In the distance was a beauty sitting next to a middle aged woman. She was fairly beautiful and although she wasn't at the same level with the likes of Qin Xue, she was still a rare beauty. She had a glass of wine in her hand and her face had a gloomy expression as if she had something on her mind.

Yang Tian, seeing that Li Pan had no sign of waking from his stupor, couldn't help himself and smacked Li Pan hard on the head:

- Wake up.

As if awoken from a dream, Li Pan looked a bit embarrassed and turned to another direction. Yang Tian felt intrigued and dragged Li Pan to an empty table to start questioning:

- Panzi, my boy, I didn't think you hid such a secret. Come, tell me the chronicle of your romance.

Li Pan acted dumb:

- I don't know who she is. I was just struck by her beauty just now.

Seeing Li Pan lied so stupidly, Yang Tian pursed his lips in disdain:

- Use your brain a bit when you lie. Although she is beautiful, she's still a bit behind Qin Xue. You've never looked at Qin Xue with those expression before. I feel deep affection in your gaze as well as some regret and sadness,...

Li Pan was already blushing profusely:

- Don't make things up, how could I look at her like that.

Yang Tian felt that Li Pan was not as tight lipped as before so seized the opportunity and attacked:

- You're right, maybe that was just my imagination. However I'm still right about your feelings towards her. Tell me and who knows, I might just be able to help you.

Li Pan's eyes lit up with a hopeful expression:

- You can truly help me?

- Tell me your story. If I hear a sad romantic story then maybe it will touch me enough to lend a helping hand.

- You think our situation is a joke? I'm not telling you.

Yang Tian shook his head and made a regretful expression:

- That's a shame. She's so beautiful, if you don't want her then I'll help myself then.

Li Pan heard that and jumped straight up:

- Yang Tian, I'm warning you. Don't you dare have any intention on her.

- Didn't you say you don't want her? Why are you stopping me?

- Who said I don't...

- Then be good boy and tell me the story. I think you understand that without my help, you have no chance at all.

Hearing Yang Tian's words, Li Pan sighed and sat down. He knew what Yang Tian said was the truth. After thinking for a bit, he recounted his tale:

- Her name is Li Wu. I used to call her Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu is younger than me by a year and we were very close since we were little. However as we grew up, the distance between us grew further and further. I'm just a trash that couldn't cultivation but her talent was very good and could place within the top 10 of the younger generation.

- Although she never cared for any of it and was still very close to me. However I've always felt unworthy of her and tried to distanced myself from her. I was eventually pushed out to the outer clan because I couldn't cultivate and before I left, I went to see her one last time. I didn't think that I would run into Li Zheng Hao, that's the guy that we ran into at the front door, trying to rape her.

- I was overcome with madness and charged in to fight him. However I'm just a trash that couldn't cultivate and was beaten up. It was lucky that Xiao Wu was quick witted and manage to call help. If not I might have been beaten to death. When the situation was reported, that guy was only grounded for a month. Because of that incident, his father framed me for some stupid stuff and expelled me from the clan.

- I haven't seen her since. I changed my phone number and wandered to Bei Jiang City to set up a life for myself. Everything after that, you already know.

Yang Tian heard everything and had a sympathetic look. He patted Li Pan's shoulder in consolation:

- Li Pan, don't worry. I will definitely help you.

Li Pan heard that and couldn't help but be moved, Yang Tian was truly a good friend. However Li Pan didn't get to feel touched for long before Yang Tian continued:

- However I still feel some part of your story very familiar. Are you sure you didn't take some details of a romantic novel and piece them together to get my sympathy?

The wine glass in Li Pan's hand almost fell down and he looked at Yang Tian angrily:

- What kind of person do you think I am? I'm not as shameless as you.

Yang Tian was in agreement:

- That's right, you were never comparable to me in the first place. However I still feel that you could be temporary be placed in second place.

- You...

Li Pan was about to say something before the music on the stage stopped. An elderly man stepped out and motioned for everyone to be quiet:

- I am Li Jun, the Patriarch of the Li Clan. Today is the Clan Gathering that is organized annually by our Li Clan. The purpose of this gathering is for the members of the clan to meet and mingle with each other. There are also special guests from the other powers here to enjoy festivities. I want to give my thanks to all of our esteemed guests that found the time out of their busy schedule to participate. I hope you all enjoy yourself.

The people below immediately applauded. A few people were pursing their lips, enjoying what festivities? It was clear that they wanted strut their might to the other powers. The opening act was some singing and dancing. Yang Tian only heard it for a bit before being board and paid no more attention to it.

After a while, another elder stepped up:

- Coming up is the socializing part of this meeting. Anyone that is a member of the Li Clan, if you have any conspicuous achievement then come up and share it with everybody.

Yang Tian was sitting in the back and couldn't help but curse a bit. This old man can lie without even blushing, an expert indeed. One by one, people came up to the podium and announced their achievements. Yang Tian observed for a while and turned to Li Pan:

- I've been observing this place carefully, there are only about 300-400 people here. You Li Clan couldn't possibly have only that many people.

Li Pan shook his head:

- No, the Li Clan is a great clan so how could it have so few people. The gathering is only for the inner clan, people of the outer clan, unless they have a spectacular achievement, will not be allowed here. If they tried to violate this rule then they'll be severely punished.

Yang Tian nodded and had an understanding look. No wonder he didn't see Li Xiang anywhere. He guessed that guy must be of the outer clan now, if not why would he open up a company.

After Li Zheng Hao stepped up and brag about his achievements, Li Jun nodded in satisfaction and praised:

- Zheng Hao, you've done well. You've managed to breakthrough to late Qi Refining Stage during this time and is only slightly behind your cousin.

Li Zheng Hao made a humbled expression:

- Great Uncle is too kind, cousin is the genius of the Li Clan. How could I possibly compare to him.

- That's right, great uncle, I remember running into cousin Li Pan just now. He said he brought a very powerful Cultivator here to our Li Clan.

- Li Pan?

Li Jun hadn't even remembered who Li Pan was before Li Wu couldn't help herself and stood up:

- Li Zheng Hao, you said that you saw Li Pan. Where is he now?

Li Jun frowned as if he remembered something:

- Xiao Wu, sit down.

After that he looked down at the crowd:

- Li Pan, you are here then come forward. Let me meet this powerful Cultivator.

Li Pan was very worried indeed, he didn't know how powerful Yang Tian's cultivation was. Could it be enough for great uncle to take him seriously? Yang Tian acted nonchalantly and dragged Li Pan up:

- What are you spacing out for? Someone is looking for us.

Yang Tian and Li Pan stepped out. Li Jun observed Yang Tian and turned to ask Li Pan:

- This is the powerful Cultivator that you brought?

Without waiting for Li Pan to answer, Yang Tian stepped forward and smiled while looking at Li Pan:

- You are the Patriarch of Li Clan, Li Jun, right? Let me introduce myself, I am called Yang Tian.

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