Wonderful Space: Rebirth Sweet Wife Wants to Rrebel

Chapter 285: Like your brother-in-law wit

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Shi Moqing's silence seemed to be the default in Ying Shaoyu's eyes. He blinked, not knowing what he was thinking.

Between the two, Lu Zhan has stepped in, "Mo Qing, are there any guests?"

"Well, the lecturer should come here to send the congratulations. Do you want me to find Grandpa Lu and open the processing room for a day? Otherwise, I'm a big loser!" Shi Moqing took a sigh of relief and was about to reach for the food .

Lu Zhan avoided her, "Don't move, just mention it, don't stain your hands!"

"Is it dirty? I just carried the medicine and it wasn't dirty!" Shi Moqing glared at him. "Or do you think I'm inconvenient?"

"How is that possible? I'm not afraid that you're tired! I will be distressed!" Lu Zhan looked at her immediately and explained, explaining.

The familiarity of the two made Ying Shao's eyes dark. This relative is clearly the relationship between the couple. No wonder she did not refute just now. Remembering her justness and alienation from herself, was she one step behind?

"Okay! Sour is not sour! Your hands are afraid of dirty, I'm not afraid, I'll come!" Shi Moyin rolled his eyes and took over the dishes from Lu Zhan's hand. Was this bowl of dog food okay? Will bully single dogs.

"Look! Grandma is angry? Hurry up and talk to the lecturer. I'll go to the kitchen and see what you bought. Will she make it?" Shi Moyin's cooking is similar to herself, simple and complicated , Basically just can't deal with it, just use them to hungry.

Shi Moqing entered the kitchen, and the smile on Lu Zhan's face was closed. He walked to the well and washed his hands. After drying, he sat on the sofa, picked a grape and stuffed it into his mouth. What are you doing! "

"Mo Qing opened, I'll send a congratulatory gift!" Ying Shaojie raised his corner of his mouth, so jealous, what did Mo Qing like about him? Not as good as yourself!

"Congratulations ... we will open again in a few days, will you have another one?" Mo Qing, so kindly called! Lu Zhan's eyes were half-smooth, and his heart was a little unhappy.

Thinking of Mo Qing's low emotional quotient, he suddenly raised his lips and felt that he was blind and worried. What should he do if he likes Mo Qing, his family Mo Qing doesn't like him, maybe he doesn't know he likes her at all, he Thinking about it for a while, thinking about it, he leaned back and looked at him lazily.

"Yes!" Ying Shaoxi nodded politely, he was worried and didn't have an excuse to come over. Thinking of the conversation with Shi Moqing just now, he said suddenly, "I just told Mo Qing that I wanted to come and help, she is here Presumably one can't be too busy. "

"Yes!" Lu Zhan nodded and said, "However, I still have to ask Mo Qing if I need it, but I don't have a question! However, she likes to do everything herself."

Huh? Ying Shaojie looked at him with a bit of surprise, not jealous? Did IQ come back? I have to say that Lu Zhan really knew Shi Moqing, but she knew she had refused.

The two men chatted without a word, and Shi Moqing chopped vegetables in the kitchen.

"Sister Mo Qing, how do I feel that my brother-in-law and Instructor Ying seem to be awkward? Will they fight?" Shi Moyin asked anxiously. When she saw Ying Shaoying in Lu Zhan, she felt something wrong. ,hostility! Very strong!

"It won't fight! The two families are the opposite of each other in business! It's normal to look down!" Shi Moqing shook her head with a smile and started to fight? Unless they don't want to have lunch.

"No, why don't I think my brother-in-law is jealous, like an anti-love enemy, and the instructor is also a little hostile to my brother-in-law! He also seems to be interesting to you." Shi Moyin lowered his voice and gossip.

Shimo Qingwei, what do you mean? Ying Shaojie likes himself?

"Sister Mo Qing, can't you see?" When Mo Yin opened her mouth in surprise, she seemed to have discovered a big secret.

"Uh, I haven't noticed ..." Shi Mo shook her head. In previous lives, she only liked Chen Shaohua, she didn't know love at all. After rebirth, she was entangled by Lu Zhan. She didn't pay attention to other men at all. How can you like yourself? They don't seem to say much, do they?

"Oh! I silently sympathize with the lecturer and praise the brother-in-law's wit. Sister Mo Qing, I finally found your shortcomings and low EQ! Slow response! Haha! Shi Moyin couldn't help but excited," My brother-in-law is too smart Now, you know that deadly fights are only effective for you. "

Shi Moqing's face was reddish as she said, and she gave her a glance.

Just be smart! Just talk too much!

Looking down to continue picking vegetables, Shi Moqing couldn't help but doubt, should Ying Shao also like himself? Is her EQ so low? How could she not feel it, but Lu Zhan felt like it!

"Sister Mo Qing, if you and Brother Lu Zhan are not possible, would you like Ying Shaoyu?" Shi Moyin asked curiously again.

"No! I don't like his family, I don't like it! I hate people counting me!" Shi Moqing thought and didn't want to say, that time when Ni Jin's birthday was calculated, she felt furious, and she looked at it meaningfully. She said, "What do you say? Love and marriage without blessings will not be happy!"

Shi Moyin was faint and not blessed? Did Mo Qing know something?

"Don't cling! He's not for you! Don't say blessing, he doesn't like you at all!" Shi Moqing patted her shoulder gently. "Although my sister has a low EQ, but a high IQ, you are still young."

"I ..." Shi Moyin's words couldn't be said. Yeah, he didn't like himself, but, after so long, letting go, she really couldn't bear it!

"No more beer!" Shi Moqing turned to look at the corner, and then shouted out, "Lu Zhan, the beer is gone, I can't burn the beer duck, what should I do?"

"I'll buy it!" Lu Zhan raised his eyebrows, smiled apologetically at Ying Shaoyan, and walked out.

"Let's go?" Shi Moyin said. Sister Mo Qing said the center thing. She felt a bit depressed at the bottom of her heart.

"Okay! You are in this state, I'm afraid you will go out if you go out! It's up to you, don't hit the south wall and don't look back!" Shi Moqing sighed, sometimes the more he stopped the more he went in the other direction.

"Sister Mo Qing ..."

"Don't say anything touching, I won't stop you. But if you feel wronged, tell me, my sister fights you back!" Shi Moqing was helpless in her tears, how could she be so affectionate!

"I, I just want to try it. Since he and Yi Yinyin are impossible, maybe as long as I and my brother-in-law are dead to him, he will one day be moved!" Shi Moyin whispered softly, the man chased the girl. Shan, brother-in-law can chase Mo Qing, then she can!

"It's up to you!" Shi Moqing had a headache. Was she different from Lu Zhan? If she has someone she likes, like Ying Shao, even if she and Lu Zhan could n’t, she wo n’t like Ying Shao, the world of affection, whoever comes first, whoever comes first, whoever comes later Can't get into the bottom of my heart.

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