Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 299

After hearing these words, Kaile smiled and approached Belen. The distance was like in a small restaurant at the time, and he was envious of others.

"Your eyes are much more vivid now."

Upon hearing this, Belen asked curiously: "What do you mean?"

"Meaning, you have become handsome."

"Obviously you haven't seen me before that."

Hearing Kai Le's joking words, Belen felt a little helpless. This guy's thinking still jumped off as always, and he couldn't keep up.

Puding on the side vomited: "Hey, hey, Kaile, why are you still so shameless and impatient."


Kai Le's gaze moved down slightly. After seeing Puding, he smiled and said: "Puding, you are here, why are you still so young?"

"Wow, you actually ignored me from the beginning! Also, what can I do if I don't grow up?!" Putin stared at Kai Le dissatisfied.

"Oh, everyone is here, eh? Are there some guys yet to come?"

A young blue-haired man in casual clothes came to this circle. He seemed very happy after seeing Selika and others. There was a charming smile on his face.

"Zona! Long time no see!"

Seeing the blue-haired man, Morpheus also smiled and stretched out his hand.

Seeing Morpheus, the man named Zona happily said hello: "Morpheus, you are still the same, but I heard that you seem to be a general? What a great time, how long is this? "

"Haha, although I want to say it's not worth mentioning, it seems to be something to be proud of."

Morpheus laughed indifferently, then came to the blue-haired man and put his fist on the latter's shoulder. Obviously the relationship between the two was very good.

Putin suddenly shouted at this moment: "Hey, Zona, you won't ignore me!"

After hearing the sound, Zona immediately turned his head and looked around, and then noticed Putin. He laughed and said, "How could it happen? Of course I noticed you."

"No, you guys definitely don't!" Putin bulged his cheeks, very cute.

After frolicking with Putin for a while, Zona smiled and looked at the tea-haired beauty on the side, and smiled."Selika, you are already the head of the school? You deserve to be the chief of our sword house."

Hearing this, Selika also smiled and said: "Then what about you? Where did you go?"

When Selika asked, Zona wouldn’t be vague. After thinking about it, he smiled and said, “I’m going to travel around the world, but even so, I just went to the Kingdom of Opuro. , But I did see a lot of nice scenery."

"Go to the Kingdom of Opuro?" Shaxiang was a little surprised. After all, Florentis and Opuro were far away, and he didn't expect Zona to travel there.

"Yeah, oops, Saxiang is really getting higher and higher. By the way, are you Selika's secretary now? That's great." Zona smiled and looked at Saxiang.

Shaxiang smiled and nodded when he heard the words, and then squinted at the white-clothed man. He habitually said sarcastically: "Zona has traveled so far. Unlike some people, he can only spend the years. We are running in Florence."

Hearing such a venomous ridicule, Belem’s forehead was immediately covered with black lines. This woman was so cruel that she would never give up the opportunity to taunt him. I had known this before, and those games should have been allowed. She was.

"You... are you?"

Zona also noticed Belem. At the moment he saw the latter, he felt extremely familiar, but this face had never existed in his memory.

But in spite of this, Zona still remembered, after all, there was only one unfamiliar face from a familiar person. He looked at Belen in disbelief, and finally showed a stunned expression.

"My God, you won't be the second swordsman!?"

Seeing that the other party recognized it, Belen’s face also showed a smile, he walked forward, and said with deep emotion: “Long time no see, Zona, my name is Belen Grean, don’t call me Jianju Two."

The person in front of him is the third seat of the former Jianju Society, Zona Libdo.

Chapter 285: Al is coming too?

It is undoubtedly very emotional to see an old friend whom I haven't seen for a long time, and Belen and Zona are the same kind of people. The two have been wandering away and have not returned to the school in these years.

After hearing that Belém had been wandering outside all these years, Zona immediately found a confidant, with one hand on Belém's shoulder, and laughed.

"Sure enough, the two of us are still in good time, hahaha!"

The retelling of the two is undoubtedly very cheerful. After all, the two understood each other very well when they were in the academy, and it is no exception even many years later.

"The school principal."

A blue-haired girl came to Selika, nodded slightly and passed a piece of paper in her hand to Shaxiang, who also took it.

Seeing this blue-haired girl, Belen was also slightly startled. He remembered that he saw this girl the first day he came here, who turned out to be a senior student.

"Vilion, tonight is a banquet, you should go to play more."

Selika smiled and talked to the blue-haired girl named "Villian".

At the moment, the blue-haired girl is wearing a fresh light blue dress, looks noble like a white swan, and her breathtaking temperament makes many people unable to look away.

And Weilian also noticed Belen, she nodded slightly to the latter, and then said hello: "Hello senior."

"Hello there."

Belen blinked and stared at the pale blue pupils that he thought were beautiful.

After noticing Belen's gaze, Shaxiang on the side showed a sly smile. She said: "Belen, what are you doing so much to stare at our student president?"

"Student president?"

Belen didn't care about Saxiang's words, but more concerned about it.

"Belen, this is the current student council president of our academy, Weilian Allis, a second-year student, and a very beautiful girl, is your heart moving?" Selika on the side is also playful Belen was teased.

Hearing that, Belen gave Selika a white, and then looked at the blue-haired girl unexpectedly. He didn't expect this girl to be the current student council president.

It seems that he is a very capable person. After all, the student president of Flozarno Academy is not something he can become if he wants to be.

Selika patted the blue-haired girl on the shoulder, then smiled and said, "Vilion, these are graduates of the same time as me."

After hearing the words, Weilian was stunned, then slightly nodded to the crowd before turning and leaving, but she seemed to have followed Selika's words before, and now she walked towards her own small circle.

"Really a girl of natural beauty." Puding smiled and exclaimed.

The blue-haired girl named Weilian exudes a very comfortable aura, and it is obviously very capable to be the president of the student council, it should be very respected.


Belen nodded slightly, he thought so too.

At this moment, Kaile on the side suddenly approached Belen again, and then smiled and asked: "Belen, what do you like, what do you think of me?"

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