Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 126

Arriving at the gate of the prison, the commercial vehicle was parked aside, Belen and Latier walked down and looked at the guard at the gate.

"Please also inform the warden, that we are friends of Andy Inz."

The two guards looked at each other, and immediately thought of the two girls who came here yesterday. They were also clear in their hearts. One of them nodded and walked inside.

Soon, the guard returned. He gave another guard a look, and the latter immediately ran in to inform him.

After being released, Belen and Latier walked into the prison.

Obviously it is only a prison, but to outsiders it is a very luxurious and huge mansion.

First, the two were led to the office of the warden.

"You are here."

Heglen was sorting out the files, and after putting them down, he looked at the two people standing in front of him.

And Heiglen's gaze fell on Ratil for the first time.

"You heard the story of the wind?"

Seeing Heiglen's question, Ratil stood beside Belen and nodded.

"Yes, Lord Prison."

Heiglen stared at Latier for a long time, and finally asked a question that stunned both Belen and Latier.

"Is she... in pain?"

Latier was stunned for a long time. She looked at the middle-aged man with white hair in front of her, and finally nodded heavily.

"I think she must be very painful, but the pain has settled, maybe she has become accustomed to it."

Hearing what Ratil said, Heglen's eyes drooped and he couldn't help sighing, that kid...

Belen stared at the warden, his eyes moved slightly, thoughtfully.

"Come on, I will take you to see her."

Heiglen put away the sadness in his eyes, then walked around the desk and walked to the door to lead the two.

Following Heglen's back, La Tier felt nervous in her heart. Is she finally going to see the child?

Walking to the real location of the prison, Belen couldn't help frowning because of the cold air emanating from it, and he looked at Latier.

La Tier also felt Belen's gaze, and turned her head to the latter and showed a bright smile.

"it does not matter."

Seeing La Tier's look, Belen was also silent. The place where La Tier was once may not be much better than here.

She has already seen it.

Entering this prison, it was surprisingly quiet at first, seeming to set off the dark atmosphere here, as if the world was silent.

But as they went deeper, the noisy voices increased.

Someone was yelling, it seemed that there was a mental problem, and the iron gate that was beaten wildly might be suffocated.

Some people are very calm, talking about the sky while picking their feet.

Some people even do some extravagant things, and the sound that should have made people blush and heartbeat now seems disgusting.

Belen frowned when he heard these sounds, clenched his fists, and then looked at Ratil.


Hearing Belem's voice, Ratil turned her head, and at this moment, she covered her ears with one hand.

"Don't listen."

Latier blinked, then nodded, her heart warmed slightly, she approached Belem, and then moved on.

Coming to the deepest part of the prison, there was an independent prison there, and Belem also let go of his hand covering La Tier's ears, because it was quiet.

They saw her.

In that prison, a silver-haired girl was sitting on her knees, buried her face in her knees, wondering, is she sleeping?

Chapter 106: The Sea I Want to See

Latier was standing outside the prison door, but she didn't make a sound.

She was so nervous that she held her clothes tightly with her palms.

Belén didn't bother Latier, letting the latter adjust his mood.

Hegren on the side glanced at the two of them, but didn't say anything, and focused more on the figure in the cell.

In the end, La Tier mustered up his courage and clenched his small fist.

"That...you, hello!"

Very common way to say hello.

However, no response was received.

La Tier blinked and stared at the figure, is it really asleep?

The atmosphere here is very quiet, quiet and frightening, and there seems to be something in the air, which is disturbing.

Belen probably knew what the source of all this was. He looked at the silver-haired figure and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

He felt compassion again, maybe it was human nature.

At this time, Belen noticed the conch and the picture album beside the haystack. The picture album was still opened. From his perspective, he could clearly see what was painted in the picture album.

The sea?

Belen's heart jumped, his eyes turned to the petite body again, and his pupils couldn't help but ripple.

"Do you like the sea too?"

This is Belem's whisper. He was talking to himself, not to anyone, but it fell into someone's ears.

With a slight movement of the petite body, she raised her head. The delicate facial features were like a porcelain doll carved with jade, but her eyes were also like porcelain dolls, with no life at all.

If it weren't for blinking, it would be like a porcelain doll.

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