Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 283

So, Belen looked at Ilia. He remembered that when Ilia was facing the magic released by her opponent, Ilia was going to go hard, and he didn't know what happened next.

"Big brother, I can't beat that person, she left by herself."

As if seeing what Belen was guessing, Ilia naturally told the truth that she was "not an opponent".

"Forget it, just stay alive."

Hearing that, Belen no longer intends to entangle this matter, he stretched out his hand and rubbed Iliya's head, as long as Iliya was okay, it was enough.

In the distance, La Tier and the others also drove a commercial vehicle. After the noise in the town disappeared, Laya and La Tier decided to enter the town. Although they were dissuaded by the residents of the town, they decided to pass.

When Latir and Layar came to the street, Layar was relieved to see the two sitting there, while Latill saw Belen’s blood-covered clothes and the blood stains on the corners of Ilia’s mouth. Can't help crying.

"Mr. Belén! Ilia!"

Chapter 267: Inexplicable farce

When the war ended, the movement disappeared, and La Tier and Laya couldn't bear it anymore, and drove La Tisi in a commercial car to the town.

I was still praying in my heart, don't worry.

When seeing the two figures on the messy street, La Tier felt his heart throbbed, and tears couldn't stop flowing out at this moment.

"Mr. Belen..."

I want to ask if there is anything wrong, but it is covered with blood, no matter how you look at it.

"Don't cry or cry, it's all right."

Belen looked at the sensitive cat ears that wanted to touch him but didn't dare to touch him. He felt a little distressed. He stretched out his hand to stop the girl in his arms and stroked her hair with his hand.

"How, how is it possible, it's okay..."

Latier's voice was a little choked, she was clutching Belen's clothes tightly, she thought she was going to lose him.

"You can't die, you can't die, I want to see you grow up."

Knowing that La Tier is very sensitive now, Belem made a little joke without a trace, gently stroking the soft hair, not caring about the pain on his body.

Seeing Belém's appearance, Laya also asked very worriedly: "Mr. Belém, does it matter what you are like now?" The bright red all over his body was dazzling.

"It doesn't matter, I am apologized for that person cured."

"Who is it!"

After hearing this, La Tier sat up in shock, her cat ears immediately exploded, and her cat pupils were very fierce at the moment. She shouted: "Why do you hurt Mr. Belen and Ilia? Did you apologize!?"

This time, La Tier was really angry. She couldn't tolerate someone using this method to apologize, and she was even more worried, because it was almost impossible to see the two again.

Although Belen didn't understand what the red-haired girl meant, in fact, he thought it was enough as long as everyone was safe.

However, La Tier's hair explosion continued, and she fell into a blackened state for a while, and kept saying strange things in her mouth, which made Belen and Laya very helpless.

"Then, let's get out of here first."

Although the injury has recovered a lot, Belen is still weak. After trying his best, his body is undoubtedly very weak now, and his stomach is very hungry.

Latiel and Laya supported Belen on the side, while Latis pushed Belen’s waist behind, and Ilia walked in the front. The five people got into the commercial car and drove The person changed to Laiya.

"Big brother, are you really okay?"

Belen was lying on the bed at the moment, and Lattes crawled to the side of the bed. She glanced at the blood-filled shirt that was thrown aside, and then looked at the bandages wrapped around Belen.

Belen stretched out his hand and rubbed Latis’s little head. He comforted and said, “Big brother is just a little tired, don’t worry.”

At this moment, Elia is sitting on the other end of the big bed. She is looking at her palm blankly, her eyes are a little confused, she doesn't know what she is thinking.

Laya was driving a commercial car out of town at the moment, and she was deeply puzzled, her turquoise eyes twinkling slightly.

Since he made a big shot at this town and wounded Mr. Belém in that way, why did he choose to stop and heal Mr. Belén and Ilia at the last moment?

Judging from the recent experience, the people who launched the attack were probably "natural disaster" people, but if it were "natural disaster" people, how could they stop halfway?If I was afraid of Ilia, then why should they be cured in the end?

Although I don't know the situation at the time, and I haven't heard anything from Mr. Belém and Ilia, Laiya's embroidered eyebrows are slightly frowned, and I always feel something is thinking of it.

Perhaps that person is not a "natural disaster" person.

But Laya who thought of this still had doubts. If he was not a "natural disaster" person, then why would he attack this town?

Soon, the commercial vehicle came outside the hillside.

When everyone learned that there was no danger in the city, the residents immediately flocked to the town, after all, there were still their belongings there.

And Ermin woke up now, her body was also covered with bandages, and she remembered that Laiya and others were with Belen, so she asked the girl where Belen was.

Knowing that it was Elmin outside, Belen also slowly got up, casually put on a piece of clothing, and then walked out of the commercial car with the support of Lattier, because he also cared about something.

"Sorry, if it weren't for us, you wouldn't be hurt."

When Elmin saw the bandaged hands exposed on Belen's sleeves, he immediately realized that this young man must be injured, and just after waking up, she also felt a huge magical power and a huge movement. .

"It's ok."

Although he wanted to find a euphemistic reason, Belén couldn't find it. At that time, he just watched Nardo go to town to find his wife, and subconsciously followed him, and faced the dangerous two. He couldn't just sit idly by.

Nardo and Ermin paid a big gift to Belem. For them, this young man is their savior, and a person who needs a lifetime to repay.

After that, Belen learned the whole story from Ermin's mouth. After hearing the woman named "Oshodol" from the "natural disaster", Belen's eyes also narrowed slightly.

"Did that person lie to you to stop the red-haired girl outside the city?"

"Yes, if I didn't agree at the time, maybe I would already..."

Ermin believed her instinct very much. At that time, she did perceive a murderous intent. After she refused to join the "Scourge", the woman really wanted to kill her.

After listening to the whole thing, Belen knew exactly how ridiculous what he had just experienced. The woman named Oshoor said that someone in the organization chased her because of hatred, but the red-haired girl But it was not a witch, which was contrary to what Oshoor said at the time.

If this is the case, then one thing can be guessed, what the woman Oshodol said is all lies.

If this is the case, then the person who chased the "natural disaster" at that time might not be the "natural disaster" person. The reason why the red-haired girl did not kill them...

"Ilia, did that person say anything to you at the time?" After thinking for a moment, Belen looked at the little silver-haired girl who was still in a daze.

Illya came back to her senses, and then recalled what the red-haired girl had said before. She repeated what she had remembered, but she didn't say anything in the final dialogue, probably because she was a little bit ashamed.

After hearing what Ilia said, Belen also rubbed his temples with a headache. The red-haired girl was not a "natural disaster" person, so it's no wonder that she would let them go.

Probably the reason for surviving safely was the dialogue between Ilia and the other party.

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