Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 285

The boy woke up from the confusion, then rubbed his eyes, and after a little sober, he looked at the man in black standing at his desk.

This is a handsome young boy, his short hair is like black jade with a faint luster, and his pupils seem to be shining with the sun, and there is a round of red at the edge, shining with awe-inspiring spirit.

"Is there a problem?"

"I want to enter the school."

Hearing what the black-clothed man said, the boy was stunned, then frowned and said, "It wasn't me, don't you have any common sense? Our Flozarno Academy seems like anyone can enter and leave at will ?"

After hearing the words, Belen explained: "I am a graduate here."


After hearing Belen's words, the boy also opened his mouth wide, and got a little vigor. After a moment of sluggishness, he looked up and down Belen.

"Well, in what period did you graduate?"

Belen raised his brows slightly, as if he was a little uncertain after a while and said, "It seems to be the sixty-ninth issue."

Sixty-nine graduates?

After hearing the words, the boy was also stunned. In the 69th issue, he was the last student. Indeed, many seniors who graduated have come recently.

Thinking of this, the boy also stood up immediately, then saluted Belen, and then shouted with a smile: "Hello senior, I am a second-year student in this class, can you tell me the name of the senior?"

"My name is Belen, Belen Grean."

He didn't have any impression of the boy when he heard the name, but he thought about it. What I remember was those very famous seniors.

However, the students who can graduate from Flozarno Academy are not so bad.

"The senior came for the school festival too!"

Belen nodded. It is estimated that the old students came back for the school festival.

"I understand, I will register the name of the senior, and then you can go in." The boys seem to respect the senior graduates.

Belen asked, "Oh right, can I bring my family in with me?"


The boy looked at the four girls who were looking around at the scenery, and then he was stunned by the beauty of the girls, and what he liked most was the girl with blond hair.


After noticing the pointed ears of the blonde girl, the boy also recognized Laiya's identity, and now looked at Belem with a little surprise. He didn't expect that the senior brought an Elf tribe with him.

"It's okay, I will register together."

"sorry to bother you."

The boy smiled and said when registering: "I have been working here these few days, so this is my job, although it is usually idle."

Just when Belén and others were about to leave, he paused slightly, turned his head and looked at the handsome boy again and asked, "Well, can you tell me your name?"

The young man who was going to crawl down and dozed off heard Belen's voice and straightened his waist, then reported his name with a sunny smile.

"Kolsfin Murilag"

Seeing the bright smile of the young man, Belen suddenly remembered what Dian called "the era of jade". This seemingly lazy young man is probably one of them?

After the big iron door was opened a little bit, Belen drove a commercial vehicle into the Flozarno Academy. He didn't know if it was an illusion. Anyway, even the smelling air felt familiar.

Before approaching those buildings, Belen drove a commercial vehicle to the area where the vehicles were parked, and stopped at a random location.


After looking at the various vehicles parked here, La Tier couldn't help but let out an exclamation sound, and looked around in surprise.

There are golden and luxurious noble carriages, and some war horses and swift dragons are eating dry food. These are probably only used by nobles?

Compared with these, Belém’s commercial car looks too ordinary, even though it is still pulling a small house, it is probably a must for a monk travel.

Walking down the avenue, Latier and Laya looked around with some doubts, and Belen also saw what they were wondering, so they explained.

"It's probably a day off today. Two days a week are considered holidays, so it's normal to see no one in the school."

It turned out to be so.

La Tier and Laya suddenly realized that their eyes were attracted by the fluttering wicker all around. They have to say that the scenery here is beautiful, even the air is clear, and the environment is beautiful.

Immediately after I came to a huge semi-circular building, I could see the long glass when I looked up, but no one was there.

Belen looked at the building and said with some emotion: "That's where we have classes. It's a beautiful building. If you feel bored, you can still see the scenery outside through the glass wall."

"It's so happy to be able to go to school in such a school!"

Latil on the side also couldn't help but sigh, and then her gaze turned to the opposite side of the teaching building. It was a very wide square, and some people could be seen in that square. People are walking around.

"It's a square, it's not very useful. It's a place for students to take a walk in their free time. However, there is a sports square at the other end of the school garden, and there are indoor..."

Listening to Belen's words, La Tier was also amazed in her heart. Sure enough, this academy is so big, and La Tisi, who is on the side, is shining with big eyes at this moment, completely attracted by the environment here.

When he noticed the appearance of the sisters, Belen also smiled in his heart. He turned his head and looked at the teaching area, his heart jumped slightly, his gaze moved up and landed on the top of the circular teaching building, where he saw a person standing Over there.

Chapter 270: Girl with blue hair?

Belen, who vaguely noticed someone, stared at him. It was a girl who wanted to be a student here because she was wearing student costumes from Flozarno Academy.

Although vaguely you can see that it is a female student, she is not clear about her appearance, and the girl also turned and left after being spotted by Belen.

Belen didn't care about this episode, but continued to take La Tier and the others around the buildings in the academy. Although they had graduated here, they returned after many years, and they still had a fresh and familiar feeling.

"This is the dining hall."

"Okay, there is an elegant cafeteria."

Looking at the unique wooden building in front of her, Laiya was also attracted by the fresh temperament, which was a bit like her home.

"Mr. Belém! Can we eat in?"

"This...probably not?"

Belen scratched his cheeks a little helplessly. After all, they can only be regarded as visitors now. Although there is no rule that they cannot eat here, it is still a bit embarrassing to eat here cheeky.

However, Belen was still pulled into the cafeteria by the girls, and he was not good at resisting, so he let them in. Latier and the others were very interested in the structure of the cafeteria.

"It's pretty big!"

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