Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 246

And beside Jan Frieze, Dennis also frowned at this scene, because the man on the stage only relied on vegetables, but he incorporated his seafood skills into it.


Mijra stood beside her sister Sisaka. The latter was stunned after seeing this scene, while the former was also the case. The young man who had confronted them before, when making the spices, already had " "Expert" attitude.

"Even if he can imitate it, how can he combine so many cooking methods together? He can't do it without decades of research!?"

Someone couldn't help exclaiming after seeing the bold move of the man on the battle stage.

You know, every skilled chef has his own way of cooking. Even if the talented girl is proficient in everything, he can't embody so many cooking ways in one cooking!

Such cuisine must be unsightly!

However, after countless people had such a judgment in their hearts, "God of Cooking" Rex's smile remained undiminished, because he knew that everyone had forgotten one thing.

What the young man is good at, can it be a complete dish without making it?

Belen himself also knew how difficult such a technique was, but that was it, he would not back down in the slightest. He might not have any merits, but he was as ordinary as him, and he still had the talent to be admirable.

Control, that is Belem’s talent!

Forcibly blending all the improprieties together, and finally casting a suitable model, so that all the cooking methods are gathered in his dish, this is the basis for him to be able to compete with that talented girl.

And wanting to win, he still lacks his belief.

After all the ingredients were processed, some people noticed the change of the man's expression on the screen, his posture was very calm, without any tension.

That kind of feeling is just like cooking at home. Every step is not rushed, but the cooking method is informal, so as not to delay the meal.

His beliefs have all been gathered from his hands to cooking.

"carry out!"

At this moment, the players on both sides finished their cooking almost at the same time, and countless eyes gathered on the two young men who pushed the cart to the judges' table.

The winner is about to be divided.

Chapter 227: New Dragon Dumplings

When the dishes of Belen and Hillsius were presented on the table of the judges' table, countless eyes gathered, staring at the two decisive dishes intently.

"You or me first?"

Hillsius smiled and looked at the opponent beside him.

"You go first."

Belen didn't care whether he was going first or second. It was better to give a gentleman's courtesy or give priority to the ladies, so he also stepped aside.

Upon hearing this, Hillseus nodded, then looked at the three judges, smiled and stretched out his hand to open the lid, a golden light suddenly burst out from it, and everyone's eyes were gathered.

"This dish is the strongest dish I can make so far. It is called Xinlongzhi Dumplings."


In that big screen, under the golden light, a two-winged dragon appeared. The whole body was crystal clear, as transparent as a crystal, and in the heat emitted, it was like a newly born dragon.

Shrimp shells are carved into dragon heads. Since they are dumplings, the body part seems to be made of different dumpling skins, and then used the principle of different degrees of thermal expansion to make them three-dimensional, and finally achieve such a dragon-shaped beauty.

"To be able to create such a perfect image, this girl's handwork is also incredible!"

Although this can be seen from the swordsmanship of a genius girl.

"God of Cooking" Rex's eyes bloomed, and he had a strong feeling for this dish. There is an unparalleled belief in this "New Dragon Dumpling". The momentum of bullfighting.

"Come and have a taste!"

Rex couldn't wait, Hirose and Favna also nodded. Even the audience outside the stadium couldn't help but want to know how delicious the "New Dragon Dumplings" is.

The strongest cuisine of a genius girl!

The three of them picked up the chopsticks and took a piece from the dragon. The moment the dumpling skin broke, golden liquid poured out from it, exuding a dazzling luster.

"That is..."

Many people squinted their eyes.

And the three judges also ate the bite of dumpling meat at this time and chewed them in their mouths. In the next moment, an indescribable taste rippled quietly on the tip of the tongue.


When the piece of meat was bitten, a stream of heat swelled from it, instantly filling the mouths of the three of them, and the unparalleled delicacy was like flower buds blooming, and like a volcanic eruption. There is no doubt that the impact is overwhelming. !


Favna put down her chopsticks and covered her mouth in an instant, her face flushed like a red fruit, her mouth was small, and the heat was about to overflow!

Obviously it is just such a piece of dumpling meat, there is so much soup hidden in it, as if it is deep water*, it will explode when touched!

A golden liquid overflowed from the corner of that beautiful woman's mouth, and everyone was shocked. The soup overflowing after the dumpling wrapper broke open, could it be...

Could it be!Is the broth made from the fat from lobster meat?!

"Top cooking!"

After Rex finished swallowing, he couldn't help but gasp for two breaths. He uttered such an admiration, which has not been given such an evaluation for many years.

genius!A genius in the kitchen world!

Everyone was shocked by this. Every word on the judges' stage would be spread by the megaphone, so Rex's evaluation of the girl was also heard by countless people.

But Hillsius just smiled, and then said: "Why don't you try the dragon head again, there may be even more amazing flavors there."

and also!?

The eyes of the three judges and everyone are concentrated on the crystal dragon head, under the carved dragon head, is there still an amazing secret?

"This is... the brains of white shrimp?!"

When Hirose opened the dragon's head and saw the whitest and tenderest piece of meat, the thick yellow color flowing in it made him exclaim.

Try it!

After the three of them spoke, the three pairs of eyes suddenly opened from a tightly closed state, and a hot momentum rose from the three of them.

The meat filling behind the brains of the mixed white shrimp instantly pushed the unique tastelessness to *, just like that new dragon was born, and towered into the clouds in the next moment, with huge pupils overlooking the earth like the rising sun. .

And at this moment, they have this kind of feeling, that kind of feeling of dominating the world is lingering in their hearts for a long time, there is no doubt about the belief in this dish.

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