Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 220

Despite the constant noise off the court, Belém still has that expressionless look. He wants to maintain a normal heart, otherwise the game will be incomparable.

"Aha! It's finally my turn!"

The serial number seven was shaken out by the lottery, that is, the red-haired young man Zhan Fulie, code-named "The Hot King", immediately became excited when he saw that he was drawn.

Zhan Fulie glanced at his opponent, then sighed and shook his head, muttering to himself: "Why are you always getting some boring guys? It's really not challenging."

"Hey! You are so arrogant!"

Opposite the red-haired youth was a middle-aged man, who was also a senior who had been in the kitchen for many years. Although Zhan Fulie's voice was very soft, he was still heard, and immediately couldn't help it.

For the red-haired young man’s previous game, he naturally witnessed it with his own eyes. He was indeed very capable, but relying on his strength to be so disrespectful to him as a senior, this made him very dissatisfied, no matter how he This is also a well-known chef in the culinary world, how can his strength be weak?

Zhan Fulie gave a mocking "Oh" to his opponent, glanced at him with disdain, then walked to his kitchen table, put the kitchenware box hanging next to him, and didn't intend to continue to take care of the beginning. Crumpy guy.

Many people feel helpless for the attitude of this red-haired young man. It is really full of mocking skills. It is estimated that anyone who runs into this guy will want to teach him a lesson.

But even if he wanted to teach him, he would beat him in cooking!

And the middle-aged man slowed down after a while, and then walked to his kitchen table with a cold snort. For their chef, the winner can only be distinguished in the cooking. He wants to let the arrogant boy take a good look. Senior is awesome!

However, after announcing the results, Zhan Freddie gave another mocking "Oh" to the middle-aged man, and muttered "It's not challenging" again, and the senior who came to this sentence almost vomited a mouthful of blood.

The victorious person was Zhan Fulie, and he didn't think he would lose from the beginning.

Are young people now so scary?

Countless people looked at each other after seeing the results. Among the few young people who were promoted this time, none of them were fuel-efficient lamps.

Even those seniors who have been in the kitchen industry for many years feel a headache, because the strength of these later young people is really unexpected.

Rounds of matches passed one after another, and the younger generations were able to pass through all the way with great momentum, without exception, all advanced, and all the older generations were cut off.

However, at the time of the sensation off the court for today's battle, in the audience area inside the court, a man still has the indifferent face that does not change. He is supporting his cheek with one hand, as if watching a boring drama.

"Serial number thirteen, serial number forty-one!"

When the serial number of the new round of competition was reported, serial number forty-one was a guy with thick limbs. Douding looked around, as if looking for his opponent.

After a while, the host did not see the contestant with serial number thirteen coming on stage, and was a little confused at the moment, and then shouted again: "Please come on stage with the contestant serial number thirteen quickly."

The people outside the court were all watching the court, and not seeing the number 13 person playing for a long time was also puzzled, and there were constant discussions. Some people guessed that the number 13 had forgotten the game today?

"Serial number thirteen, please come to the stage as soon as possible! Otherwise, it will be regarded as a waiver!"

And Belém still didn't respond when he was sitting in the position. At this moment, James Fry, who happened to be back from the bathroom, heard the host's words. When passing by Belém's position, he was stunned to see that the latter had been silent, and then a little curious. The sound.

"What are you doing sitting there? Are you not the 13th?"

For Belém's previous performance, James Frédéric was still very impressed, after all, he was one of the few people interested.

After hearing these words, Belen, who had been expressionless, suddenly jumped in his heart. Only then did he remember that he was the thirteenth, and immediately stood up, and then nodded to Zhan Fulie, a little embarrassed.

"Thank you for reminding me, I almost forgot."

After saying this, Belen immediately ran to the battle stage, leaving Zhan Fulie standing alone. Did this person take it seriously? He even forgot his serial number.

"Unexpectedly, my opponent is also a young junior."

In front of Belém, the fat guy stared at the latter with eyes the size of puppies, and his negligible pupils moved up and down, seeming to be looking at Belém, and Belém wanted to attack his opponent politely. Hello.

"Please more..."

However, the big fat man in front of him snorted coldly and raised a hand to stop Belen. He said disdainfully: "Don't tell me about these imaginary things. The younger generations in front of us have actually attacked. It’s very shameless, and as a senior in the culinary world, how can I save a bit of face? If you are acquainted, you'd better abstain directly, otherwise my cooking will make you embarrassed."


After hearing the words of the big fat man, Belen took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled, his expression changed to the previous indifference, and his mood was worse now.

"It's a coincidence, I also want to persuade you to abstain directly, otherwise I will make you faceless."

Chapter 199: Fatty's Stew

The beginning of the dialogue between the two on the battle stage was intentionally amplified by the host, which also allowed everyone on and off the court to hear the competing dialogue.

Originally, Belém had respect for these senior chefs. In normal times, he would not pay attention to the words just now, but unfortunately, he is in a bad mood now.

"Don't be ashamed!"

The big fat man became furious when he heard the words. If it weren't for the game, with his violent temper, he would have gone up to teach the arrogant guy before him.

Many people were surprised by the words of the young man on the stage. He seemed to be a gentle talent in the previous game.

"That guy seems to be in a bad mood, and the luck of that senior is really bad."

After hearing the words, Zhan Furie curled up his mouth and showed a smile. Junyi's face was a little surprised. His first impression of Belem didn't seem like a thorn.

"You seem to be very optimistic about him."

Dennis on the side spoke rarely.


Regarding Dennis's words, James Frye responded lightly to these two words. He didn't know the young man on the stage either. He didn't see much in just one game.

On the battle stage.

Belen didn't look at his opponent anymore. He came to his kitchen table. Unlike other professional chefs, he didn't have the kitchenware of his own.

He has never experienced the taste of exclusive kitchenware, to him, any kitchenware is the same.

"Haha, it seems that everyone is looking forward to the result of this competition now, then, let's announce the staple food of our round of competition now!"

The host said happily, he liked to see this happen, so that he could stir up the atmosphere, and then he looked at the freezer raised by the staff.

"This time, the main cooking ingredients are mountain beef and antelope meat. Both ingredients must be used!"

The ingredients this time are much more common than the previous dishes. Although they are also precious ingredients, they are not rare varieties, but this time they are two staple ingredients.

Two kinds of meat?

A dish that combines two kinds of meat...

Belen was rubbing his chin with one hand, thinking about what kind of food to prepare. After all, it is not a simple matter to bring out the perfect taste of the two meats.

Both ingredients are meat dishes, but compared to beef, lamb has a heavier taint. At this point, you need to pay attention to it and use it with good spices, otherwise it will have a great impact.

The meat quality of the mountain beef is very rough. It is better to take the best beef tendon parts, where the meat is firm, while the antelope meat is the loin, where the meat is the most fat, and the direction of choice in cooking is much larger. .

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