Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 102

Laiya wiped her arms, her body was covered with white foam, and she was washing her body with a smile.

After the two flushed out the foam with clear water, they happily walked into the hot spring. When the warmth spread over their shoulders, they even made a sound in their mouths unconsciously.

"So comfortable..."

On the other side, Belém was walking in the corridor. He was walking along the row number of the hot spring room, and the smaller the hot spring is behind.

This hotel is the largest hotel in Yalesar. It is very expensive to spend here, but after finally coming to it, Belén also spent his money.

By the way, how long has he not been to this hotel?

Belen walked to the end of the spa room, he glanced at a fallen sign, then looked around.

Why is there a brand here?

But Belen didn't take care of it. The people in the hotel should sort it out by themselves, and be depressed if they cause any trouble.

Immediately afterwards, Belen walked into the hot spring room. He withdrew his clothes, wrapped a bath towel around his waist, and walked to the door with a wooden bucket in one hand.

In retrospect, he hasn't been in a hot spring for a long time, and this time he would not choose this hotel if it wasn't for the hot spring.

After opening the door, Belen was also going to take a shower, the fog here was a bit heavy.

Belen, who was applying the shower gel, also couldn't help sighing, it feels really good that there is no one.


A sound of water rushed to the ground, and Belem's body suddenly stiffened. He was just rubbing the body wash, before it was time to rinse his body.

That voice just now...

Belen turned his head a little stiffly, and could see a figure faintly through the mist, and his expression and gaze suddenly froze in the next moment.

It was a tall woman with a beautiful face and long purple hair. She stood there with a slender figure, like a fairy.

The woman was holding a white cloth in one hand and placed it in front of her to cover the important part, and the bright black eyes looked at Belem at this moment.


Such a thought suddenly appeared in Belen's mind, and he couldn't help swallowing.

At this moment, a black light flashed by, and a black long sword was seen stopping in front of Belen, and the tip of the sword almost pierced his throat.

Belen looked at the black sword, cold sweat was dripping from his cheeks unconsciously, his fists were slightly clenched, and he realized that the situation was very bad.

This person is not simple.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the sword suddenly floated, swinging from side to side like eyes without locking.

Seeing this scene, Belen only felt very strange. He looked at the purple-haired woman, whose cheeks were very red and his eyes blurred.


Belen came to such a judgment in his heart, blinked immediately, stood up cautiously, and walked aside. At this moment, the sword suddenly came to him again.

This time, Belen saw clearly that the black sword had teeth-like lines on its body. His eyes narrowed slightly and he noticed a line of inscriptions on the bottom of the sword.

"this is…"

Before Belen could react, he saw the sword flew back suddenly, and then fell into the scabbard against the stone.

"How could there be anyone here, I'm, obviously, hiccup... It's obviously already covered, and the sign is up."

The woman was obviously a little confused, and she thought it was her own delusion at the moment, she also burped a fullness with wine in her mouth, shook her head and walked into the hot spring.

However, Belem was frightened in a cold sweat. It turned out that the sign on the outside was left by this woman. Because he was drunk, he didn't set it up!

They have this hot spring room!If he is found here, he might not be able to pay for bankruptcy!

Therefore, Belen walked towards the door step by step. He must not stay here anymore, let alone what would happen if he was discovered. If the woman wakes up a bit on the way, then he is really going to have an accident.

Hurry up!

Belen immediately made a decision. Every step he took, he would look at the woman with her eyes closed in the hot spring, for fear that the latter would suddenly open her eyes.

When Belen closed the door of the hot spring room, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, sweating profusely, it was really hard to walk on thin ice.

Belen picked up his clothes, but the foam on his body was not cleaned. He wanted to go to another hot spring room.

But the moment Belen walked out of the gate, thinking that he had escaped from birth, he fell into hell again only because a voice reached his ears.

"Haha, does it look good?"

Chapter 89: Hot Spring Room Disturbance (Part 2)

Hearing the sound in his ears, Belen's body shuddered suddenly, then petrified in place, cold and sweaty.

It's really over!

Belen turned his head stiffly, and in his sight, a girl in a bathrobe was standing there, with her arms around her chest, looking at him with cold eyes.

This is a very beautiful girl with tall eyes, bright eyes like gems, and a ponytail, although she is not tall.

However, when Belen saw the girl, he was taken aback and blinked.

"Hey, you just went in."

The girl with two pony tails looked at Belen with a scrutinizing gaze, with her hands around her chest, her fingers still lightening her arms.

Belen was sweating, and this guy simply asked knowingly that there was still foam on his body that hadn't been cleaned.

"The sign was down, so I didn't know that I was chartered. After I went in, I realized something was wrong and came out. I didn't see anything!"

Belen explained this to the girl, his expression was very natural and he thought he had no flaws.

But Belen decided not to give the girl the slightest chance to speak, and now he took a step forward.

"It's okay, I'll leave first. Excuse me."

So Belen naturally turned into another hot spring room, and when the girl with two pony tails saw him walk into the other hot spring room, she opened her eyes wide.

Entering the hot spring room and closing the door, Belem was relieved immediately, and he wouldn't even chase him in to trouble him.

It should have been fooled, so let yourself take a bath in a hot spring to reward yourself.

Belen went to wash himself with clean water first, and then walked into the hot spring naturally, the warm heat enveloping him.

"So comfortable..."

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