Biquge, the fastest update of the space of the best hands: reborn sweet wife wants to rebel the latest chapter!

The old lady's eyes glanced coldly at Mo Qing, and the disgust at the bottom of her eyes was not concealed. If she was dissatisfied with her grandson, she snorted softly, "This is the matter today! The Fu family hasn't explained it yet!"

Shi Moqing couldn't help rolling her eyes and explaining the yarn, but it wasn't her who released the little gray. Although she had the plan, who would ask He Na's brain to help?

Lu Zhan stretched out her feet and motioned to step on her feet, feeling helpless in the bottom of her heart. How did he feel that she was pitting herself, but fortunately it was summer, or she would be frozen to death!

"Mo Qing! Nana! Apologies!" Fu Zhongru looked slightly cold.

"No, both of you are going to apologize to Grandma Ying. I am not saying that you are all such big people, why are you in trouble with a child?" Fu Xiyue didn't think it was a big deal, and whispered aside.

"Hum! Hurry!" Fu Fu hummed softly, the more she felt that Shi Qing was not pleasing to the eye.

"Oh! It's not necessary for these two people to be so intimate, right? It looks like my brother is hopeless!" Ying Nijin chuckled and seemed to be joking.

Ying Shaojie was frowning, and there was a hint of discomfort in his eyes. "Ni Jin! Do n’t talk about it, Mo Qing is just a sore foot, let Sansha help him, and according to the generation, Sansha should call her aunt!"


"Lecturer Ying is right, Miss Ying still don't say anything. I just help my aunt!" Lu Zhan smiled wildly, not caring about what Ying Shaohua meant.

"Aunt? Aunt and Yang Guo are also husband and wife ..." Ying Ni Jin hummed.

"Mo Qing! What is it? Don't make people feel that our Fu family is unruly!" Fu Zhongru's face was very bad at this time. This one or two pushed Shi Moqing to Lu Zhan. Didn't all his plans be ruined?

"Sorry, Mrs. Ying, today pets are sensible and scared you!" Shi Moqing belongs to the kind who can flex and stretch. Anyway, she has achieved her goal, what an apology! It's the pet that doesn't make sense and has nothing to do with her.

It was just that she stepped on Lu Zhan's foot with one foot hooked, and the whole person seemed to be hanging on him. She didn't look sincere in any way, but she also apologized sincerely. She couldn't make a mistake from beginning to end. Come.

The old lady Ying only felt that she couldn't breathe. She couldn't let her kneel and apologize to herself, right? Her pet was released by another granddaughter of the Fu family, and she could only hum a little with the first thought of it.

Shi Moqing had some doubts in her heart that the old lady was hostile to herself. Looks like she didn't offend her? Should it be Ni Jin's sentence that I want to be my sister-in-law? Then she can only say that she thinks too much, would she want to be her daughter-in-law? This old-fashioned one is comparable to the Fu family.

Apologizing, Lu Zhan took her to the hospital under the pretext of refusing to be sent away by Ying Shaoyu, and the two went away.

On the way home from Ying, Shi Moqing asked Lu Zhan whether Fu Xiyue was doing business for Xiao Mola? Lu Zhan nodded. "She's looking for Xiao Mo."

"Then I left the Fu family shares." Shi Moqing muttered to sleep.

The next day Mo Qing went to Fu Jiaming.

"Why sell shares suddenly?" Fu Jiaming frowned.

"Lack of money! The Fu family didn't give me any money. I planned to open my own clinic, and I lost a lot of money." Shi Moqing looked down at his fingers. "Does this need to tell grandpa?"

"No need, let's talk more!" Fu Jiaming shook his head. Although he was a little puzzled, he still nodded. If the old man really knew it, I'm afraid that this share will not reach him.

It is not a small amount to open a clinic in Kyoto, so it is normal for her to need money, but she has the ability to open a clinic alone? Although he was suspicious in his heart, Fu Jiaming was clever and did not ask. For him, Shi Moqing had nothing to do with him. The shares were here with him, and it saved him a lot of trouble.

The two turned around a lot, and returned to the Fu's home after changing the shares. At the door of the Fu's house, Shi Moqing was ready to go back. The steward Fu quickly told her not to leave, saying that there was an important announcement at noon. Shi Moqing picked Brow returned to the small bungalow.

Just sat down in the living room and the phone rang.

"Mo Qing, I did everything, now I'm incarcerated! How is it broken! They said that I have an infectious disease and must be kept at home and can't go out!" Su Xin lowered her voice and wanted to cry without tears. She all told her second child Very clear, the second child said that the symptoms did not go away and could not go out.

"It's okay, I'll let Lu Zhan take me to see you in the afternoon, okay?" Shi Mo smiled bitterly. Her tricks were a bit complicated, so she had to go by herself.

"Will Sun Yuxiang be serious? She said itchy today and ran for rabies vaccine!" Su Xin asked worriedly, although she was bothering her, if she had an accident, she would still blame herself.

"Except for itching, she won't have any other symptoms, and she won't have any red dots, so please rest assured!"

Su Xin breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, Lizi said, there are no other symptoms, she is not assured, and she will be vaccinated against rabies. Now that I have been banned, she probably won't come? Mo Qing, you said I want to Have a dog too? "

"Uh, don't you?"

"She's looking for me every day, it's really annoying!" Su Xin was afraid that Sun Yuxiang would come again after she was done, she was afraid! She was just about to continue talking, and when she heard the door open, she said quickly, "Someone is here, that's it!"

Just shoved the phone into the quilt, the road re-opened and came in, frowning, "What are you doing in a panic?"

"Report your peace to my eldest son. I have an infectious disease. Please stay away from me!" Su Xin sat upright.

"Don't be afraid! It's a big deal!" Lu Zhong put the food in the table on the table. "Today I went to Chunguang Town to get all the dishes you like. Let's eat together!"

"Eat together? In case ..." Su Xin froze, glancing at him suspiciously.

"Nothing!" Lu glanced at her and sat down.

"Woohoo ... Mr. Lu, what do I do?" Su Xin blinked, and got up and came over, hugging his arm.

"Then tell the truth!" Lu Zhong didn't say a word, and stretched his arms around her waist.

Su Xin froze, "I rely on it! You blow me up!"

"Who blew you up? Answering the phone at the door of Ying's house sneakily, we have been married for decades and haven't known you yet? Is Mo Shiqing's idea?" Lu Zhong picked up a dish and stuffed it into her mouth.

Su Xin pushed his hand away and sat down beside him. "No, I told Mo Qing. Xiangxiang came to me every day. It was really annoying. I wanted no personal space."

For couples of decades, she really couldn't lie to him, but she wouldn't put the responsibility on Mo Qing. That girl was counted because of her, hey!

"Do you really think Sun Yuxiang is not good? Don't like her?" Lu Zhong looked at her.

"It's not that I don't like her, let's say this. Even if she doesn't have ulterior motives and fitness, our three sons don't feel her. It's impossible to mess around, right? Sometimes you have to think about it Own, if Dad agreed with you and Ying's woman, we wouldn't be playing. Dad is enlightened, we must be enlightened! "

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