Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 214

In such a highly anticipated battle stage, if it were Belem, he would be more or less nervous, but Lumia still looked as usual.

The staff had already carried the freezer and stepped onto the battle platform, put down the heavy large freezer, and the icy breath permeated from it, even though the weather was cold enough.

"The main ingredient of today's culinary confrontation is large lobster! And, the lobster we prepared this time is different from all over the world. The choice of type depends on the chef himself!"


Many people have a bright eye. Among the many seafood dishes, lobster-type dishes are very rich, because the meat itself is the most realistic in shrimp, so it feels like making meat dishes. The freshness and fatness is also commendable. In many restaurants, lobster dishes are the top dishes.

The ingredients for this first round of culinary showdown were actually large lobsters. Many people sighed. Why didn't they play this round?

Large lobsters are very fat and tender, so the deliciousness of the taste is easily reflected. Most chefs are very good at this aspect. If you want to highlight their talents in the taste, this ingredient is undoubtedly extremely suitable.

"Large lobster?"

Belen is also thoughtful, if it is him, there are several dishes that can be picked up.

On the other side, Zhan Fulie smiled when he heard the main ingredients of this round, and then looked at Dennis beside him and said cheerfully, "Oh, this round is the seafood you are good at."

Dennis did not go to see Zhan Fulie, nor did he reply, but calmly stared at the battle platform.

After the game started, Lumia and her opponent No. 103 walked to the big freezer at the same time. Only by seeing the ingredients can she better judge what kind of cooking she should cook.

Lumia looked at the various large lobsters in the freezer with no expression. There was a sign on top of the ingredients, and she didn't think much about what to cook.

Just as Belen thought, Lumia didn't have much idea about the outcome of the cooking competition at this moment, and her gaze at the moment, from time to time, looked at the person in the middle seat of the judges in the distance.

"Beautiful lady, can you tell me your name?"

Suddenly a kind voice came from Lumia's ear. She turned her head and saw that the man with the number one hundred and three was looking at her with a smile, and the girl calmly said her name.


"Ah! What a nice name, my name is Hualai, from the Imperial Capital."

The man named Hualai put one hand on his abdomen, then slightly bent over to the girl, making a very gentleman action, which seemed to have some qualities of a high-class person.

Lu Mia nodded her head, and didn't want to continue communicating with this person, but turned her head and looked at the ingredients in the freezer, not knowing what she was thinking.

As a member of the upper class, Hua Lai has a very high vision. He has seen a lot of celebrities and daughters, but when he meets Lu Mia, his eyes are bright. Such beautiful girls are better than those of themselves. The celebrity who can only look up is not bad, and this indifferent temperament makes people unable to help but want to conquer her.

"It's still a long time, Miss Lumia, why don't we talk about it first?"

The voice of Hua Lai heard again. This time, Lumia frowned slightly. She turned her head and glanced at the man next to her. She didn't want to communicate with this person any more.

"Can you stop talking to me?"

Hearing these words, Hua Lai's entire face turned black. As an upper class person, although he often confronted others, he was rejected so unceremoniously by a woman. This was the first time that he considered his appearance. He is still very handsome, he is also a family member in his life, how can he, who is born with arrogance, tolerate this.

"Haha, Miss Lumia, I think your attitude is very right. We are opponents on the battle stage. Let's have a good chat off the stage."

In spite of this, Wallace still maintained a certain degree of gentlemanship.

"However, I advise Miss Lumia to give up directly, so that we can free up time for tea." Hua Lai added with a smile.

"Can you shut up?"

Lu Mia's eyes were a little sullen, she was in a bad mood, and it was even worse now. Then, she took a deep breath, then grabbed a large lobster below, and gave Hualai a cold glance. , And left a sentence when he turned and left.

"I hope cooking can shut you up."

Lu Mia, who had no idea about the outcome of cooking, wanted to win at this moment, because even if she lost, she didn't want to lose to such a disgusting guy.

