Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 288

"Do we need to talk privately about this?"

"This, this, also... let's go."

Belém's back began to sweat. He didn't expect this woman to care so much about her age, but she was one year older than herself.

"Well, having said that, my two children will come to take the exam in the future."

Belem immediately changed the subject and returned to the first thing he wanted to explain after the visit.

Selika asked curiously: "Which two are they?"

"It's Latis and Ilia."

Belen thought of something again, his eyes lit up, and he said in a little surprise: "By the way, the magic attribute of Latis is life!"


Selika was stunned. She looked at the little girl with cat ears, and then smiled in surprise: "That's a coincidence, Lattes, sister, my magic attribute is also life?"

That's right, Selika Isoles' magic attribute is also life!

At this moment, Latis didn't know much about magic attributes, and didn't know much about the basics of magic, so she didn't know that it meant life.

There are not many people who have the same magic power, but there are very few people who have the magic power of "life". In Belem’s impression, there are only three people, one is Selika and the other is Latis, there is also the head of the school who took good care of herself.

I had forgotten this before, but Belen didn't think of it until this moment. He was very happy. With Celica's help, Latis would definitely grow up on the road of magic very fast.

Selika was also happy to have a younger generation who also had the "life" attribute, and she was such a lovely girl.

Immediately afterwards, Selika looked at Ilia and asked curiously: "Ilia, do you want to enter this academy?"

In Selika’s intelligence, she can learn one thing, that the "witch" itself possesses a very powerful force, which can be learned from the incident when Leptchester Academy was attacked by "natural disasters" Then, this little silver-haired girl has the strength to fight against the core members of the "natural disaster".

Even Selika was shocked when she learned that "The Witch" was such a small child. She had never heard of anyone with such a gift for magic at this age.

This is not only Selika, but also Belem. He was also surprised after seeing Ilia's power for the first time. Has there ever been a unique existence like Ilia in ancient history books?

However, although Illya's own power has completely surpassed the word "student", Selika will not refuse. After all, the academy does not just make people stronger and exist.

"I want to come here."

Yi Liya's answer was firm.

"I see, maybe our school found the treasure." Selika nodded, then looked at Belen on the side, showing a somewhat helpless smile.

After all, in order to let such a child with beyond imagination enter the school, many things must be done carefully. As the principal of the school, Selika has to consider this matter.

Belen seemed to know that Selika would be worried, which was excusable, but he still rubbed Ilia's head with a smile.

"Ilia is a very good boy, don't worry."

Chapter 273: What is hard to tell

Selika also felt a little unreal about the fact that the "witch" who had a terrible reputation outside wanted to become a student of the school she managed.

However, Selika had an inexplicable affection after seeing Ilia's first glance, perhaps because of being a child, and of course because of Belen's trust in the little girl.

"Selika, is the school festival held normally?"

Belen finally cared about this question after recalling something.

Selika knew what Belen was thinking in an instant. She smiled and said, "Are you concerned about "natural disasters"?"

"Well, that organization is very powerful."

Belen recalled the woman in the red dress at the time, and a dignified color appeared in her eyes. In addition, there was also the red-haired girl who was not particularly sure whether it was a member of the "Scourge".

Although she heard what Belen said, Selika was still very calm. She smiled and asked, "Since you have fought with them, why don't you tell me who you met?"

Belen nodded slightly, and then informed Selika of all the people he had encountered so far who could be identified as members of the "natural disaster", who, as the principal of the school, should have known this information.

"Of the people you meet, the most important ones should be the space witch and the flame witch."

Selika also frowned slightly when she learned that there was a witch who could use space magic. From Belen’s words, she might not be very powerful, but the biggest effect of space magic is not to use against the enemy. Ah, so this is a point that needs attention.

And Selika also knows a lot about the attack on Leptchester Academy, but from Belen that she saw with her own eyes, she knew that the flame maiden was a very strong existence.

Selika roughly judged it: "The Flame Witch should also be one of the core members of the "Scourge", so there are already two now."

"Two? There is one more?" Belen asked curiously.

Selika told: "There is also an ice maiden who uses ice magic. She previously appeared alone and attacked the Holy See's headquarters, and then retreated all over her body. The war has started since then."

"Ice and Snow Miko?"

This reminded Belen of Socia. He knew that the latter was also an ice maiden, but he shouldn't be the core member of the "natural disaster" mentioned by Selika. After all, Socia is quite powerful, but she has no ability. Go and attack the headquarters of the Holy See and then retreat all over.

If it was the beginning, Belem thought that this "natural disaster" was irrelevant, but now he doesn't think so. The "natural disaster" has an unimaginable power, and they are confident that they can counter all external factors. It is very scary.

Immediately afterwards, Belen noticed that Selika was still smiling, and asked in confusion: "Aren't you worried that the organization will launch an attack at the school festival?"

In response, Selika just took out a biscuit from the side and put it in her mouth to chew, and then said nonchalantly: "I'm really looking forward to their arrival, maybe I can catch it all in one go."

"Why did you fail to learn from Flori?" Belen looked at Selika with a weird look.

Selika stretched out her hand to wipe off the biscuit residue at the corner of her mouth, and then said with a chuckle: "I just thought, if the "natural disaster" wants to attack us, then it is their best time to launch an attack at the school festival, but it is also Our best time."

Hearing this, Belen was also slightly startled, and then quickly realized something.

After the school festival is held, it must be very lively, but at the same time, the defense is also the loosest. At this time, the "natural disaster" will have a great advantage in launching an attack. However, when the school festival is held, you will be in the school It's not just the students who go to school every day.

Gathered at the school festival, but there are countless magisters from outside, and countless graduates who have graduated from here and have grown to be able to stand alone.

At such a moment, the defense of Flozarno Academy was formed naturally, possessing that invisible power, even in the face of a massive attack of "natural disasters", it might be fearless at all.

After thinking of this, Belen also suddenly realized, it's no wonder Selika is confident, and everyone who comes to the school festival will be soldiers and generals.

"I understand."

Selika nodded, put her hands on the table, her snow-white pointed chin pressed against the back of her hand, and a sharp light flashed in her eyes.

"In any case, I am also the head of the school. If they dare to commit crimes, they will not be able to eat."

At this moment Selika looked like a superior person, and this appearance immediately made La Tier and the others show admiring eyes. Sure enough, the principal of Flozarno Academy is a very remarkable person. !

"You all have grown up."

And Belen also sighed at this moment, thinking that Verney has become the heir to a big industry, Flotti has become the special minister of the Imperial Army, Morpheus has become a general, and Putin and Ser Lika has also become the principal of their respective schools.

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