Wonderful Space: Rebirth Sweet Wife Wants to Rrebel

Chapter 287: You said you should fall in love before marriage

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Sitting in the movie theater, holding popcorn in her hand, Shi Moqing had not returned to her mind, why did she follow the movie theater? What movie are you watching?

"What's wrong?" Lu Zhan asked, holding her hand.

"What movie are we going to watch?" Shi Moqing asked puzzledly. She still has business to do!

"You said last night that you need to fall in love before you get married. I'm not here to accommodate you, do you fall in love first!" Lu Zhan leaned closer to her ears and lowered her voice.

"The question is, when did I say I was married? With whom?" Shi Moqing stared blankly at him. She had no impression whatsoever and wouldn't **** her?

"Don't you remember?" Lu Zhan looked at her in surprise. "I said we were going to get married. You didn't talk about love, what marriage ..."

"I don't remember ..." Shi Moqing shook her head. She had no impression at all. Is it a dream story?

"I don't care! You can't play with my feelings like this! So we are in love now!" Lu Zhan blinked slyly, grabbing Mo Qing's hand, catching her shoulders, grabbing her shoulders, and lowering her voice. .

"Toying with your sister! Nonsense! I don't know about it at all!" Shi Moqing leaned on his shoulder and snarled, slamming his fingers on the soft flesh around his waist.

"Shh, noisy at the movie theater! Noisy people! Noisy, we will go to Fu's house after watching the movie!" Lu Zhan's lips slightly twitched, showing a nice arc. In the dark movie theater, his obsidian eyes have The soft light didn't care about the slight strength of the waist.

Wenrun's voice sounded in his ear, and Shi Moqing leaned on his shoulder to gently soften her body. Her heartbeat was uncontrollably accelerating. She just felt the same emotion heating up in her heart, and her heart was uncontrollable. Close to him, as if he is the only one in the world, is this the feeling of falling in love?

"Open your mouth!" A sweet popcorn came to her mouth, and Shi Qing gently opened her mouth to take a bite.

"Is it sweet?"


"I try!" ...

When she came out of the cinema, Shi Mo was flushed by Lu Zhan. From the beginning to the end of the movie, there were less than 50 people in it, all of them were far away, and she didn't know the movie from entering to ending. What is it!

This shameless guy has been making excuses to taste popcorn!

"How about we look horrible next time?" Lu Zhan leaned closer to her ears, his expression still full.

"Don't! It's not good-looking!" Shi Moqing quickly shook her head. For a longer time, she didn't have to walk out!

"Then we will watch the midnight fierce bell at home! If you are afraid, I will protect you!" Lu Zhan flashed the thief's eyes, and Mo Qing had better be scared and hug him ...

"You still want to be shameless! Hurry up! It's dark, I'm hungry!" Shi Moqing was so angry that he wanted to pat his hands on his waist. Who knew that he was surprisingly powerful.

"Ah? I haven't fed you just now!" Lu Zhan whispered in her ear.

"Lu Zhan!" Shi Moqing stepped on it severely.

"Shi Moqing! You murdered your husband! Your feet are so cruel!" Lu Zhan Lisuo's feet jumped away, his hands still holding her.

"Never again! Don't go to Fu's house!" Shi Moqing squinted at someone who was getting more and more inches, with a thick face!

"Go and go! The concubine's words are the imperative!" Lu Zhan quickly approached her and took her towards the car.

The car drove to the door of Fu's house. There was no one at the door except the doorman. Shi Mo simply let Lu Zhan drive the car to the basement. When the two came out, the housekeeper Fu was already at the door.

This housekeeper is so busy! Shi Moqing couldn't help vomiting, it is estimated that the guard also reported it.

"Miss Mo Qing!" The steward Fu glanced at the man beside her, especially the two hands clenched tightly, his heart beating, this boy is from Lu Jia! They won't be together, right?

"Good night, uncle Fu, grandpa? Didn't he ask me to come back?" Shi Moqing pretended not to see his eyes and asked with a smile.

"The old man has just gone to Zhao's house, and it is estimated that he will be back very late!" Fu Guanjia said.

"It's okay, we're going ahead!" Shi Moqing smiled and nodded, and pulled Lu Zhan to walk toward her small bungalow. Lu Zhan carried a large bag of things in his right hand.

Go to Zhao's house? Is this a personal apology in the past?

Lu Zhan apologized and nodded toward the butler, and then left. This is the first time he has followed Mo Qing to the Fu's house in an honest and honest way. Is this a clear road? Just don't know if Father Fu knows it, it will be like thunder.

The dinner for the two was handed over in the spring town. After dinner, the two deliberately went out for a walk.

"We are holding hands so brightly, if my grandpa sees it, will he vomit blood with anger?" Shi Moqing approached him and asked.

"It is estimated that it will be felt that the raised cabbage has been swallowed by the pig!" Lu Zhansha nodded in a proper way.

"Are you a pig?" Shi Moqing smiled slyly. "The pig is not his family, nor is he raised by cabbage. What does he take to get angry?"

"Just because I wasn't angry, I finally got a cabbage, and it was arched by someone else's pig!" .

"Reduced heresy!" Shi Moqing gave him a sideways glance.

"Well, cousin Moqing, is this boyfriend back? Is this handsome guy?"

"Who do you think he is?" Shi Moqing raised his eyebrows and gently held Lu Zhan's arm, leaning against him, the first person was actually He Na!

On the small road in front, He Na stood under the streetlight with a good look. "Zhao's came to the house today, presumably the cousin didn't know? People said that they are almost a family, as long as you apologize in the past, this thing That's it, this handsome guy, you have to leave quickly, but my cousin promised someone else! You can't be together. "

Although Lu Zhan was a nickname in Kyoto, he knew little about him. He Na didn't know him at all and made a good appearance for him.

"Finished? Trouble to get out of the way, don't block the road, we still have to run! Otherwise, we will have indigestion." Shi Mo looked at her lightly, and led Lu Zhan away from her.

"Shi Moqing!" He Na gritted her teeth. She heard someone say that Shi Moqing brought a man back. I wanted to see which one it was. I didn't expect it to be a strange man, but also from the countryside. Can find such a man.

"Guess who's next?" Shi Moqing put Lu Zhan's arm down, but Lu Zhan rested on her shoulder, and gently kneaded for her. "Your brother? Or Fu Jiahui?"

"It's all possible!" Shi Moqing raised his lips, and under the light, his eyes were particularly bright.

As for Fu Xiyue, it is estimated that she has no time to ignore her at this moment. Yi Yinyin is still in detention, and Fu's parents are afraid that they are all in the Fu family.

She was really curious about the state of the Fu family at this time. Was she really dragged down by Fu Jiaxu? It is estimated that Xiao Mo's affairs have not yet burst out. The Fu family is so chaotic. I am afraid that as soon as Xiao Mo's affairs erupt, the Fu family will be injured.

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