Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 203

Although I am very happy to hear Belen's words.

Seeing La Tier's restrained look, Belen also immediately realized that it was not good, and hurriedly said, "You don't need to feel pressure, I just came to visit."

Hearing that, La Tier pursed her lips, her eyes are moist and beautiful, and she has a special style. The blush on her face has not gone away for a while, and she always feels embarrassed in this dress in front of Mr. Belen.

Belen suddenly noticed the shivering girl on the side, and then remembered something, he looked at Ratil, who was a little at a loss.

"So, can you give me a copy of their ice cream?"

Belen pointed to the huge cup of ice cream on the table over there.

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty: Inexplicably Angry

When Latier heard Belen's words, she looked in the direction Belen was pointing. She was also startled when she saw the oversized cup of ice cream, and then turned her head.

"Oversized ice cream?"


Belen nodded.

So, La Tier silently glanced at Lumia, who was still trembling in the corner, because he heard Belen said he wanted a copy, and he brought the latter. There was no doubt that the ice cream was for Girl's.

"Mr. Belem, don't you have a copy yourself?"

"I...I, I'll forget it, I've eaten it, I'm quite full."

Hearing Latier's words, Belen felt a little embarrassed and touched his hair. It was enough to buy Rumia, and it would be too extravagant to order another for himself.

"Why would Mr. Belén... invite her to eat?"

La Tier looked at Rumia with a look of scrutiny. Although she wanted to apologize to Rumia before, she felt uncomfortable thinking that Belen was so kind to the latter.

"This, because, because she said she wanted to eat, so..."

"Because she wants to eat, does Mr. Belén buy it for her? Obviously Mr. Belén doesn't have much money now."

Hearing Belen’s words, La Tier immediately grabbed the corners of her skirt and her face was full of dissatisfaction. It was obvious that the girl had only known Mr. Belen for a few days, and her life was very difficult now. Mr. Lun was actually willing to pay for her food.

Why is that?!

Could it be that Mr. Belén likes her?

When she thought of this, La Tier felt an inexplicable smell in her heart. She pursed her lips and looked at Lumia who was still squatting in the corner.

Thinking that Latier was dissatisfied because of the funding problem, Belem quickly explained: "Latier, it's not like that. It was just loaned to Lumia. She didn't have money with her, so she asked me."

After hearing this, La Tier turned back to look at Belem. Compared to this, she was more concerned about other things, but on such an occasion, she could not ask.

"A copy?"


"Ok, I see."

After writing down the name of the dish, La Tier squinted at Lu Mia again, then turned and left, still rippling with the feeling of not being in his heart.

"Why is Ratil angry?"

Belen was also vaguely aware of La Tier’s wrong emotions, and was a little confused. He had already given an explanation for buying the ice cream for Rumia. Is the reason for his anger because he came to visit without consent? ?

Compared with Belén’s not good at expressing emotions, La Tier is not good at hiding her emotions, so her emotions are basically written on her face.

Immediately afterwards, Belen turned his head and looked at Lu Mia, who was still trembling slightly. The latter was like a frightened little mouse, with no resistance at all, and she couldn't do it if she wanted to play dead.

The girl is not so much a killer as a mouse.

The corners of Belém's mouth twitched. It really looked like a mouse. How else would he be frightened by Latier, who is a cat?

"Are you OK?"

But Belen couldn't bear Lumia's appearance all the time, so he cautiously came to Lumia and squatted down. The latter just sobbed his throat, and the clear eyes stared at Belen tightly.

"Don't be afraid, Latier actually wants to apologize to you, you don't need to be so afraid of her."

"Yes, but the look in her eyes is just like, I think the person I want to kill!"

Belen was speechless when he heard this. There was such an exaggeration, but he could only comfort the girl: "La Tier is a very well-behaved girl, don’t be afraid, and ah, you are a killer. ! How can you be afraid?"

In this regard, Lumia retorted timidly: "But, but the killer, there are people who are afraid!"

Belem was speechless.

After all the hard work, Belen finally used words to gradually dispel the fear in Lumia's heart, and the girl gradually returned to normal. Despite the lingering fears, she still sat back in her position.

"Is it really okay? She seems to hate me."

Lumia's mood was a little low, and she was looking down at the wooden table at the moment.

"No, no, Ratil is just a little emotional, she won't hate you."

Belen once again comforted Lumia, seeing that this killer girl was disappointed because other girls hated her, and she felt a little funny in her heart. From this perspective, she was a very cute child.

At this time, La Tier had come over with the oversized ice cream, and she happened to see Belen talking about Lumia's side, so the cat-eared girl immediately sank.

Why is the distance closer than before?!


I saw that a cup of oversized ice cream hit directly on the table where Belen and Lumia were. This time not only Lumia was shocked, but even Belen was shocked.

"Guest, your oversized ice cream."

La Tier said coldly, then glanced at La Tier indifferently, turned around and left, and continued to greet other guests without giving any explanation for her behavior.

Seeing the girl’s cold look, Belen was stunned, and Lumia started to tremble again. After a long time, the girl stared blankly at the oversized ice cream in front of her. If it was another season, This ice cream has already started to melt.

I was so angry for no reason, how could I still want to eat at first?

Belen was also sitting there in silence, staring at the ceiling blankly, not understanding what was going on, he came to visit without saying hello, would it have attracted such a big resentment?

La Tier, who was working on the other side, looked away from time to time in the direction where Belen was. Seeing the boy and girl sitting in a daze, guilt began to grow in his heart.

She seemed to have done too much, but she acted completely naturally at the time. Although she wanted to open herself up in this way, La Tier knew that her actions were all aimed at the girl.

Obviously I wanted to apologize, but seeing that girl and Mr. Belém were so close, I suddenly forgot about this, and my mood was immediately wrong.

"Latier, the person you like, isn't that the one?"

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