Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 216

The soup of this "Green Mountain Shrimp Pot" is to complement the flavor of lobster meat. Although the other party has a double shell surprise, the soup in the pot is used between the two shells. Therefore, I want to taste it. The shortcomings in the taste have become very simple, the taste of the soup is not enough!

The soup of a cooking dish is very important, and the other party spends all his thoughts on the lobster itself, not using the essence of the cooking. This has become the fatal part of the other party's cooking.

Hua Lai frowned when he heard what Rex said. After a moment of contemplation, his face suddenly became ugly. The pot made by him could perfectly present his big lobster, but the soup was completely He overlooked that although it reflects the flavor of the lobster meat itself, the taste of the soup itself is not enough, but the degree of deliciousness is greatly limited.

He actually forgot this!

After a while, Hualai retreated to the side. He took a deep breath and suppressed the unwillingness in his heart. Then he looked at the girl who had already cooked in the distance, his eyes gloomy.

But even so, the deliciousness of his cooking is beyond doubt, this girl definitely can't win!

Lumia pushed the car to the judges' table. She glanced at Rex, then retracted her gaze, put the three dinner plates on the table one by one, and a hot breath radiated from it, making Rex The three of them all raised their brows slightly, interested, wanting to know what's inside.

"Please taste."

The girl picked up the lid, and the next moment, it was hot.

Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Four: Fire Bird Egg


When the girl opened the lid, the noise outside the venue suddenly sounded, and countless people opened their eyes, looking at the dish presented on the screen in surprise.

The crimson flames danced with the wind, like the bright red Ling Luo floating, the beauty was moving, surrounded by the flames was an egg, and the golden brilliance was looming under the thin skin that gradually burned through.

Just like a phoenix egg born in a fire, the golden brilliance became more dazzling against the flames, and it easily attracted everyone's attention.

What kind of dish is that?

Even Rex had a strong interest at this moment. He raised his head and looked at the girl in front of him. He had a deep impression of the latter. He thought that the child’s cooking would be very offensive. It's really unexpected.

"Does this dish have a name?"

Favna on the side showed a curious look for the first time, she looked at Lumia, most girls always like such special things, and she is no exception.

"Yes, it's called Firebird Egg."

Lumia nodded, and then said the name from her memory.


When the contestants brought the dishes to the stage, the voice of the judges on the stage would be amplified, so when the girl said the name of the dish, many people couldn't help laughing.

Although the appearance of the dish is indeed similar to the name, the taste of the name is really...not very good!

"what's so funny..."

Belen in the spectator seat heard the laughter off the court, and his face immediately became uncontrollable. He curled his lips, but also felt a little helpless. At that time, a name he said casually was actually brought to the stage by this guy.

Lumia glanced around, she didn't seem to understand what those people were laughing at, so she stopped paying attention to the inexplicable guys, and looked back at the dishes. At this moment, there were only small flames left in the fire. .

The girl took out a pair of pliers, took off the three iron rings of the three plates, and then carefully put the golden egg into the plate.

"Then, let's try this firebird egg."

Rex smiled and said, then he picked up his chopsticks and placed it on the golden egg. With a slight touch, he felt an extremely amazing elasticity. The other two were also stunned by this, and invariably applied a little force. Easily squeezed the egg.


A shocked sound came from the three people, staring blankly at the golden liquid overflowing from the crack, and at the same time, smelling a mellow and wonderful taste.

"This is the egg yolk?"

Favna squinted her long and narrow eyes, staring at the golden liquid, subconsciously guessing.

"Not only the egg yolk, but also...Spices in it?"

Hirose Yale on the side noticed deeper details. He guessed in his heart that if it were just the yolk, it would definitely not have such a tangy fragrance.

After being silent for a while, Rex put down his chopsticks, then picked up the spoon, fished out the egg, and took a bite in front of his mouth.

When the golden egg was bitten in the mouth, the golden liquid suddenly burst into the darkness with an amazing brilliance, like a hot spring gushing out, and it immediately filled the mouth.


Favna covered her mouth with one hand, her beautiful eyes widened, her face blushed, and an indescribable sense of taste writhed on her taste buds, as if to open a brand new door, the snow-white neck rolled slightly and swallowed. In the body, the fiery warm current seemed to open up the nerves and affected the mind.

"Okay, so hot!"

Hirose Yale on the side couldn't help but yelled out. When everyone looked at it, they found that the judge's face was already covered with sweat, and he began to pull his collar.

Whether it's this or Farrhona, or the "God of Cooking" Rex, his complexion is flushed at the moment, just as excited as a chicken blood.

"This... how is this possible!?"

Hua Lai, who had been standing by and sneering on the sidelines, let out an incredible scream at this moment, from the initial disdain, to the later stupefied, to the current panic, the situation has been out of his control!

What he expected was not like this at all!

The gaffe of the three judges also made everyone realize that the dish named "Firebird Egg" presented by the girl must be unspeakably delicious.

After the three of Rex swallowed the deliciousness that broke out in their mouths, their mouths began to chew the egg, the soft egg white, and the lobster meat that was the ultimate move!

The shrimp meat of the Barna lobster, the most compact fleshy, contains the essence of life in the fire bird's egg. When the three of Rex began to chew, it suddenly burst out of its brilliance.


An uncontrollable* came from Fafner's mouth. This charming beauty was flushed at the moment, stiffened on the chair, and even the feet under the table were straight, the fragrance was in The heart overflowed, and the surging heat swept the soul.

They seemed to be able to see the sturdy figure of Barna's big lobster, and under its tongs, there was a big lobster that had fallen into battle, and it was cheering towards the sky for its own victory, holding the giant tongs high.

The more you chew, the more intense the deliciousness will roll, just like the waves on the ocean, one after another, the back wave is stronger than the previous one. When all the delicious food is chewed in the mouth, the essence is swallowed. The esophagus and heart seemed to be rippling, closed his eyes, unable to control himself for a long time.

This scene fell in the eyes of countless people, and it resonated even more, as if the delicacy was already close to the mouth, the saliva in the mouth began to secrete, and what's more, the corners of the mouth were shining.

"This is impossible, this is impossible..."

When Hua Lai saw the intoxication of the three judges, he had already got the answer in his heart. The whole person seemed to have lost his soul. It was hard to imagine that he would be defeated by such a young girl.

He was nurtured by his family since he was a child, and he also has an excellent talent for seafood dishes, and he has been immersed in this for many years, but he did not expect to lose like this.

There is no doubt that this girl's cooking skills surpassed everyone's imagination!

Belen in the audience also looked at the slim figure on the screen thoughtfully, but his reaction was different from the others. At this moment, he was relieved, and then looked forward to it.

I hope that in the subsequent games, someone can provoke the girl in this way. In this case, her mind will not be placed on the assassination mission. This child is very real.

Chapter 195: Younger Genius Girl

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