Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 230

"Teacher... there are two more days, can you give me two more days, as soon as the game is over, I will complete the task, please, please."

When the black-robed man heard Lu Mia's pleading words, his eyes became colder and colder. He didn't expect that the girl would disobey him. This was the first time in history!

"It seems that you really take that person to heart. Haha, you don't need you for this mission. I will go personally."

Rumia gritted her teeth when she heard the teacher's words. She could feel the anger and disappointment in the teacher's words, which made her feel like a knife.

If the teacher wants to do it herself, she must have done it today. She had seen the teacher's figure before, so she subconsciously followed.

She just wanted to satisfy Belen's wishes.

"You disappoint me." The black-robed man looked at the girl coldly, and this sentence made the girl lower her head, and he said: "But, who made you my beloved student? I know why you became like this. It's all because of that man, right? It doesn't matter, you go and kill him yourself, and I will forgive you, teacher."

Hearing these words, Lumia immediately raised her head, her eyes widened, and her eyes were full of disbelief. She stared at her teacher blankly, and finally recovered and spoke quickly.

"Teacher! You promised me before! As long as you don't continue to have contact with him, you won't hurt him!"

Hearing this, the black-robed man responded coldly: "Yes, so I asked you to kill him. I won't make a move. This is the last chance I will give you."

"No, no, teacher! Belem is a very good person, he, he still cooks for me, and there are ice cream, I haven't paid him back... I..."

Before Lumia could finish speaking, the black-robed man immediately interrupted the girl roughly, and he screamed: "Then I killed him! You will be like this because of that person! , You have gone the wrong way, the teacher will help you to get on the path you should go again!"

"Old teacher, yes, sorry! I will complete the task, please, give me two more days, two days later, I will complete the task immediately! Please!"

Lu Mia didn't expect things to turn into this. She thought that Belen would be safe, but the teacher would be angry like this, and even kill Belen herself!

At this moment, Lumia couldn't tell whether it was tears or rain. She endured the pain and knelt at the feet of the black-robed man, begging constantly.

Obviously it was not like this at the beginning, but why did it come to this point?

The girl couldn't figure it out. She didn't understand how her teacher could be angry like this. Although the teacher in the impression was harsh, she wouldn't be like this.

Everything is because of her.

In the end, the girl got this conclusion.

She failed the teacher, she shouldn't have contact with anyone, as long as she completed the task obediently, the respected teacher could praise her.

Thinking of this, Lumia also stopped begging. She knelt on the ground with a dazed expression. That's right, it would be great if she completed the task at the beginning.

The teacher will not be angry anymore.

Seeing Lumia calm down, the black-robed man slowly squatted down, put his hand on the girl's head and rubbed it, his eyes filled with love.

"Don't care about that person, don't need you to kill him, the teacher will kill him personally, you just need to keep listening to my orders, I will make you the best killer, so be good, think about the days before, After completing the task, we two can always drink tea and play chess together. What a good day like that."

The soft voice comforted the girl, Lu Mia did think of many pictures in her mind, but ah, the beautiful pictures were still the pictures of eating warm food when it snowed, and her heart did not reject the beauty.

"Teacher, don't kill him."


A crisp voice sounded, Lumia tilted her head and looked at the wet ground. Her eyes were filled with disbelief. The fiery pain on her face made her tears overflow uncontrollably, and she gritted her teeth.

The black-robed man stood up, the voice was like a ghost from hell, cold and gloomy: "You need to be reshaped, you can't be like this, you only need to obey my orders."

"Fuck you shit!"

An angry voice came from the other end of this alley. A figure with soaked clothes was standing there. For the first time, such an angry expression appeared on that face.

Chapter Two Hundred and Ten: The Angry Belem


The sound of thunder rang from the clouds, the sound was deafening, and the white light flashed across the sky, bringing a fascinating light in the darkness.

In the girl's sight, what was illuminated by the thunder light was a familiar face, and at the end of the trail was a man who was very embarrassed by the rain.

"Be... Belem..."

That man was Belén who was chasing him quickly. The loud applause hit him. When he was approaching, he heard that sentence. In a few years, the first foul language broke out. Up.

Now, it is an angry Belem.

"How can a teacher say such nonsense, you don't deserve to be a teacher at all!"

When Belen saw the girl kneeling on the ground with gritted teeth and grievances in her eyes, he couldn't help clenching his fists, even the veins on his hand were looming.

"You are that person, it's really time to come, just right, I will kill you in front of Lumia, and then I will give her a good advice."

When Belen appeared, under the mysterious man's black robe, those dark pupils gazed at the former faintly, his voice was as cold as ice skates, and then he took a step.

"Teacher, no!"

Seeing that the teacher was about to do something, Lumia immediately exclaimed, and subconsciously grabbed the black-robed man's leg. She wanted to stop him. She knew the teacher's strength very well. If she did it, even Belen would definitely die. of!

Watching Belen die before his eyes?

Such a thing, never!


The black-robed man glanced at the hand holding his foot, glanced at the girl, then snorted coldly, kicked Lumia's shoulder, and made it fall backward.

"You damn it!"

After seeing this scene, Belen could no longer restrain himself. He squeezed these five words out of his gritted teeth, and then stepped out in the same way.

"Belen! No! You can't beat the teacher!"

Lumia saw Belem's actions, thinking that the latter was acting impulsively, and immediately shouted.

"I will beat him into a pig head today!"

Belen's eyes were cold, and he gritted his teeth and drank in a deep voice: "Thirty percent!" When the voice fell, an unparalleled momentum surged, and even the ground under his feet collapsed.

When that vigor swept away, the mysterious man's black robe also fell, revealing the face of a middle-aged man, with distinct features, as if his face was carved by a knife. When he was young, he must be very handsome. When you feel the majestic After his breath, those eyes were also slightly squinted.


The middle-aged man groaned, and then suddenly left, his body shape disappeared in place like a ghost, as if it had melted into the darkness, and the strangeness of his body was intangible.

Upon seeing this, Belen still had a gloomy face, without the slightest change, a sword suddenly appeared in his hand. While looking slantingly, the sword was surrounded by light blue light, and then a sword swept across.

The shadow on the wall suddenly surged, and then was forced out by the sword. A dagger glowing with cold light appeared, like lightning in the sky, turning into a crescent moon and spinning away.

"I said, I am going to beat you into a pig head today!"

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