When Lu Mia turned and left, an extremely heavy murderous aura immediately overflowed in the air, making Hualai's limbs stiff at this moment.

How...how does it feel that she wants to kill me?

Hua Lai realized one thing clearly, this beautiful girl seemed to be irritated by herself, and what was this inexplicable murderous aura?

"damn it!"

Hua Lai gritted his teeth, seeming to feel humiliated because he was shocked by a young girl, and slammed his fist against the freezer, but because it was too hard, his hand was hit hard.

Standing by the kitchen table, Lumia put the big lobster on the table. There were many ice cubes on it. The girl looked at the big lobster in silence, not even what species it was.

"Lobsters are all the same."

That sentence suddenly appeared in his mind, and a scene gradually emerged. Next to a hayloft, a boy was carefully handling a large lobster, peeling it out.

At this moment, Lumia suddenly turned her head and looked at her. She just met with a line of sight. She turned her head back like an electric shock. She pressed her lips together and exhaled.


Chapter 192: Lu Mia's actions?

When both sides of the duel have decided on the type of lobster, many people start to guess the dishes of both sides in their hearts. For most people, in a cooking competition, they usually choose a certain recipe above that. Make rectifications or major changes to bring out your own dishes.

The one hundred and third Hua Lai chose the "big lobster", which is a species of lobster that is extremely abundant in Naga Island. It is not much different from other large lobsters in meat quality, but its shell is It has other uses, because the shell is extremely crispy, not only can it be used as a side dish, but if it is steamed together, it can even increase the meaty flavor.

After seeing the big lobster selected by Hualai, many people have guessed several recipes in their hearts, all of which use big lobster as the main ingredient in cooking.

"Look, he put the shrimp shells in the steamer, he is making barley lobster pot!"

"No, no, no, he also wrapped the prawn meat, to put it in the steamer together with the prawn shell, obviously to make the crystal shrimp king!"

After seeing Hualai's several steps, many people guessed at the bottom of their hearts, but they are still not sure which recipe the other party will implement, because there are several projects that are very similar.

On the other side, Lumia is also highly regarded. I have to say that this girl in a black chef's uniform has a very good figure, because the tight chef's uniform outlines her plump figure. Such a beautiful girl chef is cooking, making many men swallow subconsciously.

Except for those who are superficial, some people who pay more attention to the cooking itself have observed the girl's cooking steps, and the other party chose the Barna lobster that is only available in the Banar River.

The Barna lobster itself is much larger than the average lobster, and the weight is also a lot heavier. When they saw the girl grabbing the large lobster with one hand, many people were stunned. They did not expect this The girl's arms are so slender, but with great strength, she can actually grab it with one hand.

Barna's big lobster is very aggressive, and even the people of the clan will take the initiative to attack, and because of his strength, a tong can even smash a stone.

Because of the volume and weight of the Barna lobster, it also shows that its meat is very rich. Compared with ordinary lobsters, its fleshy feel is excellent, and it is very full. The parts are all filled, but because of this, its hard body is very laborious to handle.

At this time, the girl in the black chef's uniform suddenly mentioned the long and thin kitchen knife she had always held in her hand, and thrust the tip of the knife into the lobster's neck, and then pierced it directly.

The action is extremely rough, which makes many people dumbfounded. Generally speaking, when handling the lobster shells of Bana large lobsters, they are broken by hands. After all, it is necessary to preserve the shrimp meat inside, and this girl is so unscrupulous. He stabbed the knife in.

"Uh? How do you feel weird?"

Belen was also stunned when he saw the girl's actions, and then gradually recalled some scenes, his expression gradually became weird, and his eyes looked strangely at the figure on the battle platform.

Because the flesh is full, the connection with the body is also very strong, but the girl picked up the body with a hand knife under the eyes of everyone.

"Ok...well, what a waste!"

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