Qin Xue saw Yang Tian and was very happy. However upon seeing the beauty sitting with him, she became cautious. She then sat down next to Yang Tian:

- Yang Tian, this is?

- This is a friend that I've met recently. We were in the hospital earlier and I met her there. Since it was convenient, I asked her to lunch.

Yang Tian didn't lie but he was speaking half truth so Yao Ling couldn't rebut his words. Qin Xue heard that Yang Tian was in the hospital and was immediately worried:

- Why did you have to be in the hospital? Did you get injured?

- Nothing like that. I was asked by a friend to save a patient.

Yao Ling also said:

- That's right, it was lucky that Yang Tian was there. If not for him, the patient might not have made it.

Qin Xue heard someone praising Yang Tian and felt a bit proud. Suddenly there was a call from afar:

- Qin Xue, where are you?

Qin Xue heard that and turned to Yang Tian:

- I have to go, see you tomorrow.

Yang Tian nodded:

- See you tomorrow.

Qin Xue wanted to stay for a bit longer but she was here with her friends and she couldn't abandon them. Yang Tian saw Qin Xue leaving and breath a sigh of relieve. He had never planned for situation like this.

Yao Ling looked at Qin Xue's disappearing figure and said:

- She's very beautiful.

- Of course.

- It looked like she likes you a lot.

Yang Tian didn't answer, he was not sure about this. Although Qin Xue cared for him a lot, it could be that she saw him as a close friend or her savior. Yang Tian was a complete newbie when it came to male-female relationship. Not only that, women were so incomprehensible so how could he understand. Yao Ling looked at Yang Tian's thoughtful face and could help but chuckled:

- You didn't know?

- How would I have known. You women, even though you each have different personalities, are all indecipherable.

- You are a man and you can't even understand stuff like this? You might as well hit your head on a rock. Such an embarrassment.

Yang Tian was silent once again. Yao Ling had always provoked him like this. He was still not her match so he can only choose to be silent. Yang Tian resolved to go on the Internet to ask some expert on how to deal with her.

Yao Ling saw that Yang Tian had folded and wasn't in any mood to tease him anymore:

- Alright, let's not talk about this. You still haven't admit that you are that godly doctor's disciple.

- Why do you think I'm related to him. Could it be because of my medical skills?

Yao Ling shook her head and said:

- That's not entirely the case. It's just that your temperament is very similar to his. You are both womanizer.

Yang Tian screamed in his heart: "A brother-in-arms". If that guy was still alive then he must learn some of his techniques. He still maintained a dignified looked to Yao Ling:

- How could you say that. What man in the world wouldn't like beautiful women. Although I'm not Liuxia Hui, I'm not far off from him. It's just that...

Without waiting for Yang Tian to finish, Yao Ling cut him off:

- You've said this before, no need to lie to me. My brother had told me everything.

Although he didn't know what Yao nan told her, it was definitely not good things. He didn't even imagine that after all the help he had given Yao Nan, the man was talking behind his back. When Yang Tian was thinking about how to teach Yao Nan a lesson, the food was brought to them:

- Let's eat, I have something to do after this.

Yang Tian felt that he had received a pardon. He buried his head in his food and ate as fast as he could. Then he said goodbye to Yao Ling and took off. Yao Ling saw his struggling figure and couldn't help but smile.

Yang Tian stepped outside of the restaurant and couldn't help but feel annoyed. He was a dignified True Immortal yet he ate such a loss. Beauties were truly hard to handle. He couldn't use force against them and he was no match for them in a war of words. Yang Tian mentally list Yao Ling as S-class difficulty. He could only retreat and plan his next move.

Ling Ya Qi left the examination room and her mood was once again serene. The doctor said that she missed her period because of stress. As long as she get enough rest, she'll be back to normal. She had already called her manager to schedule a couple of days off. Of course her manager didn't deny her. To her, Ling Ya Qi's health was the most important thing.

As she stepped out of the entrance of the hospital, Ling Ya Qi once again encountered Yang Tian. He was very annoyed at this moment and was about to find Yao Nan to give him a piece of his mind. However he unexpectedly ran into Ling Ya Qi though he still pretended not to see her.

Ling Ya Qi saw Yang Tian walking pass her as if not knowing who she and called out to him:

- Yang Tian, it's me.

Yang Tian felt bitter, was she going to yell at him for the other day? He turned around and feigned happiness:

- Ya Qi, so it's you. Why are you here?

After Ling Ya Qi found out that Yang Tian had done nothing to her, she felt guilty and was no longer mad at him for hugging her while they slept. She smiled and said:

- I had a cold so I came here for some medicine. That's right, I got permission to take two days off. Are you kind enough to take me on a tour of the city?

If it was under normal circumstances, Yang Tian would be thrilled and would agree straight away.  However he had a date with Qin Xue tomorrow and then he had to come to Mu Wu Han's house so he was all booked up. Seeing Yang Tian's silence, Ling Ya Qi said regretfully:

- It seems that you are not free, another time then.

Yang Tian couldn't bear seeing a beauty disappointed and said:

- I'm busy during the day so how about I take you out at night. Will that be ok?

Ling Ya Qi looked at Yang Tian with cautious eyes made him felt wronged:

- Why are you looking at me like that. I'm not telling you to spend the night.

Hearing that, Ling Ya Qi was somewhat reassured:

- Alright, here's my number. When you are ready, call me.

Yang Tian saved the number and nodded:

- Rest assured, you'll enjoy yourself very much.

Realizing that his words were a bit suggestive, Yang Tian corrected himself:

- No, that's not what I meant. I mean that I'll take you to fun places that will make you happy. Don't misunderstand me.

Ling Ya Qi laughed:

- I haven't even said anything yet. Do you have some bad intentions? Is that why you got so jumpy? Alright alright, I need to go back to the hotel, see you later.

Saying goodbye to Ling Ya Qi, Yang Tian sighed:

- Women, every single one of them are so hard to deal with. It's not like in the Cultivation World.

In the Cultivation World, might is right. As long as you have strength, beauties would flock to you. Not only that, in the Cultivation World, a man with multiple women were the norm. As long as you have enough strength, everything will be fine.

Cultivators seek immortality yet when they achieved what they wanted, they would find out that there are many existence above them. Then they would feel the need to rise further, the stand atop of those existence. For an existence that had reached the apex like Yang Tian, how to live one's life to the fullest was the main issue.

After thinking for a bit, Yang Tian swept all of it aside. He was seeking beauties and he couldn't control whether or not he would succeed. So just let nature run its course.

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