Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 133

"You really know a lot about me."

Heglen frowned, too, and he didn't want to mention his daughter to someone he hated.

"Hehe, we have known each other for more than ten years anyhow, shouldn't it be strange to understand each other?"

Rodriguez didn't mind the subtle sarcasm in Heglen's words, still smiling.

"I don't know much about you."

Heglen said coldly, and to be blunt, I am not interested in you at all.

"It's really weak tempered, I really have a hot face and a cold butt."

Rodriguez, who fully understood the implication, also put away his smile. He looked at Ilia below, very interested.

"I haven't seen the strength of the "Witch". This time, I should be able to see enough."

Hearing Rodriguez's words, Heiglen frowned and had a bad premonition in his heart. At this moment, the sound of the second door opened in his ears.

Click, click.

The big iron door opened, and a figure came out from the inside. The opponent in the hundredth battle was not the fang monster as most people thought.

That's a person!

He was a sloppy man with his limbs entangled in iron rings, his hair was loose and he couldn't see his true face at all.

"That is…"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and they didn't expect that the opponent in Hundred Battles was actually such a role.

"what happened?!"

Heglen also changed his complexion. He clearly arranged a different opponent. He wanted to make Elia relax.

"This is a prisoner I got from a deep-water prison. Well, you can call him a "madman." You should have heard of it, right?"

Seeing Heglen's face changed, Rodrigue laughed.


As soon as I thought about it, I knew the culprit, and Heiglen's face also became gloomy, his fists clenched, and blue veins appeared.

Immediately afterwards, Heglen looked at the sloppy prisoner below, his eyes full of jealousy.

The prisoner "madman" in the deep sea prison.

Heglen looked at the silver-haired girl again, his eyes full of worry.


Chapter One Hundred and Eleven: What do you think of

"Is that a "madman"?"

Hoshina, who was sitting next to Vernie, showed a surprised look.

"you know?"

Vernie on the side heard Xingnai's surprised voice and asked curiously.

"One-sided understanding, "Madman" Jessica Jerosir, this guy is a very crazy guy, no worse than the Berserker, very strong!"

Hoshina nodded and looked at the man below solemnly.

"A madman?"

"He is a lunatic. It is said that before he was arrested, he was looking for people to fight everywhere, even killing people to let people crusade him."

Hoshina also felt a little heart palpitations for some rumors about this man. After all, people who are too crazy can also be concerned.

"Why is he here?"

The two girls have never heard of such a character in Sattar prison.


"You brought a prisoner to me privately, and you let him play against Ilia without authorization?"

Heglen's face was gloomy, and a faint anger appeared in his eyes, and his anger was about to explode at this moment.

"Illya Illya, you are really kind, it seems that you are really interested, but ah, even if you try to hide her identity, do you think I will not know her identity?"

Rodriguez's laugh is no different from ordinary people, but the laughter is full of sarcasm.

Hearing this, a cold glow appeared in Heiglen's eyes, which implies murder, and this adult rarely moved with murder.

But Rodriguez didn't care what Heiglen meant in his eyes. The latter was so, so why not?

"This time, I did not dare to stop me and take away the "witch". If you stop me, I can give up and return, but you should be very clear about the consequences."

Rodriguez is clearly in his hands, he doesn't care what else Heiglen can do.

"Then, be quiet, and I want to see how many turns this "witch" can block the "madman"."

Rodriguez smiled and bent down, leaned his arms against the railing, and looked at the two figures below comfortably.

Heglen also stopped speaking, and right now, the Ilia in the field worried him the most.

Can you beat that "madman"?

As for the "madman," Heglen, as the warden of a prison, naturally had heard and understood.

The most shocking thing this "madman" did was to destroy the 21 magisters who attacked him with one person, and it is said that several magisters were very powerful older figures.

Rodrigue may have the right to bring the opponent out, but as to why such a ruthless person is willing to come out, perhaps it is just because he wants to fight the strong.

As for which is strong and weak, it is unknown.

"Mr. Belen, that man..."

Latier looked at the "madman", then looked at Ilia with concern.

The previous opponents were either in groups or squalid monsters, but this time the opponent was a man who seemed to be very sloppy, and there was something wrong with it.

Belen is staring at the scruffy man, even he can detect something wrong with the other party, the other party has a kind of momentum, the kind of momentum that you dare not underestimate.

But then, Belen's gaze fell on Ilia again, his brows frowned slightly, always feeling a little strange.

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