Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 327

"Although so far there has been no "natural disaster" attacking the Flozarno Academy, but I still can't be careless, I always think they will do something extraordinary."

Hearing Al’s words, Belen also nodded, but he was not very worried about whether the "natural disaster" was coming.

So far, the "natural disaster" has launched countless large-scale terrorist attacks, but only one failed. That was the one at Leptchester Academy. It was mainly due to the unknown factor of time magic.

But if you want to win Flozarno Academy without paying a huge price, there is no possibility at all. This is the top magic academy in Florentis.

in the afternoon.

At this moment, Sisya was walking alone on the avenue. She looked at the people coming and going around. She did not meet Belen and others this morning, because the school was too big, so she has not found it until now.

"What about Laya and others..."

The brave man searched for a day but couldn't find Belen and others. At the moment, he was a little depressed. He asked for a few meat skewers in the small stall and went on walking alone.

"I don't know where Irene and the others are now. I brought them here if I knew it."

The brave man, Sisiah sighed. It hasn't been long since returning from the expedition that she encountered the organization "Scourge". Being a "brave" is really hard work.

Just when Sisya was eating the meat skewers helplessly, her chewing movements and footsteps suddenly stopped, and then suddenly turned her head and looked at the other end of the street, where a figure in a black robe was gradually disappearing.

That feeling...

"Sisya, that person has the aura of a demon."

Several little elves appeared beside Sisia, and these elves stared at the black robe figure that was gradually away.

Hearing this, Sisya's eyes suddenly sharpened, and her figure disappeared in the next moment, chasing after the black robe figure.

Demons, how could they appear here?

There are demons in the kingdom, and they came to Flozarno Academy so boldly, there must be some purpose!

At this moment, Sisya had already arrived in the forest at the other end of the school, her pretty face frowned, and it was obvious that the figure was not moving fast, but she did not keep up, and her breath disappeared by this point. What the hell does this happen?

"So "Brave" is such a beautiful girl."

A tall woman in a purple dress walked out from behind the tree. Her face was very beautiful, and her temperament was more like the big sister next door. Her beautiful face had an enthusiastic smile at this moment. The enchanting eyes were looking at Sisya unscrupulously.


Feeling the subtle difference in magic power, Sisya immediately noticed the identity of the other party, and knew that the other party was still a very strong witch, and the other party's body had huge fluctuations in magic power. It was a realm of magic power. It is imperceptible.

"Are you a "natural disaster" person?"

After judging that the other party was a witch, Sisya immediately thought of the "natural disaster". The witch who appeared in Flozarno Academy during the school festival is difficult to think of the organization that she did not think of.

Chapter 314: Entering the Enemy Camp Alone

"When we first met, I was one of the core of "Scourge", Garofen Adistein."

The tall lady with big sister's temperament smiled like Sisya who was calm about her identity, and her calmness undoubtedly made the brave man in front of him murderous.

Sisiya looked indifferent, and said in a cold voice: "You "natural disaster" people are really bold enough to appear in front of me again and again."

At this moment, Sisya looked like the legendary "brave". There was an invisible force on her body, and even the air seemed to be suppressed a lot.

There was murderous intent in Garofen’s smile, but she behaved like an ordinary person. She smiled and said: "Our Oshoor is really a hard-working brave man who took care of him. Until now, the injury has not healed. Maybe if she ran away. If it’s slow, you may not be able to come back."

Sisia stared at the woman in front of her. Based on the information she knew so far, plus the one in front of her, there were already four core members of the "natural disaster" organization.

"There are several core members of your "natural disaster"."

"Well, otherwise, Master Brave guess it?"

Seeing that the other party didn't want to say anything, Sisia didn't talk nonsense with it. A scarlet big sword appeared in her hand. It was her holy sword named "Eternal".

Seeing that holy sword, Jia Luofen's eyes also showed a touch of jealousy, and immediately chuckled: "Eternal holy sword, it is really terrible, but sir brave, I will come this time I didn't want to fight you."

"I'm here."

Sisya stared at Jarofen. She would attack if the latter wanted the slightest movement. After hearing the latter's words, she knew that the other party had other purposes.

"I want to show Master Brave something."

Jialuofen didn't care about Sisia's wary gaze, she took out a cross pendant, radiating a faint light in the dim moonlight.

"Hera's pendant!"

When she saw the cross pendant, Sisya also opened her eyes, and her eyes gradually became fierce. She shouted: "What happened to Hera!?"

I'm hooked.

The corner of Jia Luofen's mouth evoked the charm of the charm, and then shook the cross pendant in his hand, and said meaningfully: "The brave man really has a good relationship with the saint woman. If you want to see her, come with me? Don't attack me, or the Lord Saint may not be able to keep it."

Regarding Sisiya's question, Garofen didn't mean to answer, turned around and walked away, and she was still throwing the cross pendant in her hand, which seemed to be hanging.

Sisia stood there, her expression a little hesitant, she knew that the other party wanted her to step into the trap willingly, but at the moment she knew it was helpless.

"Sisya, they must have prepared a strategy to deal with you."

"Hera is not necessarily in their hands."

Listening to the voices from the elves in the ears, Sisia understood their meaning, but what if Hera is really in the hands of the "natural disaster"?

So Sisia made her own decision, and she followed. She wanted to know if Hera was in the other's hands, and again, she wanted to know one thing.

Does the "natural disaster" collude with the demons!

In the deep mountains, Jialuofen stopped in front of a rock wall, then smiled and looked at Sisia who was walking behind him with a sword, and made a please gesture.

Sisia looked at the stone wall, her eyes condensed slightly: "You actually set up a space teleportation array here, you really want to attack Flozarno Academy!"

Regarding this, Jialuofen did not comment, but continued to make the gesture of please. She smiled and said: "I think Lord Brave should care about this now."

Sisiya snorted coldly, glanced at Garofen, and then walked towards the stone wall like this, the fluctuation of the magical power of the space directly caused it to disappear in place.

Knowing that there are traps and dangers, but because there is a reason to move forward, the "brave man" will definitely go forward.


The scene in front of Sisya was instantly renewed, and she also raised her magical power to the peak in an instant, looking around with vigilance.

Here is a dark forest, mostly with dead branches and rotten leaves, and even the sky is extremely gloomy, as if there is still a trace of blood behind the clouds, and the atmosphere is therefore very strange.

"Welcome to the headquarters of "Natural Disasters", Dear Brave Sir, long time no see."

Three figures walked out, and it was not the first time that a woman in a blue dress had met with Sisia, because this was the first core member to appear in the "natural disaster".

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