Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 223


The girl codenamed "A New Kitchen Knife" was staring blankly at the figure on the stage. She was very interested in the dish named Hamburger, and she also saw the difference in that dish.

"Complete cooking."

Zhan Fulie also squinted his eyes, and he subconsciously uttered these five words. This was his evaluation of the hamburger dishes made by the man.


"God of Cooking" Rex had already finished the burger at this moment. After the aftertaste, he extended a thumb to Belem, then laughed and commented.

This very innovative burger dish can be called a "complete dish", because its taste is only due to the ingredients, not just because of the two patties.

Rex hasn’t tasted such dishes for a long, long time. It can even be said that he hasn’t seen it in a long, long time, especially among the younger generations after him. Arrived.

Being able to be rated as "Awesome" by the "God of Cooking" is something that is enough to cause a huge storm in the kitchen world. No chef will question the words of the "God of Cooking" Rex, even the other champions "God of Cooking" is not good either, you know, this is the "God of Eternal Cooking".

"Winner, on the 13th, "unstable kitchen knife.""

Chapter Two Hundred and Two: Red-haired boy, pioneering

The result of this game is not shocking anymore. This kind of thinking changed when the name of burger cuisine appeared. Anyone who has an in-depth knowledge of cuisine knows the terrible part of that dish.

"I lost... I lost! Wow!"

After knowing the result, the big fat chef woke up immediately after being confused for a while, and then ran out of the arena crying.

When the host announced the result, Belem's code name was also known to everyone. Many people were a little baffled with this code name. How do you feel familiar?Oh yes, isn't this very similar to the genius girl before?

"Unstable kitchen knife"

"A new kitchen knife"

Although I don't know how the code name was taken out, it was inexplicably funny, so after knowing the code name of the man on the 13th, he burst into laughter outside the court.

Even "A New Kitchen Knife" himself couldn't help but chuckle at this moment. The girl smiled and looked at the figure. The code name she took has this meaning, but she knows it very well, so does that person have any What does it mean?

"Unstable kitchen knife"

No matter how you look at it, it was taken randomly, right?

Many people thought this way, but they still continued to speculate a little unwillingly. Why wouldn't the code name be messy for such a powerful person?

In fact, it was really a little messy. Belem took such a code name for a random reason. At this moment, hearing the roar of laughter outside the court, his face was also a little awkward, and he quickly walked off the battlefield.

"Sure enough, I am not suitable for this kind of occasion."

Belen has always disliked such a conspicuous occasion, because he can't handle it at all. If it weren't for the bad mood before, I'm afraid that even the cooking would make a lot of mistakes.

However, there is one thing worthy of happiness, so the haze in my heart has also been swept away a bit.

Successfully advanced to the top 32!

Belén doesn't care about any internship opportunities. How could he go?He thought, it would be good if he could give up this reward and exchange for a little more bonus.

After the joyous happiness passed, Belen fell into a deep mood again. He left the square blankly. Since there is no competition, he has no mood to stay here.

It's time to eat, I'm hungry enough.

This day’s competition can be said to allow the newspaper to blow a lot of things, and the central point is undoubtedly the girl who "a new kitchen knife", and the red-haired youth of the "hot king", and The mysterious man who "unstable the kitchen knife."

In the early morning of the third day, the news spread all over the country. Countless people were very concerned about the "God of Cooking Competition". When they saw the three young people of Belém in the newspaper, they were all surprised. Thinking of the younger generation being so powerful, they actually defeated so many predecessors in the kitchen world.

In a city called Fenggla, there is a well-known restaurant in the entire imperial capital. There is a manager in this restaurant who is not in the store all year round, but is admired by all the employees.

The store manager is Rex, the "God of Cooking".

The chefs in this restaurant are extremely top chefs in the culinary world. This is a high-spending restaurant. There are countless aristocratic regulars who come here. But even in a restaurant with such masters, there is such an unknown person. The hairy boy, but he is one of the top chefs in this restaurant.

At this moment, a red-haired boy is sitting on a chair with Erlang's legs upright. He looks pretty and handsome, and he is holding a newspaper and watching the situation of yesterday's competition.

When the red-haired boy saw the familiar figure, he smiled slightly, then looked at the four-character "Hamburger" in the newspaper, and immediately laughed.


A young girl in a beautiful dress-style clothes heard the laughter and heard the sound. She came to the side of the red-haired boy, bent down and looked at the report in the newspaper, her cute little face showing doubts. .

"Chef Chuangxian, what are you laughing at?"

The red-haired boy named Chuangxian turned his head and glanced at the girl, then happily pointed at a young man in the newspaper, and said to the girl in a very proud tone.

"This is my good friend, he won again, of course I smiled happily!"

After hearing the words, the girl blinked her beautiful eyes, looked at the figure carefully, and then said in surprise: "Isn't this an "unstable kitchen knife"?He is a friend of Chef Chuangxian!"

Seeing that the girl actually knew it, the red-haired boy was also stunned, and then said with a curious look: "Aha, is he already so famous? Even Xue Ni knows it."

Xue Ni straightened up and responded with a smile: "Aren't all those who want to be a chef are watching this game? He is the most famous young generation."

"So that's it." The red-haired boy blinked.

Xue Ni watched the red hair read less, pursed her seductive lips, and then asked softly, "Master Chuangxian, you see that your friends are all competing for the title of "God of Cooking". So young, why not go there?"

The God of Cooking Competition is the top competition in the kitchen industry, and the age is limited to under 40. The red-haired teenager is at the top level of this restaurant when he is less than 20 years old. If you participate in the competition, She will definitely be famous in the kitchen industry, the girl believes so firmly.

Hearing Xue Ni’s words, the red-haired boy waved his hand indifferently. He said, “Me? I’m not going. I’d better wait for the manager to come back and challenge him again. I have left the restaurant for a year. Not coming back. It must have been spending time outside."

A year ago, the red-haired boy came here with confidence and challenged the store manager, while Rex was very interested in accepting it because he was promoted so quickly in the restaurant.

But the result...

Of course the red-haired boy lost.

When the girl heard the boy’s words, she pouted her little mouth. She was very cute. She was very dissatisfied with what the boy said. She was obviously capable but would not compete. In her opinion, she was not as ambitious as the boy’s friend. .

"Don't you think I have no ambition. I definitely didn't go for the title of "God of Cooking"."After looking at the girl, it seemed that she knew what she was thinking. The red-haired boy smiled and stood up and stretched out, then walked out, not forgetting to wave his hand: "It's time to work."

Xue Ni was also taken aback when she heard the words, and then trot to follow her, following the boy's side, and asked suspiciously, "Isn't it for the name "God of Cooking"?How is it possible?The chef said, what is your friend for?Isn't it about honing your cooking skills?"

Seeing the girl so innocent, the red-haired boy stopped, then reached out and touched the girl's head, and then said with a smile, "Haha, he is not so noble"

"Ah? What's that for? Eh, what are you waiting for?" The girl saw the boy continue to move forward, and then hurriedly followed and asked.

"What else can he do? He must be short of money, for the bonus."


Chapter 203: When I'm Hungry

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