Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 242

Chapter 222: The theme and belief of cooking

After the semi-finals, the two players who entered the finals also came out, and their code names are also worth mentioning in the newspaper. The exaggeration can be called a battle of fate.

"The final will be held the day after tomorrow. There will definitely be countless chefs from all over the world to watch the game. I hope the two can perform well by then."

Immediately after a chatter, the host changed his voice and said: "The theme of the final will now be informed that the two contestants can think about cooking for a whole day. Now, please "God of Cooking" Rex Mr. gives a cooking theme!"

The staff handed the loudspeaker to Rex. He took it with a smile and put it in front of his mouth and said: "I believe that everyone is looking forward to the two carefully prepared dishes. This will also be the course of your life. The milestones shown, I hope you can surpass yourself in the cuisine presented in the finals!"

"The theme of cooking is faith!"


Everyone was stunned, including Hillsius and Belen. When they heard this cooking theme, they both were stunned. What kind of cooking theme is this?

belief?The belief in cooking?

This is undoubtedly a difficult problem.

Seeing the bewildered look of everyone, Rex also laughed, and then said: "In the finals, I hope you can show your beliefs in the cooking, what is the reason for the cooking, and what are its goals? High, this will determine how far you can go in cooking. This is the theme of cooking in the finals."

In Rex’s mind, there were several people who became "God of Cooking" who were not worthy of the name of a chef and a chef, because their eyes have been planted in the eyes of gold coins, and their cooking has become a This kind of commercialization is something that Rex is most uncomfortable with.

So this time the theme of cooking, he put forward "faith".

As a chef with superb cooking skills, he must have extraordinary talents, and whether their original intentions will die along the way is undoubtedly, the answer is definitely yes.

But despite this, Rex also hopes that the young people in this competition can remind them of their original intentions. Even if they change in the future, they never forget what they are supporting themselves along the way. .

That is faith.

After the game was over, the people outside the court gradually left, while Belem sat silently on the chair. To be honest, he was stumped by that cooking theme.

If this so-called "cooking belief" really exists, Belen thinks he has lost.

You know, the reason why he went to participate in the "God of Cooking Contest" was purely because the prize money was extremely generous. As for the other rewards, he had no idea at all.

So, what faith in cooking, he doesn't have it at all!People like that genius girl and others are probably to hone their cooking skills, but he is purely for the bonus, so he can compete with that genius girl for the championship?No matter how you think about it, there is no chance of winning.

It seems that this is the end.

Belen shook his head, and finally stood up with a sigh. It was a pity that the champion was rewarded, but it was two thousand more gold coins than the finalists.

At this moment, Silsius’s voice suddenly came from the side. She was standing in front of Belem and said with a smile: "I look forward to the game the day after tomorrow! Let you see the belief in my cooking. !"

Hearing this, Belen opened his mouth and finally replied: "I am looking forward to it."

After speaking, he turned around and left the arena, always feeling that it was a shameless thing to make that girl have excessive expectations, and he felt a little guilty now.

By then, he will definitely be very unmotivated, because it is already a losing game.

Even if I'm sorry for that girl, there is no way. When that time comes, try to cook a meal, otherwise he will definitely be ashamed.

Belen exhaled and shook his head. He didn't think about this trivial matter again. Anyway, after reaching the finals, 8,000 gold coins were far beyond his expectations.

"Mr. Belén! You are in the finals!"

At this moment, a figure suddenly plunged into Belen’s arms, a pair of fluffy cat ears disturbed Belen’s chin, a little numb, and the kitten Latis was holding Belen. His waist flashed with beautiful cat eyes.

Looking at Latier in his arms, Belen stretched out his hand to pat the girl, and then separated the two, saying with some joy: "Yes, it's the final."

Now, even if you want to change to a major commercial vehicle and help the old man find a daughter-in-law, this is not a problem at all. The most important thing is that Latier and the others don't have to work anymore, and he doesn't need to be alone every day.

Belen is still very happy thinking of this.

Laya on the side also led Ilia to come over. After seeing Belém's victory, the girl was also full of spirits. She smiled and asked: "Mr. Belém, are you confident in the finals?"


Belen was speechless immediately, and after a moment of silence, he said helplessly: "I have no confidence, that girl is very powerful, I think it may end here."

After hearing Belen’s lack of self-confidence, Laya was very dissatisfied and said: "Mr. Belen is always like this. Learn to be more confident? Does Mr. Belen think he can make the finals from the beginning?"

Hearing these words, Belen was also stunned. It was true that at first his eyes were only on the top 32, but now he is in the finals.

But having said that, this time Belén has no idea about the champion. This is still very different from the beginning. Anyone who sees that girl's cooking will have no confidence!

It doesn't seem right, there is such a special case.

Another red-haired boy emerged in Belen's mind. If it were him, maybe he could confidently step onto the stage and compete with that girl, right?

It would be great if he was there, maybe he could give himself some advice, then maybe there is still a little leeway in the finals, but he is not there, so Belém also gave up.

Immediately afterwards, Belem shook his head and stopped thinking about other things. He looked at the cars that had been packed, and then looked at the girls who had changed their clothes.

"Well, let's not think about that, let's go back first! What do you want for dinner?"

When Latis heard the food, her eyes lighted up, and she chuckled her small mouth. She was the first to speak, "I want to eat that... that, that's the one made by my big brother today!"

"no problem!"

Belen was very happy to see the kitten so gluttonous. He rubbed Latis' head with a smile. As expected, compared to cooking in a competition, he was the most comfortable cooking for his family.

Chapter 223: The Girl About to Leave

Although it was determined that they could get a generous bonus of eight thousand gold coins, Latier and the others still wanted to work in the tavern, and they seemed to feel close to it.

But Belen won't stop the girls from going to work in the tavern. Although he is very reluctant, he understands very well that his children are gradually growing, and he can't stop them!

The day of the finals is tomorrow, and today’s rest Japan is meant to make the contestants think about the meaning of the theme of cooking, but after judging that he can’t win, he doesn’t want to waste his mind thinking about it. Problem.

Belief is something illusory, maybe it will be able to penetrate it in a while, or it may never be penetrated.

Therefore, Belén was lying alone outside the big hut on this day, looking at the clouds coming and passing by. The snow in the sky is not big, but there are still a little snow falling clearly.

I will leave here soon.

Belen thought of the upcoming finals. When the prize money was received, they would go away again. Should they go to the imperial capital or continue their travel?It seems that the two do not conflict.

But ah, a bit reluctant.

In this city, Belen met a girl he cared very much about. Just like when he first met Latier and the others, the feeling lingered, he didn't save the child.

Obviously this kind of excessive indecision is impossible, and he had warned Latier like that, but in the end he couldn't just ignore Ilia's affairs.

Obviously I wanted to be a good example, but I was disqualified.Obviously I hate trouble the most, but I get into a lot of trouble again and again.

I am really a contradiction.

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