Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 329

Sisiya also felt the convergence of ice elements between the heavens and the earth, and without waiting for her to think about it, the ice crystals began to freeze up under her feet.

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

A childish female voice sounded, and a little ice crystal appeared above Sisya's head. She raised her hands, and she seemed to be whispering something in her small mouth.

That is, the snow elf!

Gaura and the others can see the identity of the ice crystal villain at a glance. She knows that "the brave" has a variety of elves to protect, so Gaura is not sure whether the "brave" has ice elves.

It seems that she needs help.

When the snow elf appeared, the extreme cold temperature suddenly receded naturally, and under her control, the ice blue between heaven and earth also receded.

"I need... rest."

The figure of the ice and snow elf quickly faded away. As an elemental elf, she could not have appeared in the world for a long time. In addition, it took a lot of effort to eliminate the power of the ice and snow mantra.

"Get a good rest."

The ice crystals that had frozen to the half of her body broke apart, and the eternal holy sword in Sisiya's hand had already gathered strength at this moment, and she stared at the "natural disasters" in front of everyone.

"Eternal Sacred Sword, the end of everything!"

That sword was slowly slashed down, as if it was about to annihilate the world. The power of this sword could not be picked up by anyone present, even if Gaura possessed the Mantra of Ice and Snow, he could not stop it!

"Your honor, please help us."

Under the call of Gaou, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the magic circle, standing in front of the eternal holy sword, it was a mysterious man in a black robe.

When Sisia’s sword fell, a black robe figure appeared in her eyes, and the gray hair and the pair of pentagram-marked eyes fell into her pupils. At this moment, Lord Brave's pupils suddenly shrank. .

"How are you..."

Before I heard the words clearly, the brilliance of the eternal holy sword was suddenly swallowed by a gray-white magic power. All the luster seemed to dim in an instant, and the heaven and the earth were filled with the smell of death.

Seeing the opportunity, Guyola also shouted loudly: "Jie Feng!"

Chapter 316: Are you ready?


A buzzing sound resounded between the heavens and the earth, the originally huge magic circle had shrunk countless times, and it was sealed on Sisia like a shackle, and a series of incomparable magic patterns were submerged in her body.


All the magic circuits in the body were cut off, and the severe pain passed through Sisiya's body. She gritted her teeth and stood still unable to move, exhausting her last mind, mobilizing all the elves to protect herself, and then Fainted to the ground.

"Have you mobilized the protection of all the elves together? It really won't kill you, but we still have more important things for you to help."

Guyora walked over, her ice-blue eyes seemed to be able to see the seven-color illusory magic lingering on Sisia, and then she turned and looked at the black-robed man.

"Thank you for your help. If we need our help in the future, we will definitely help you reach it."

The five-pointed star under the black robe glanced at Sisia, then turned and left. The figure gradually disappeared into the darkness, but there was a voice.

"We'll talk if you can win."

It was a female voice, a slightly soft voice, a very soft voice, but it was not so comfortable in the ear, because it was a voice without any emotion.

Looking at the direction in which the black-robed man was leaving, Gaola's eyes flashed with unknown light, and the Yanlian Temple on the side stepped forward and glanced at that direction curiously.

"Who is she?"

You must know that being able to resist that sword must have power beyond imagination, and what kind of existence does a person with such power exist?

The core members of their "Scourge" all knew that the mysterious black-robed man was a member of the Demon Race, and he was definitely a strong man in the Demon King Army, but they didn't know the other details.

"I don't know, but only if it can help us."

Guyora doesn't care who the other party is. Maybe the other party has their own goals, but it is enough not to conflict with them. It is better to be able to cooperate.

Immediately afterwards, Guyora looked to the rear, where a woman stood, and she said, "Rosvia, I will leave it to you next."

Flozarno Academy.

At this moment, no one in this academy knew that such a big thing had happened, but after three more days, someone had noticed something.

On this day, Belen was walking on the main road. He looked at the lively school festival, but he thought of something weird. In the past few days, he hadn’t seen Sisia, but he had been there for the past few days. The people around them will inevitably notice if they disappeared.

Where did the brave man go?

But Belen was just curious, and didn't particularly care about it. Perhaps the brave man might have something to do now. After all, he is a "brave man," so no one needs to worry about it.

At night, today's school festival also ended successfully.

Selika is also stretching in the corridor at the moment. Today, it can be regarded as busy. She has to direct the transportation of goods and equipment. After all, there is not enough manpower. At this time, as the principal of the school, she does not want to be lazy alone.


Selika, who had already come to the door of the office at the moment, turned her head to look at the sound of high heels, and smiled when she saw that it was Shaxiang.


Shaxiang also greeted with a smile, and then came to Selika, rubbing her eyes a little sleepily. She said, "I want to sleep, but I still have some documents to sort out, so I came to get information. "

"Thank you."

"To each other."

As a result, the two girls walked into the office together, and the moment they were chatting at the back door closed, their voice stopped abruptly.

Selika and Shaxiang turned around and looked at the door, and then noticed the surrounding walls. A magic pattern suddenly covered all the surrounding walls.

Seeing this scene, the two also looked at each other and saw the uneasy color in each other's eyes. Sha Xiang came to the door, then tightened her fist, ran her magic power, and then slammed out.


The punch was not implemented on the door, but was blocked by the magic lines. Even after using the power to double her, she could not break the magic barrier. Upon seeing this, Sha Xiang turned her head and looked at Se Lika.



Selika nodded slightly, then turned and walked to the glass wall. She couldn't see the outside scenery, and her eyes were a hazy gray.


"It seems that the "natural disaster" is coming."

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