Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 145

On a field road, a team of dozens of people is moving forward.

The head of this team is Rodriguez, he is riding a horse, and there are many adventurers behind him, all of whom have been commissioned by Rodriguez.

In the center of this team, there was a prison car. In the prison car, there was a silver-haired girl sitting on her knees. It was Ilia, and she was the target of the escort.

"All go faster! Also, if those few do not nap and let the "witch" run away, you are the only one to ask!"

Rodriguez yelled immediately, pointed at a few people, then turned around and hurried.

In order to hire so many adventurers, Rodriguez also spent a lot of money, but as long as the "witch" can be escorted back, this is nothing at all.

"That fellow in Heglen is really interesting. He actually regards this "witch" as his own daughter, is it a substitute?ridiculous!So long wasted."

Rodriguez, who had already won the "victory", couldn't help taunting Heiglen. He sneered and shook his head, but then his expression was slightly stagnant and his eyes stared forward.

At the end of the road, there was a man in a black robe standing. Because of the strong wind, the black robe was not completely covered. So from the figure, it could be vaguely judged that it was a woman with a sword!

Under the black robe, the black crystal eyes swept across Rodriguez and the adventurers, and there was no turmoil, and a flat voice spread.

"People in the prison car, please lend me a use."

PS: I went to the hospital today, please forgive me!

Chapter 120: Robbery (Part 2)

When the uninvited guest appeared here and said that sentence again, the atmosphere suddenly rose.

"Who are you? How dare you come to hijack the prison car? Are you not afraid of being wanted?!"

Rodriguez let out a deep cry, his eyes gloomy, he didn't expect someone to rob the prison wagon.

Who is it?


After a moment of silence, Rodriguez shook his head, unless Heglen didn't want to live anymore, he was in an important position, and he knew the law to break the law, this kind of stupid behavior didn't seem like Heiglen would do.

So, who sent this person?

In an instant, Rodrigue thought of another possibility.

That is, the one in the prison car was mesmerized by some mysterious organization, maybe it was the organization that has been extremely hidden recently?

This mysterious person in the black robe is Hoshina, and the plan is simple and easy to understand, and Hoshina is the most direct part of the main attack.

For Rodriguez's question, Hoshina was naturally impossible to answer, and her black eyes blinked, then put her hand on the scabbard.

"Thank you, don't talk nonsense, please lend me someone quickly."

Hearing Hoshina's words, Rodriguez clenched his fists, his expression gradually darkened, and his eyes revealed a sullen expression.

It's really unreasonable, this man!

"Take this idiot woman down!"

Rodrigue raised his hand to signal, and the two gold and silver on both sides immediately walked out, squeezed their fists, and made a chuckle.

"The woman who lives and die dare to hijack the prison car, haha, when our two brothers take you down, we have to see what it looks like."

Hoshina snorted after hearing the words. These people really couldn't spit out ivory from their mouths. She shook her head, and then also stepped out.

"If you don't borrow, then I'll grab it."

Gold and silver are good at fighting together. The former is a strong warrior, while the latter is a magister. They work together to attack and defend together.

The first to attack was Kilney King. When he walked into a distance of five meters, he was like a hungry tiger rushing out.

As a pure warrior, he does not focus on magic power training, but magic power still plays a huge role. No matter how strong the body is, it also needs the support of magic power.

"Try my iron fist!"

Kilney King yelled, his rugged arms went out to sea like a dragon, and the high winds carried by his fists could also scratch people's faces.

Faced with this punch, Hoshina did not retreat in the slightest. She continued to step forward, slapped the wine gourd with her left hand, the plug bounced off and was hung by the rope, and the wine rushed out. She stood with her sword and pointed through the wine, stabbing out of thin air.


For a moment, Hoshina's eyes were a little blurred, but he was still clear, half drunk, and his magic was boiling at his fingertips!

"The sword of the running water."

The slender fingers held the sword air of the fragrance of wine, and touched the fist.

However, the next moment I can't help but shudder and shudder!


It was the sound of broken bones, but it was not the beautiful fingers, but the big punching fist. Seeing Kilney King's face changed suddenly, the pain was unbearable, and he was flew out the next moment.

Seeing that his brother was repelled by the shock, Kilney Silver was also shocked, but he reacted quickly and immediately chanted a magic spell.


A torrent rushed towards Xingnai, like an anaconda trying to swallow the black-robed man.

Seeing that Hoshina is still standing side by side with swords and fingers, as far as she is concerned, it seems that dealing with the other two does not require swords.


He whispered in his mouth, the sword finger stabbed out of thin air, and a drop of water pierced through the torrent. It broke through the rapids with water droplets, directly disintegrating it, not dissipating, and then piercing the silver shoulder.

Kilney Silver took a few steps back, covering his wound, looking at the mysterious woman who couldn't see her face in disbelief.

The opponent broke his magic with a drop of water!How can this be?!

In fact, it was not an ordinary water drop, it was a drink that contained the spirit of Jiujian, and it could break steel with one finger.


Rodriguez sat on the horse, looking at this scene with a look of astonishment. The two gold and silver brothers were already the strongest among the adventurers he hired, but they were defeated so easily?!

"Who are you!?"

Now, Rodriguez can't keep calm, the opponent's strength must be beyond his imagination, perhaps comparable to the "madmen" who were killed before.


A sharp sound sounded, and then I heard a blasting sound that was not particularly loud, that was, fireworks!

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