Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 302

"Are you waiting for someone?" Flotti also noticed this.

Belen looked at Florty. He remembered that Florty knew Al, so he spoke bluntly. He said, "I'm waiting for Al."

"Al?" Flotti was stunned when he heard the words, then seemed to think of something, and asked with a smile: "I remember that you and Al seem to have a very different relationship. Could it be that you two are. .. Couples?"

"Huh? No, no, that guy and I were childhood sweethearts."

After hearing the words of Fu Luodi, Belem is inexplicable some confusion, then quickly shook his head for a moment to explain what the couple ah, that if Al to hear, and fear is be beat ah.

"Is it a childhood sweetheart?"

Flotti stretched out a hand and placed it in front of her seductive lips, her eyes full of playfulness. This flattery made many people who saw it subconsciously swallowed.

When Belen saw her look like this, he was a little helpless, then waved his hand and said: "You should go to Selika and others first, I will continue to wait."

Flotti laughed and leaned to Belem's side, and said with a goosebump-like charm: "I'm so reluctant that I stay with you?"

"Stay if you want, then trouble you to be normal, I'm about to become the enemy of the whole people."

Belen felt very helpless after noticing the murderous gazes around him. He was already a big figure in a high position, but he still had a child mentality.

"I know, I know."

Hearing this, Flotti also glanced at the drooling men around him, and then reached out and took Belen's arm and put his head on his shoulder.

"Hey, you, what are you doing! Let go!"

"What are you doing? It's easier for those people to give up."

"No, no, they must have scolded me in their hearts!"

Sure enough, Belen found that those murderous gazes were even more awe-inspiring at this moment, and those people's mouths seemed to be shattered, saying things like "being arched by a pig", which made the corners of his mouth twitch, and wanted to vomit. Now, he is not a pig no matter what!

Just when Belen was trying to let Flotti let go, his eyes suddenly found a familiar figure. He raised his eyes and saw that there was a man wearing a blue-purple official uniform. The beautiful girl walked slowly, so the heroic and beautiful girl naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

When he saw the girl, Belen's eyes widened slightly, and at the same time, those blue-purple eyes were also squinted. The two eyes met at this moment, and the peace in the latter's eyes gradually emerged. Unbelievable look.


Chapter 288: About that person

At this moment, Al was standing in place, she didn't expect to meet Belém here. Could it be that this guy has traveled all the way here, is there such a coincidence?

"Hey, Al."

Belen also stretched out his hand to say hello, his eyes were full of joy, and the corners of his mouth were faintly smiling.Perhaps even he himself didn't realize that his smile was getting more and more than ever.

Immediately afterwards, Al's gaze suddenly shrank, and she noticed Flotti on the side. No, to be precise, she noticed the hand holding Belen's arm.

Al walked towards Belem, and when she came to the latter, she asked with a very serious look: "When is the matter!?"

"Huh? What?"

Belen had no idea what else Al said.

And Flotti on the side had already guessed something, and covered her mouth with one hand and smiled softly: "Oh, hate it, so you didn't tell Al about the two of us."

"Huh? What can we do? Wait, Ai, Al, don't be impulsive!"

Belen was completely confused by the sudden situation in front of him, but soon he felt an indescribable killing intent, and he found that the priest girl in front of him began to sparkle.

Belen, who had nothing to do with Al, immediately asked for help to the girl who was snickering beside him, and said quickly: "Flotti, what are you playing, please explain!"

"Good, good."

Flotti was also amused to see Belen being so anxious, and then let go of Belen's hand, looked at Al, and explained with a smile.

"Just kidding, it's not what you think, Al, I have nothing to do with Belen."

El lifted her eyes to look at Flotti. There were electric flashes in those blue-purple eyes, and there was even an electric arc between the hair. She looked at the girl in front of her with some caution.

"Really? You don't like Belem?"


Belen was stunned, then shook his head and hurriedly pointed at Flotti, explaining to Al, "How could she like me, Al, you don't know, she doesn't like men..."

However, the words have not yet been completed. Belen’s head was suddenly pressed against his head by a hard muzzle. It was a military magic device with strong power. Lun also stopped immediately and glanced at the girl beside him stiffly.

Flotti was looking at him with a smile, her enchanting eyes blinked, and she whispered, "What do you want to say? It's best to think about it."

"I, I see, in a nutshell, how could Flotti like someone like me?" Belem's expression was a little stiff.

The secret about Flori is not only Belem, as long as the guys who know Flori know well, this guy likes women.

El glanced at Florty weirdly. After all, what Belen had just said was almost finished. It was almost not difficult to judge, and she never knew about this.

Flotti looked at Al again, and said pitifully, "Al, don't you hate me for that?"

"No." Al shook his head.

"Sure enough, Al is the best!"

Flotti immediately hugged Al into his arms, a sly color flashed in her eyes, and she grabbed Al's straight buttocks without a trace.


El immediately pushed Flotti away, her face flushed, and she looked at the latter in disbelief. When she saw the unfulfilled expression on the face of the person in front of her, she couldn't help but chill.

Now that you know everything, then I'm not welcome.

This was what Flotti thought in her heart. She smiled and said, "I'll go in first, and you guys will talk slowly." Then, after giving Al a meaningful look, she turned and left.

Watching that graceful figure leave, Al shuddered and said, "Belen, is Florty such a dangerous person?"

Belen doesn't quite understand what Al's statement is based on. Is it possible that Al is against this tendency?

After a while, Al looked at Belem again, and asked curiously: "Why are you here?"


Belén scratched his cheek with a finger, then took a deep breath, and said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I kept it from you for a long time."

"What's the matter?" Al was also stunned.

Belen pointed to the direction inside the academy, and then said: "I used to be a student here."


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