The plane was descending faster and faster. Ting Ting was now holding on to Yang Tian tightly. He wasn't reserved at all and hugged her back. As a man, he had to take charge of such situation. After a while, the plane finally landed and Yang Tian let her go while making a serious face:

- We'll wait until the airplane stop completely, I'll piggy back you outside as fast as possible.

Ting Ting nodded in understanding. Only now did she realized that her body was tightly wrapped around Yang Tian and quickly pushed him away. Her face burned bright red. Yang Tian was pretending to be in deep concentration and not paying her any mind. The plane came to a full stop and Ling Ling immediately climbed on Yang Tian's back. Without another word, Yang Tian used his Body Concealment Art and exited through the main entrance. He had just found out that this place didn't have any emergency exit and was quite embarrassed about it.

Ting Ting's head was still buried in Yang Tian's back since she feared that the kidnappers would recognize him. Luckily nothing happened and no one noticed that they even walked through. After passing through the checkpoint, Yang Tian found an empty place and cancelled his Body Concealment Art:

- We're safe now, you can get off now.

Ting Ting looked up and after looking around a bit and saw that it was safe, she breath a sigh of relief and got down from Yang Tian's back. She started to thank Yang Tian repeatedly:

- Thank you so so much. If you weren't there, I wouldn't know what I would do.

- Think nothing of it, I did what must be done. Anyone in my shoe would have done the same.

Yang Tian had another part to the sentence that he didn't say out loud: "As for if they could've have saved you like I did remains to be seen".

- That's right, since you snuck into this country, you must not have a place to stay right? How about coming to my house, it's not big but I can still arrange a place for you to stay.

Having a beauty inviting him to her home, Yang Tian didn't want to reject the offer in his heart. However he still had plans with Qing Wu and could only tell her:

- I have things to take care of first. Leave me your address, when I have a chance, I'll definitely come and find you.

Ting Ting was a bit disappointed but still nodded:

- Alright, this is my address. You must come and visit.

- Definitely.

Ting Ting was about to leave until she seemingly remembered something and turned to Yang Tian:

- When I was kidnapped, all my stuff was taken by them. Can I borrow some money?

- This place uses Euro and I don't have any on me. Come with me while I make an exchange.

There was a hall in the airport that was specially meant for currency exchange for tourists. Yang Tian quickly exchange 10000 Euro and he gave Ting Ting more than 1000 Euro. Ting Ting adamantly refuse:

- That's way too much, I only need like 50 Euro to catch a ride home.

- Just take it in case of emergency.

Seeing that Yang Tian was adamant, Ting Ting could only take the money and looked at Yang Tian happily:

- I didn't think you were a rich young master. Why did you not make a passport so you can freely travel?

- If I made a passport, would I have met you?


After a farewell with Ting Ting, Yang Tian got on a cab and drove to the meeting place with Qing Wu. Very soon, Yang Tian was there. It was a small house at the edge of the city. Surrounding it was empty fields and there were only few houses dotted the entire place.

Qing Wu was already waiting inside the house and opened the door when she heard Yang Tian's knocking. He followed her in and noticed that the house's decor was very simple. There was only a set of table and chairs, a closet, a small bed and an old TV. On the washed out wall hung a picture and there were three people inside the picture. A woman that looks very similar to Qing Wu but older and two children, one boy and one girl, that was grinning happily.

Seeing Yang Tian's focus on the picture, Qing Wu explained:

- It's a picture of my family when I was younger.

- So where's your father?

Qing Wu's eyes flashed in hatred:

- He left mother and us for another woman. My mother used all her money, went against all the counsel of her family, and came here to find him. When she found him, he acted as though they were strangers. Finally she didn't have any money to return home so she had to stay here and tried to make a living. He gave us this house as a sort of compensation.

Her voice seemed calm but Yang Tian still detected deep hatred in them. He didn't intend on pursuing the topic any further and said:

- So now that we are here, you really should tell me your plans.

Qing Wu looked at him for a while and said solemnly:

- You really want to help me?

- I'm just bored and looking for a new experience.

- This could endanger your life.

Yang Tian shook his head:

- I'm not that weak.

- Yang Tian, when you were in the country, Heaven Slayer couldn't anything to you. However this is their territory, even if they kill you here, no one would be the wiser. Although your cultivation is very high, can you resist modern weapons?

So it's them again, Yang Tian was feeling very annoyed at this point. Such a tiny and insignificant assassin organization. Why wouldn't they know their place and keep giving him trouble. That's fine then, since he had come all the way here, he might as well wipe them off the face of the Earth.

- You don't need to worry about that. If I can't beat them then I would just run away. I'm confident they don't have the abilities to prevent me from leaving.

Qing Wu nodded, though she didn't know how high Yang Tian's cultivation was, him keeping his life wouldn't be a problem.

- Alright, if you insist then I won't stop you.

- Everything started from the mission to kill you last time. The organization deemed that you were someone that they can't afford to offend so they wanted to get rid of me as appeasement to you. The mission to kill Ye Went Tian was something they accepted just to get rid of me.

- However they didn't think that I would return alive. When I came here for my mother and brother, they intercepted me. I was beaten to an inch of my life but luckily I broke through to Foundation Establishment and managed to escape. However my mother and brother has been captured. It seems that they want to kill me at all cost.

Yang Tian heard what Qing Wu said and got somewhat of an understanding of the situation. However there was one thing he didn't understand:

- So you're saying that they are doing all of this because there were scared of offending me. If that is so, wouldn't I just need to confront them and everything would be solved?

- It's not as simple as that. Although you are powerful, they don't fear you. What they are actually worried about is the power that raised you up. If you are here on your own then they won't hesitate to kill you. After all you've killed quite a number of the upper echelons of Heaven Slayer.

That line of thinking wasn't wrong so Yang Tian could only sighed. If they had chosen the path to death then he could only grant it to them. Qing Wu saw that Yang Tian was silent anf interpret that he was scared:

- If you don't want to do it, I won't force you.

- Things that can scare me haven't even appeared on this world yet. Alright, tell me about your rescue plan.

Seeing Yang Tian's confidence, Qing Wu was reassured quite a bit. When she planned to return here, she had every intention on dying with her enemies. However Yang Tian's appearance gave a semblance of hope.

- I know where the main base of Heaven Slayer is. However to sneak in undetected is very hard. There are more security there than in the Pentagon.

- Just let me handle that.

- Alright, this is the map of the layout. Look here, this is the place where they keep the prisoners. My family must be held there. This is the command center, every commanding personnel without a mission will be gathered here. We will be entering from this side.

- With regular speed, I will take around 20 minutes to reach the command center and you'll take about 15 minutes to reach the prison cell. When you reach the place, lay low and I'll draw their attention. When you see the guards mobilized, move in for the rescue. After that escape at all cost.

Yang Tian was a bit confused:

- Why don't we just sneak the prisoners out? It's just a few guards, I can deal with them without ever making a sound.

- We can't, there are tracking chips inside the prisoners. If you take them out of the holding area then they'll know immediately. However their target is me so if they detect me, then they'll forget about the prisoner. When that happens, you'll have a chance to escape.

- Wouldn't that mean you'll be in danger?

- Don't worry, I've lived their for a long time, I know it like the back of my hand. When you rescued the hostages, crush this. I'll immediately escape.

Without the need of any methods, Yang Tian knew that she was lying. If escaping was so easy then she wouldn't have needed his help.

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