Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 280

Belen frowned, completely not understanding what the red-haired girl was saying.

Hearing Belen's words, the red-haired girl also frowned slightly, then shook her head and muttered to herself, "I'm not talking nonsense with you", then raised her hands, spread her five fingers, lifted it upwards, and then dropped again abruptly.

"The earth rises and falls."

The whole land seemed to listen to her call, and there was movement immediately, like a smile on the ocean, a thousand waves of waves were stacked, and then it covered Belem.


Belen's heart was shocked, he couldn't understand how huge the magic power this red-haired girl had, one after another such terrifying magic, the other's magic power was simply a bottomless pit.

At this time, Belen was too late to even mobilize his qi. He looked at the thousand-layer stone wave that was covering him, gritted his teeth and prepared to use force, wanting to cut it away with a sword.


At this moment, the earth's shaking became more and more intense. Beside Belém, a terrifying sea of ​​stone suddenly rolled up under that side of the world, surging toward the thousand-layer stone wave, unexpectedly abruptly. It resisted.

"Here is someone again."

The red-haired girl felt the vast wave of magical power, and frowned. On the street behind Belen, a silver-white figure was walking slowly.

Belen also looked back. When he saw that it was a little silver-haired girl, his eyes widened suddenly. He opened his mouth to let the girl escape, but finally remembered what he said that night, so his face There was a cheerful smile on his face.

The visitor is undoubtedly Ilia. Her silver hair is swaying in the wind, but her small figure has an invisible momentum. When she sees Belém's blood-covered appearance, the pair is like black gem There was anger in his eyes.

"Big brother, I'm here to save you."

This was the most angry time since the little girl recovered her memory.

Chapter 264: The Earth Spirit and the Earth Mantra

On the hillside outside the city, many people saw the huge crimson crescent. After seeing this scene, they fled in panic, but after the cracking sound that sounded the next moment, those people again Is looking back.


The crimson ice crystal crescent had collapsed, and everyone looked at each other, not knowing what happened in the city, and at the moment Elmin was seriously injured and unconscious, Naldo was in a hurry, and everyone was not good to ask.

The townspeople at this moment all hope that the Empire’s army will come quickly. After all, there has been such a big movement. Everyone is afraid that the subsequent movement will affect them, but they are unwilling and do not want to leave their hometown, even if most of them are already destroyed. For the ruins.

Latiel and Leia stood on the hillside holding Latis's hand. They couldn't imagine what happened in the town, but Latiel thought, maybe the huge crimson crescent crescent was crushed by Ilia. of.

But Laya was thinking that maybe it was blocked by Mr. Belém, but it was just maybe that she could not imagine that Mr. Belém, who had never been motivated in daily life, would have that kind of power.

"Mr. Belen..."

The whispers of the girls turned into a breeze and fluttered away.

In the town.

The little silver-haired girl's soft silver hair flowing like moonlight slowly came to Belen's side with her little boots, she reached out and held Belen's cheeks.

"Big brother, are you okay."

Belen still feels a bit weird after being treated with such affectionate actions, because Ilia is a 13-year-old girl, but at this moment, he doesn't have much strength anymore, and there is only a little bit of energy left in his body.

"That person is very powerful."

"Ilia knows."

Hearing Belen’s words, Illya also nodded, and then looked at the red-haired figure standing on the ruins. From the moment she walked on this street, she could feel the sky falling down. Oppressive force.

There were a few silver lights flowing around Iliya's body. She stared at the figure, her five fingers flicking rhythmically at this moment, and her silver hair immediately stretched out and flew away like three thousand fireflies. All the ruins went through.

The red-haired girl has already leaped out, he lifted a palm, then clasped his five fingers together, and whispered, "The wind."


The air flow immediately surging, swept from all directions to the location where Ilia and Belem were, and the biting wind even cut the floor.

But Yiliya's expression remained unchanged, her five fingers were collected, and the three thousand streamed fireflies returned immediately, and then wrapped the two in it, like a white cocoon.


The bitter wind was wrapped in the white cocoon but couldn't shake a single bit, but in the next moment, the silver hair spun up, and Ilia's hands had already waved in front of her, and the vast magic power filled the entire space, her hands facing down light point.

The earth is like a vast ocean.

The sea of ​​stone immediately set off a monstrous wave, directly obscuring the sky of the sun, as if falling from the sky, directly covering the red-haired girl, to drown it.

"This earth magic..."

The red-haired girl's eyes were slightly enlarged. She looked at the sea of ​​rocks that came over at such speed, and a vague figure appeared. It was a four-legged creature covered in earthy colors. It looked very cute, with the earthy colors open. Eye pupils looked up.

"Sisia, I'll help you."

"Are you okay?"

"My power can only show me this time, and I won't show up for a long time after that."

Hearing this, the red-haired girl named "Sisya" replied, "I understand, let's defeat her in one fell swoop."

That creature was the Earth Elf, and its whole body trembled slightly, and the brown magic power spread immediately, wrapping the whole body of the red-haired girl, that vast sea-like magic power was even greater than that of Ilia!

"The endless earth, in the name of the earth elves, make you clenched your fists and shatter the fantasy of the enemy!"

The red-haired girl chanted a long spell for the first time, her right hand clenched into a fist, and the earth behind her also rolled away, and finally turned into a kilometer-sized giant hand, the magic from the earth elves is contained in In the meantime, it can even stir the entire earth element!

Shihai came down with a fist, and the giant hand fisted against him. When the two collided, Wang Yang was blasted through with a punch, and then shattered like an overwhelming wave, and the last punch fell towards Ilia and Belen. .

Ilia also vomited a mouthful of blood because the blessed magic was broken. She took a step back to stabilize her body, and then raised her eyes to look at the huge fist. She could feel the same origin. The power of the elements.

Belen stood up on the side, holding the sword, and then taking a deep breath. Although there was not much strength left, he could not hurt Ilia in any way.

"Big brother, I am here to save you."

Illiya, who left this sentence, floated into the air. She looked at the fist of the earth that was getting closer, raised one hand, and faced the fist of the earth.


Belen was terribly alarmed when she saw that Illia was going to take it hard. He noticed that when the earth elf appeared. Even if Illia had a gift for earth magic, it could not be the earth. The opponent of the elves!

Just when he wanted to help, his whole body, who was forcibly using the amplification magic, was immediately shocked, and he collapsed on the ground and passed out into a coma.

After forcing himself to enter the "70%" level, he reached the "75%" level, and his body could no longer bear it.

"The earth, rise again."

That whisper sounded from Illiya's mouth, and the earth element between the heaven and the earth immediately turbulent. Under the shocked eyes of both sides, the earth outside the town broke apart and gathered towards this heaven and earth.

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