Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 318

"Then come on."

Belen only felt that his mood was a little complicated, and then stopped struggling with it. Although he didn't like this guy, he couldn't prevent him from liking Al because of this. There was no reason to allow him to do that.

As a result, Belen turned around and was about to leave, feeling that there was no point in staying here. He originally thought that the other party would make a move, but his sudden change of calm mentality surprised him.

All in all, something has changed?

Kayère was also stunned after seeing the other party leaving, always feeling that something was wrong. He declared war so boldly, why didn't this guy give a response?Is this a straight surrender, or accepts the challenge by default?

"Forget it, go to Al."

No longer thinking about it, Kayel didn't bother to take care of so much, just do his own thing well.

And under a tree in the back, the priest girl was leaning back there, her eyes had a complicated look, a little embarrassed, that Kayère actually said such bold words.

Because he was still worried about the situation here, Al still broke free of Laiya's entanglement, but he didn't expect to come here to hear such an incredible topic.

Al stood there in silence for a long time, then raised his head and looked at the blue sky and white clouds. There was a little sullen expression in his complex expression, and he muttered softly.

"You idiot."

When cooking in the evening, there was another pair of tableware on this table.

"Sister Al, where have you been these days? Can you tell us?"

The girls waiting for the food on the table also found the topic, and La Tier was looking at Al curiously at the moment. As for the scene I saw today, it has long been revealed as a game, although it is indeed a game.

"Okay, then, where do I start."

Al also talked to the girls about what happened these days, but most of them started from interesting places. As for the dark and dangerous stories, although they are not hidden, they are also told in interesting ways.

Eliya on the side was also quietly listening. She also had a good impression of this beautiful big sister, because La Tier and the others also liked this big sister very much.

After finishing the meal and cleaning up the dishes, Belen was naturally called out by Al alone, after all, the latter wanted to know too much.

At night, with the bright moon and bright, in a park full of willow trees, Al was sitting on a long wooden chair, and Belen was sitting beside her.

"That kid is..."


Belen naturally knew that Al was referring to Elia. He probably knew it from the first time she saw Elia. After all, he was most afraid of so many things.

Seeing that Belen had admitted, Al was also puzzled and asked: "Why is she by your side? The news I got was taken away by some organization."

Hearing this, Belen shook his head and said: "I did the prisoner robbing, not an organization. It was just a change from people outside."

"It turned out to be like this." Al was stunned, and then said with a smile: "Such a cute child shouldn't be in such a dirty place."

When he heard this, Belen also turned his head to look at Al, thinking that the latter would say something about legal affairs, which surprised him a bit.

And Al also noticed Belen's surprised gaze, and looked back at the latter, with a slight smile on her delicate face, she said, "Do you think I will tell you something?"


"I won't. Besides, Illya is not a witch, and this is not my responsibility."

Al glanced at Belen, then turned the subject around and asked: "Then, let's talk about the fact that you are a graduate of Flozarno Academy."

"Actually, there is nothing to say."

Hearing Belem’s words, Al immediately exploded. She glared at Belem and shouted: "Why is there nothing to say?! You have kept this from me for so long, can't I know these things now?"

Hearing this, Belem said helplessly: "If I told you at that time, probably you are not a Vatican arbitrator but a graduate of Flozarno Academy."


When Elton was speechless, his face flushed, and he shouted dissatisfied: "I won't follow you!"

"It's hard to tell, you were always behind me when you were a kid." Belen's eyes were smiling softly, and he still remembered the little guy who had been following his butt.

"That's the time when I was younger! I won't keep following you!"

"Yes, yes, after all, you are now an arbitrator."

Hearing this, Al just snorted, and then continued to ask: "So, what's the matter with that woman who likes to talk? Why did she bring you to Flozarno Academy?"

"She, she seems to be the honorary lecturer of this academy." Belen thought about it, and now he also knows Antelina's intentions, and he said with a feeling of exclamation: "Probably, she was thinking Change who I was then."

Listening to Belen’s words, she looked at Belem in front of her. Al also recalled the past, when Belen was taciturn, where he can communicate normally with people like now, even if she grew up with him. Sometimes I can only talk to each other occasionally.

Compared with childhood, Belem has changed a lot now.

"Antelina actually has another title."


Belen looked at Al's eyes, and then uttered two words.

""Sword Saint"."

Chapter 305: Is this a reconciliation?

That night, the news from Belen instantly dazzled Al, which caused her to sleep well all night. After all, there is the fact that the wordy woman is a contemporary "sword saint". It was too shocking.

That woman who likes to drink and is particularly verbose and sometimes very sloppy is actually a "sword saint"?One of the strong men standing at the top of the world!?

No, no, how is this possible!

Al can't combine the rumored contemporary "Juggernaut" with the figure of that woman. How can that guy have the style of a master?

During the day.

Al got up a little listlessly. She was living in a spare room in the student dormitory. However, she did not sleep well. This is obviously not due to the environment of the student dormitory. It is better to say that the student dormitory here is too much. She occupies a room by herself.

She wants to see Antelina again now, but according to Belen, even he himself hasn't seen Antelina for many years, so where did she go?

Did you return to the Fairy Forest?This shouldn't be possible. After all, Laya is a member of the elves, and it makes no sense that Belen did not ask, so where would she go?

Furthermore, Al was also unacceptable for the matter of Belém for a while, from an ordinary person she considered ordinary to a graduate of Flozarno Academy, and a disciple of the "Juggernaut".

Al had heard about the "Sword Saint" disciple, but he didn't have any clear deeds about the "Sword Saint" disciple. Therefore, it was impossible to compare Belen's figure on it.

There are so many things to know all at once.

Al shook her head, put the problem behind her head, then got up to dress and wash. After finishing everything, she will execute her plan today to visit this magic school.

When Al opened the door, a tall man greeted her. She was taken aback, and then asked suspiciously: "Kayel?"

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