eye.

Stepping into the bar, Yang Tian immediately saw Li Pan's group surrounded by 10 people in black clothing. On the ground was a person with his head full of blood surrounded by broken beer bottle fragments. It was the person who was very aggressive in the morning - Zhou Xue Min.

Another man with white shirt stepped on Zhou Xue Min and lightly slapped his face:

- Weren't you so spirited before? You think having a father as the Police Deputy Director is big? I'll tell you what, even your father has to lower his head when he greets he. What are you?

After that he pointed to Li Pan and his friends who were all quaking.

- And then there are you guys. If you can't satisfy me, don't think about leaving. You think this is your house?

Immediately there were several whimpers that can be heard. Although he's still a bit scared, Li Pan stepped up:

- Brother Hu, this is Zhou Xue Min's fault and you have already beaten him. Can you give me some face and let them go?

- Your face? You are just a trash that the Li Clan have thrown away. What makes you think I need to give you face?

Li Pan face paled, this matter was the biggest wound in his life. Yang Tian shook his head as he saw that things can no longer be easily resolve. He approached and pat Li Pan on his shoulder:

- You guys can't resolve this, let me handle it.

Brother Hu looks at Yang Tian with disdain:

- Let you handle it? What can you do? Trashing my bar, attacking my men, if you guys can't cough up 100 thousand, don't even think about leaving.

- 100 thousand? Alright, I've give you 100 thousand.

Yang Tian didn't like trouble, if money can solve it then he'll use money. After all he had a lot of money. As Brother Hu saw how fast Yang Tian responded, his eyes glowed and thought to himself: "I've underestimate him, this guy is definitely from a wealthy family, I have to take advantage of this to make a killing". He immediately said:

- You heard me wrong, I said 100 thousand per person. If you give me 100 thousand I'll let one person go. It's 3.4 million for all of them.

Brother Hu gave an astronomical price so that they can negotiate and lower it to something more suitable. After all, Yang Tian was a student, even if his family was rich they couldn't possibly have given him much.

Yang Tian looked at Li Pan's group and at Zhou Xue Min.

- Are you sure?

- Yes.

With a smile, Yang Tian looked at Brother Hu:

- Then you won't get a penny today.

- You can try.

After that Brother Hu looked at his subordinates and they all took a stance as if they were about to pounce. After that, Brother Hu turn and looks at Yang Tian with challenging eyes.

Yang Tian sighs:

- It seems like you guys are about to spend some money.

- Spend some money?

- Yes, hospital fees.

After he finished, he didn't even wait for Brother Hu to digest his words and immediately kicked two of the black clothed man next to him. After that, he moved like shadow and before Brother Hu could figure out what was going on, all of his subordinates were groaning on the ground. Yang Tian didn't want to kill anyone so he controlled his strength.

Brother Hu face paled and without a word he brandish the knife that was tucked in his pants and thrust forward. His speed was decent but it still hit nothing. Before he could process what was happening, a large boom sounded. Brother Hu only felt pain in his back and his entire body crashed into the wall.

- I really didn't want trouble. This is to teach you a small lesson, if you dare bother my friends again then don't blame me for being heartless.

After that he signaled Li Pan's group to drag Zhou Xue Min outside.

Brother Hu felt wronged, he had guns but before he could take it out he was blown away. His entire body lost all its strength and he was almost knocked out. Looking at Yang Tian exiting:

- Just you wait, even you are the son of the Heavenly King, I'll make your life a living hell.

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